当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 > 2001年第2期 > 正文


     王彩琴 李传结

    摘 要:目的:为进一步了解MEBO治疗的烧伤创面分泌物的细菌检出情况及耐药性。方法:采集92份标本,用普通细菌培养方法,进行培养分离、鉴定、药敏试验,并对湿润烧伤膏进行不同浓度稀释后,做细菌耐药试验,细菌抗生素试验,采用K-B纸片法。结果:92份标本,阳性75例,占81.8%,金黄色葡萄球菌,铜绿假单胞菌所占比率较高,且耐药性较高。结论:经试验,湿润烧伤膏没有明显的杀菌作用,但能阻止细菌繁殖侵袭,达到控制感染的目的。细菌耐药分析说明金黄色葡萄球菌及铜绿假单胞耐药率很高,应加强全身抗生素治疗,合理选择使用抗生素。


    分类号:Q939; R285 文献标识码:A


    Bacteria Culture of Wounds Treated with MEBT and Drug Sensitivity Analysis

    Wang Cai-qin(Dept of Burns, the 1st People's Hospital, Shizuishan City, Ningxia 753200)

    Li Chuang-ji(Dept of Burns, the 1st People's Hospital, Shizuishan City, Ningxia 753200)

    Abstract:Objective: To investigate the detective rate of bacteria in wounds treated with MEBO and the drug resistance of the bacteria. Method: 92 specimens taken from burn patients were cultured in an ordinary way, then isolated and identified and drug resistance of the bacteria was tested. MEBO was diluted to different concentrations and then drug resistance of the bacteria was tested using K-B paper method. Results: Among the 92 specimens, 75 were positive (81.8% ). Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa accounted for the most. and they had a high drug resistance. Conclusion: MEBO did not have marked bacteriocidal effect, but it inhibited the proliferation and invasion of the bacteria so it could control bacterial infection ......
