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http://www.100md.com 《中华医学研究杂志》 2004年第8期
     【摘要】 目的 了解意外妊娠妇女避孕行为。方法 采用自制的统一问卷对意外妊娠妇女进行问卷调查。结果 36.19%女性在性生活时经常采取避孕措施,42.12%因避孕失败引起本次意外妊娠,57.88%未使用避孕措施。46.90%术后避孕方法首选是避孕套,其次已婚妇女为IUD,未婚女性为口服避孕药。在意外妊娠女性中,未婚占了39.56%。结论 在计划生育知情服务中,应加强对育龄妇女的健康教育及对避孕方法的咨询和指导,特别是未婚青年,提高对避孕方法的正确使用率,从而降低意外妊娠率。

    关键词 意外妊娠 避孕行为 健康教育

    Investigation in contraceptive behavior about unwanted pregnant women

    Wu Meiyu,Zhang Chenqi Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Huangpu District,Shanghai200010.

    【Abstract】 Objective To understand the contraceptive behaviors among women who had unwanted pregnanˉcy.Methods The women who had unwanted pregnancy were investigated with questionnaire made by ourselves.Reˉsults 36.19%of female used contraceptives at each intercourse.57.88%and42.12%of this unwanted pregnancy were due to the non-contraceptives and contraceptive failure respectively.46.90%of women chose condom as their first contraceptive method after abortion.39.56%of women who have unwanted pregnancy were unmarried female.Conclusion In order to reduce unwanted pregnancy rate ......

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