当前位置: 首页 > 中医药 > 中药专业 > 中草药汇编 > 中药大典 > 花类 > 番红花
http://www.100md.com 《中药新药与临床药理》 1999年第4期

     黄 丰 王培训 周 联 曹柳英 梁瑞燕 广州中医药大学临床药理研究所,广州510405 中药新药与临床药理 1999 0 10 4

    关键词:西红花;@随机扩增性NDA技术/利用;中药鉴别 期刊 zyxyylcyl 0 质量分析研究 fur -->


摘要: 西红花主产于欧洲及中亚地区,红花主产于我国,二者为不同科植物,由于外观及功效较为类似,故常被混用。采用随机引物对西红花及其伪冒品进行扩增,根据DNA指纹图谱的差异,可进行鉴别。


    文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-9783(1999)04-0226-03

Identification of Crocus Sativus L.by Random Amplified Polymorph ic DNA Method

HUANG Feng,WANG Peixun,ZHOU Lian,et al.

    (Clinical Pharmacology Institute,Guangzhou University of TCM,Guangzho u 510405)

Abstract: Crocus sativus L.and Carthamus tiactorius L.belong to different family. The former mainly grows in Europe and middle Asian while the latter in China.The y are easily confused for the similar macroscopic characteristics and actions.Ra ndom amplified polymorphic DNA method has been used to identify Crocus sativus L.and its adulterants according to their different DNA finger prints.


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