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http://www.100md.com 《口腔医学纵横》 1999年第4期
     李正峰 吴关鑫 湖北省(434400)石首市人民医院 口腔医学纵横 1999 0 15 4

    关键词:三维CT影像;二维CT影像;颌骨骨折;诊断 期刊 kqyxzh 0 临床研究论著 fur -->


摘要 目的: 探讨三维CT影像在颌面部骨折中的诊断价值。方法: 对17例颌骨骨折的三维CT影像及二维CT影像进行观察,分析其各自的特征并进行比较。结果: 三维CT影像在显示骨折的空间位置方面,如骨折线的行走路线,骨折片的移位距离与方向等都有独到的优势,但在显示上窦前壁线型骨折,骨折断端周围的软组织改变等方面不如二维CT影像。结论: 三维CT影像在显示颌面骨折处的空间关系上有很大的诊断意义及治疗指导意义,可以弥补二维CT影像的不足,但不能取代二维CT影像。

     中图分类号 R782.4

The clinical valuesof three dimensional CT image on

    diagnosis and treatment in jaw fractures.

Li ZhengFeng ,Wu Guan Xin.

    Shi Shou city people hospital, Shi Shou city, HuBei 434400

Abstract objective: Toevaluate the clinical values of the three-dimensional CT images for diagnosis andtreatment in facial fractures. Methods: This study was undertaken toinvestigate the three-dimensional CT images of 17 patients with jaw fractions and tocompare them with the two-dimensional CT images in assessing facial fracture. Results: The three-dimensional CT images clearly displayed fractures in three planes ofspace, the pattern of fracture line, distance and direction of displacement of thesegments, but it was inferior to the two dimensional CT images in the display on theanterior wall fractures of maxillary sinus and soft tissue around the fracture site. Conclusions: The three dimensional CT images can provide a more accurate representation in allspatial structural relationship in facial fracture. It is very important in diagnosis andtreatment. Nevertheless, the two dimensional CT image can be not replaced by the threedimensional CT image even if the three dimensional CT image has much advantages.


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