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http://www.100md.com 《蚌埠医学院学报》 2000年第5期

     王兴民 王兴民(安徽省亳州市人民医院 传染病科,236800) 蚌埠医学院学报 2000 0 25 5

    关键词:肝炎,病毒性,人;丹参;老年医学 期刊 bbyxyxb 0 临床医学 fur -->


[摘要] 目的:观察复方丹参注射液佐治老年人病毒性肝炎的作用。方法:在综合治疗的基础上加用复方丹参注射液20ml静脉滴注。结果:治疗组在改善临床症状、降酶、退黄等方面疗效显著优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:复方丹参通过疏通微循环等对老年人病毒性肝炎疗效显著。

    [中国图书资料分类法分类号] R 512.6;R 282.71 [文献标识码]A


Clinical observation of Dan Shen-Co treating the viral hepatitis of the aged

WANG Xing-min

    (Department of Infectious Disease,Anhui Bozhou Hospital 236800,China)

[Abstract] Objective:Toobserve the result of Dan Shen-Co assist treating the viral hepatitis of theaged.Methods:To add Dan Shen-Co injection liquid 20 ml intravenous injection on the basisof synthetical treatment.Results:Treatment group is superior to control group(P<0.01) onthe aspect of improving clinical symptoms,lowering ALT,removing jaundice.Conclusions:Dan Shen-Co has good effect on viral hepatitis of the aged by dispersing microcirculation.


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