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http://www.100md.com 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 2000年第4期
     谭建明 唐孝达 周永昌 谭建明(350025 南京军区福州总医院肾移植中心);唐孝达(上海市第一人民医院);周永昌(美国加州大学组织配型中心) 中华泌尿外科杂志 2000 0 21 4

    关键词:移植免疫学;抗体 期刊 zhmnwkzz 0 208-210 论 著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 评价酶联免疫法和细胞毒法在器官移植方面 的应用价值。 方法 采用酶联免疫法(LATM、LAT、STAT)和细胞毒法( LCT)检测211份血清样本HLA抗体,比较其特异性与敏感性,分析三组肾移植受者的致敏状态 。 结果 除2份STAT测定无结果外,其他样本均获有效结果。与LATM 比较,LAT特异性97.9%、敏感性100.0%、重复性100.0%、变异系数(CV)=5.2%~8.9%;ST AT特异性92.6%、敏感性90.6%、重复性94.0%、CV=7.3%~12.6%;LCT特异性88.4%、敏 感性89.6%、重复性90%、CV=8.1%~15.4%。移植肾失功者HLA抗体致敏率超过80.0% ,首 次尸肾移植术前致敏率20.0%、术后略有升高(27.0%~31.7%)。 结论 酶联免疫法测定HLA-IgG抗体,特异性与敏感性高、重复性好,适合于国内器官移植临床 应用。推荐采用LATM定性筛选、LAT定量分析

A comparative study of different methods for the detection of a nti-HLA-IgG antibodies in organ transplantation

TAN Jianming,TANG Xi aoda,ZHOU Yongchang.

    (Renal Transplantation Center,Fuzhou General Hospital of PLA, Fuzhou 350025,China)

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate some methods in the d etection of HLA-IgG antibodies in organ transplantation. Methods HLA-IgG antibodies in 211 sample s of serum were detected by means of ELISA including LATM,LAT and PRA-STAT or b y microlymphocytotoxicity(CDC)with LCT.Specificity and sensitivity of the 4 meth ods were compared. Results The assay has been successful either by ELISA or CDC except in 2 samples by STAT.The specificity and sensitiv ity of LAT assay as compared with LATM was 97.9%~100% and the reproducibility 1 00% with CV=5.2%~8.9%.For STAT assay,the specificity was 92.6% and sensitivity 90.6% with a reproducibility of 94.0% and CV=7.3%~12.6%.The specificity of LCT assay was 88.4%,the sensitivity 89.6% and the reproducibility 90.0% with CV=8.1% ~15.4%.Sensitization was over 80.0% in retransplants with hemodialysis and 20.0 % in patients before transplantation for the first time.Sensitization slightly e levated(27.0%~31.7%) in po st-transplants. Conclusions ELISA has been more specifi c and sensitive in detecting IgG anti-HLA antibodies with well reproducibility and is recommended for clinical application in organ transplantation.Qualitative screening by LATM and quantitative analysis by LAT were recommended.


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