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http://www.100md.com 《中华流行病学杂志》 1999年第5期
     杨松 谈永飞 喻荣彬 彭俊 沈靖 姚才良 杨松、谈永飞、彭俊 214200 江苏省宜兴市人民医院;喻荣彬、沈靖、姚才良 南京医科大学公共卫生学院 中华流行病学杂志 1999 0 20 5

    关键词:胆石病;遗传方式;遗传度 期刊 zhlxbxzz 0 论著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 探索胆石病家族聚集性及遗传方式。方法 采用遗传流行病学病例对照研究方法,对317个家系(138个胆石病先证家系和179个对照家系)进行研究。结果 病例组一级亲属总的胆石病患病率为2.60%,显著高于对照组的1.29%(χ2 =4.78,P=0.0288);分离比为显著低于0.25,不符合单基因遗传疾病的特征;遗传度估算显示,该病一级亲属中,遗传度为21.80%,其中男性亲属的遗传度为36.34%,显著高于女性亲属的14.15%。结论 在胆石病的病因中,遗传因素起一定作用,尤其对男性作用更为明显。


A study on the geneticepidemiology of gallstone disease

YANG Song,TAN Yongfei,YURongbin,et al.

Yixin People's Hospital of JiangsuProvince,Yixin 214200

AbstractObjective To explore the genetic model of gallstone disease (GD). Methods A case-control studyincluding 317 pedigrees (138 cases and 179 controls) was conducted. Results The prevelence of thefirst-degree relatives in cases was 2.60%, significantly higher than that noticed incontrols (1.29%). Segregation analysis showed that GD did not possess the characteristicsof monogenic model. Meanwhile the results showed that the heritability of the first-degreerelatives was 21.80%,with male 36.34% which was significantly higher than the females(14.15%). Conclusion This study indicated that the genetic factors played an important role in the occurrence of GD, especially in males.


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