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http://www.100md.com 《中华整形烧伤外科杂志》 1999年第1期

宋业光 谢洋春 严义坪 100041 北京,中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院 中华整形烧伤外科杂志 1999 0 15 1
关键词:面部上提术;SMAS筋膜;解剖学 期刊 zhzxsswkzz 0 美容外科 fur -->

【摘要】 目的 明确SMAS与面神经的关系。方法 对12具(24侧)成人尸头行大体解剖观察。结果 SMAS分布于面中部,向前逐渐变薄,于口角水平外侧有小范围的“洞区”。面神经出腮腺后,并非在SMAS深面,而是在咬肌筋膜深面走行。面神经额支在颧弓以下0.5cm区域穿出深筋膜,跨过颧弓。在颊脂肪垫区,大部分面神经分支走行在垫内,小部分分支形成面神经丛,分布于其表面。在颧大肌表面上1/3恒定有一颧支跨过,支配眼轮匝肌下外侧9例(占37.5%);颧大、小肌及眼轮匝肌8例(占33.3%);颧大、小肌7例(占29.2%)。结论 面部多层次剥离除皱术应在颧弓以下0.5cm区域行SMAS下剥离,至面中部时,应注意保护颧大肌表面上1/3段的面神经颧支,只在颧大肌中下2/3段区域进行剥离,向内掀起颧脂肪垫;或通过下睑缘皮肤切口,向下掀起眼轮匝肌(注意保护位于颧大肌上1/3段的面神经颧支),与经耳前SMAS下剥离腔隙连通,如上操作可避免面神经损伤。

Anatomical basis for thenewly developed facelifting

SONG Yeguang, XIE Yangchun, YAN Yiping.
Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100041

Abstract Objective To investigate the relationship betweenthe SMAS and the facial nerve divisions in the cheek area. Method Wedissected 12 cadaver heads(24 sides).Results ① SMAS distributed over the middle face. It became thinneras it extended forward and there was a small aperture lateral to the mouth. The branchesof facial nerve lay directly beneath the parotidomassetric fascia after emerging from theparotid gland.② Thefrontal branch penetrated the deep fascia to the SMAS at about 0.5cm below the zygomaticarch.③ Some buccalbranches went through the cheek fat pad while the others lay on its surface directly underthe thin SMAS.④ Therewas constantly a zygomatic ramus went into the upper one third of the zygomaticus. Itinnervated the lower and lateral orbicularis oculi muscle in 9 of 24 sides (37.5%) of thecadaver heads, zygomaticus major and minor and orbicularis oculi muscle in 8 of 24sides(33.3%), and the zygomaticus major and minor in 7 of 24 sides (29.2%).Conclusion During facelifting, wide dissection of the SMAS should be done directly above theparotidomassetric fascia and 0.5 cm below the zygomatic arch. While approaching the middleface, the dissection should be limited to the lower two third of the zygomaticus, followedby elevating the zygomatic fat.The authors dissect the nasolabial fold through the lowereyelid incision, then the dissection should go downwards, under the orbicularis oculimuscle, to the nasolabial area. In a clinical situation, care must be taken not to damagethe facial nerve trunk, and dissection of the upper one third of the zygomaticus should beavoided.
【 Keywords】 FaceliftExtended dissection under SMAS Anatomy

面部除皱术发展至80年代中期,深陷的鼻唇沟矫正为主要有待解决的问题[1] 。90年代初期,Hamra在Skoog除皱术的基础上,提出了矫正过深鼻唇沟的深层次广泛剥离除皱术(DPR)及复合除皱术的概念[2,3] ,以进一步提高疗效。1994年Teimourian等[1] 提出多层次剥离面部上提术,并称之为“第四代”面部除皱术。但均未对SMAS下广泛剥离与面神经的关系进行深入阐述。经典SMAS理论[4] 认为自腮腺前缘起,面神经分支即分布于SMAS下,SMAS下剥离不能超越腮腺前缘,否则有损伤面神经之虞,为进一步明确面神经和面中部SMAS的关系,我们进行了解剖学研究。

1 材料与方法

2 结果
面部软组织分布正如Stuzin等[5] 所述,为呈同心圆的系列结构,这正是面部上提术能够分层进行的解剖学基础。

图1 面神经额支穿过腮腺,在颧弓下5cm处穿出深筋膜,跨过颧弓
Fig1 The frontal branch of the facial nerve penetrates up the SMASfrom the deep fascia at a pout 0.5cm below the zygomatic arch

咬肌浅面有面神经颧、颊支,腮腺导管,面横动静脉分布,均位于咬肌筋膜深面,并非如Mitze及Peyronie[4] 所述面神经位于SMAS下面。在SMAS与咬肌筋膜之间有疏松组织分开,这与Tremolada等[6] 的解剖结果相同。咬肌前缘可见在真皮与咬肌前缘之间有结合紧密的结缔组织,称为咬肌皮韧带(Masseteric-cutanous ligments)[5]
颧弓前下缘有一结缔组织束,将真皮与骨膜紧密连接,内含支配和供应表面皮肤的神经血管束,Furnas[7] 称之为颧弓韧带。
在颧大肌表面,SMAS与之结合紧密,SMAS的浅面为较厚的脂肪组织层,向内下进一步增厚,呈三角形,底为鼻唇沟,顶在颧骨体的表面,Owsley[8] 称之为颧脂肪垫。

图2 面神经颧支跨过颧大肌表面的上1/3
Fig2 The zygomatic ramus goes into the upper 1/3 part of the zygomaticus

眼轮匝肌上外侧及下外侧均有面神经的额支及颧支分支所形成的网络进入。眼轮匝肌下有一厚层脂肪垫,Ramirez[9] 称之为颧下脂肪垫。经下睑切口向下剥离眼轮匝肌,只要采用钝性剥离即不易损伤面神经。

3 讨论
自80年代以来,面中部老化的鼻唇沟增深矫正仍为除皱术有待解决的难题[1] 。新技术不断出现,总的趋势是朝着面部SMAS下广泛剥离及面部多层次剥离方向发展。目前以利用SMAS上提沿鼻唇沟下垂组织为手段[8] 发展出两种主要手术类型:以Hamra为代表的深平面除皱术[2] 、复合除皱术[3] 及由此发展而来的多层次剥离面部上提术(“第四代”除皱术)[1] ;Barton[10] 和Mendelson[11] 、Stuzin等[12] 倡导的广泛SMAS下剥离技术。


1 Teimourian B,Dellia S,Wahrman A. Themultiplane facelift. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1994,93:78-85.
2 Hamra ST. The deep-plane rhytidectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1990,86:53-63.
3 Hamra ST. Composite rhytidectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1992,90:1-22.
4 Mitze V, Peyronie M.The superficial musculo-aponeurotic system (SMAS) in theparotid and cheek area. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1976,58:80-88.
5 Stuzin JM, Baker TL, Gordon HL.The relationship of the superficial and deep fascia,relevance to rhytidectomy and aging.Plast Reconstr Surg, 1992,89:441-449.
6 Tremolada C, Fissette J, Candiani P.Anatomical basis for a soft approach tocomposite rhytidectomy. Aesth Plast Surg, 1994,18:387-391.
7 Furnas DW. The retaining ligaments of the cheek. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1989, 83:11-16.
8 Owsley JQ. Lifting the malar fat pad for correction of prominent nasolabial folds.Plast Reconstr Surg, 1993,91:463-474.
9 Ramirez OM.The subperiosteal approach for the correction of the deep nasolabial foldand the central third of the face. Clin Plast Surg, 1995, 22:341-356.
10 Barton FE. Rhytidectomy and the nasolabial fold. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1992,90:601-608.
11 Mendelson BC. Extended sub-SMAS dissection and cheek elevation. Clin Plast Surg,1995, 22:325-339.
12 Stuzin JM,Baker TJ, Gordon HL, et al. Extended SMAS dissection as an approach tomidface rejuvenation. Clin Plast Surg, 1995, 22:295-311.

(收稿:1997-07-27) , http://www.100md.com