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http://www.100md.com 《中华小儿外科杂志》 1998年第5期
     韩福友 李晓敏 李昭铸 姬舒荣 孙岩 150086 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院小儿外科(韩福友、 李昭铸、 姬舒荣、 孙岩); 黑龙江省尚志市人民医院外科(李晓敏) 中华小儿外科杂志 1998 0 0 5

    关键词:脑瘫;选择性脊神经后根切断术;并发症 期刊 zhxrwkzz 0 论 著 fur -->


摘要 目的:探究选择性脊神经后根切断术(SPR)治疗脑瘫术后并发症的原因与防治办法。方法:对103例SPR术后进行近期疗效观察与远期随访。结果:在术后近期并发症中主要有肠绞痛、 排尿功能障碍、局限性感觉异常或缺失及脑脊液漏。远期并发症为髋关节脱位、脊柱畸形、 肌无力。结论: SPR术后近期并发症中多为暂时性的,多在术后3周内自愈。而远期并发症则影响治疗效果,正确的处理与预防术后并发症可提高手术疗效。

    Postoperative Complications of Selective PosteriorRhizotomy Han Fuyou, Qiu Guofeng Li Zhaozhuet al. Department of Pediatric Surgery, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, Harbin MedicalUniversity, Harbin 150086

    Abstract Objective: Selective posterior rhizotomy (SPR) relieves muscularspasm and improves motor function. Complications, especially hypokinesia, are common. Thestudy aims to analyze the causes and formulate effective preventative measures. Methods:103 patients who had under gone SPR were followed-up and the complications wereclassified. Results: Early complications of SPR included intestinal colic, urinarydysfunction, localized paresthesia and cerebrospinal fluid leak. Late complicationsincluded spinal deformity, hip dislocation and hypokinesia. Conclusions: Earlycomplications are temporary and spontaneous recovery after 3 weeks is common. Latecomplications affect operative results, and proper management and prevention ofcomplications are important.


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