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http://www.100md.com 《中华结核和呼吸感染》 1998年第1期

     510120 广州 中山医科大学孙逸仙纪念医院呼吸内科(江山平、廖增顺、刘启良),消化研究室(曾志勇) 江山平 曾志勇 廖增顺 刘启良 中华结核和呼吸感染 1998 0 21 1

    关键词:核仁组成区 胸膜积液 期刊 zhjhhhxgr 0 论著 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 探讨核仁组成区嗜银蛋白(AgNOR)检测在良性胸腔积液间皮细胞和恶性

    胸腔积液癌细胞鉴别诊断中的价值。方法 对50例恶性、30例良性胸腔积液患者的胸腔积液



    AgNOR数目和形态。结果 恶性组癌细胞平均每核AgNOR数显著高于良性组间皮细胞;恶性



    良性范围,为组织病理所证实。结论 AgNOR检测作为胸腔积液细胞学检查的一项新指标,



Study ondiagnostic value of analyzing argyrophilic nucleolar organizer

    regions in benign and malignant pleural effusions
JiangShanping, Zeng

    Zhiyong, Liao Zengshun, et al. Department of Respiratory Disease,Sun Yat-sen

    Memorial Hospital, Guangzhou 510120

     Abstract Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of argyrophilic

    nucleolar organizer regions (AgNOR) measurement in benign andmalignant

    pleural effusions,Methods Pleural effusions from 50patients with proven

    malignant disease, 30 patients with benign disease were studiedusing the

    one-step silver staining method. Six cytologically atypicalsamples were also

    included in this study. Results The mean AgNOR count inmalignant cells

    was significantly higher than that in benign mesothelial cells(7.6± 1.4 vs 2.3± 0.7, P0.01).

    The morphological features of AgNOR in malignant cells weremainly of diffuse type (80%),

    while in benign mesothelial cells, mainly of nucleolar type(90%). Among the

    six cytologically atypical samples, four were in the malignantrange, two were

    in the benign limits, and these were proved by histopathology. Conclusion

AgNOR study may be useful in differential diagnosis of benignand malignant pleural effusions.

     Key words Argyrophilicnucleolar organizer region Pleura


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