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http://www.100md.com 《中华航海医学杂志》 1999年第1期
     曹敏 林永丽 孙锦程 200433 上海市,海军医学研究所 中华航海医学杂志 1999 0 0 1

    关键词:德国小蠊;杀虫剂;抗药性 期刊 zhhhyxzz 0 卫生防疫.航海医学保障 fur -->


【摘要】 目的 对舰船上德国小蠊抗药性进行本底调查。方法 采用WHO规定的单剂量持续接触法(果酱瓶药膜法),测定溴氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯和残杀威对德国小蠊敏感品系和现场品系的青岛虫株、上海虫株和湛江虫株的击倒效应。结果 敏感品系KT50 分别为4.48分钟、5.23分钟和13.49分钟;现场品系的KT50 分别为8.29~12.87分钟、11.00~19.10分钟和15.34~24.62分钟,对德国小蠊的48小时致死率均为100%。结论 抗性系数以湛江虫株对高效氯氰菊酯最高,属中抗性,其它表现为低抗性。

    A survey of the pesticides resistance ofGerman cockroach in ship CAOMin, LIN Yongli, SUN Jincheng. Naval Medical Research Institute, Shanghai 200433

【Abstract】 Objective Toinvestigate the resistance of german cockroach(Blattella germanica) to pesticides in ship.Methods The WHO advocated single dose continuous contact methodusing the pesticide smeared jam bottle was used. The knock-down effect of delamethrin, beta-cypexmethrin and propoxur on sensitive strains of B. germanica and those spot strainscollected from Qingdao, Shanghai and Zhanjiang were tested and observed respectively.Results The knock-down times(KT50 ) of the sensitivestrains were 4.48,5.23 and 13.49 min respectively, and those of spot strains were 8.29~12.87,11.0~19.10and 15.34~24.62 min respectively. The deathrates of the cockroaches within 48 h were all 100% with the use of these 3 pesticides.Conclusions The pesticides resistance coefficient was the highest forZhanjiang strain to beta-cypexmethrin, which was graded as medium resistance, while allthe other strains were of low resistance.

【Key words】 Blattella germanica Pesticide-resistance

(Chin J Naut Med, 1999,6:44)

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