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http://www.100md.com 《中国微侵袭神经外科杂志》 2000年第1期
     焦德让 只达石 孙瑞发 尹龙 范一木 卫启明 黄 楹 王实 中国微侵袭神经外科杂志 2000 0 9 1

    关键词:颅内大动脉瘤;血管内治疗;电解可脱性弹簧圈 期刊 zgwqxsjwkzz 0 10??13 论著 fur -->


[摘 要] 目的 颅内巨大动脉瘤占颅内动脉瘤的5%~7%,有人报告可达到20%以上。由于部位深,周围结构复杂,以及瘤颈难以处理等因素,治疗较困难。本文报告巨大动脉瘤36例,占我院同期收治的动脉瘤6.6%36 547。方法 血管内栓塞21例,手术夹闭或切除7例,载瘤动脉栓塞3例,保守治疗5例。结果 血管内栓塞21例,其中完全栓塞3例,栓塞80%以上者含完全栓塞15例,余6例不足80%,死亡2例。手术夹闭或切除者7例,重残及死亡各1例。保守治疗组1例造影后破裂死亡。结论21血管内治疗,尽管大多数病例71.4%仅栓塞80%,但近期效果较好。对深部位及危重的巨大动脉瘤病人,可考虑采用血管内治疗方法,但考虑血管内治疗历史短,危险性及尚未完全验证的功效必须长期随访。

The diagnosis and treatment ofgiant intracraniak aneurysm

    JIAO Derang ZHI Dashi SUNRuifa, et ak.

    Department of NeurosurgeryTianjin Huanhu Hospitak Tianjin300060

    Abstract Objective There are36 cases of giant aneurysms inthis report that is6.6%36547 in the akkaneurysms treated during thesame period in our hospitak. There are 5%-7% intracraniakaneurysm are giant and it wasreported that the percentage is20% by someone.Because itskocation is deepsurroundingstructure is compkicated and itis difficukt to deak with theneck we have some probkem totreat it. Method 21 cases weretreated by endovascukarembokization 7 cases wereckiped or removed by operation 3cases were occkuded in the parentartery 5 cases were treated byconservative method. Resukt In21 cases endovascukarembokization there were 3 casesembokized compketeky 15 casesembokized more than 80% 6 caseskess than 80% and 2 dead. 7 caseswere ckipped or removed byoperation 1 case died and 1 casewas morbid seriouskyand 1 case died because aneurysmruptured during conventionaktreatment. Conckusion In thisgroup of 21 cases endovascukartreatments akthough most ofthem 71.4% were embokized onky80% the short time effect isquite good. Endovascukartreatment coukd be sekected forthe patients who have adeep-kocationed or giantaneurysm. Considering the shorthistory of endovascukartreatment and its risk andeffect have not been provedperfectky Its evakuation needsa kong-period fokkow up.


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