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http://www.100md.com 2005年7月11日 《中国医药报》 2005.07.11

    Hello,is there anything I can do for you?


    My shoulder ached very much and I want to buy some plasters.


    Is it caused by cold-catching?


    Yes. 〉暝保耗郧坝霉嘁┞穑?br> Have you used plasters before?


    Yes,but not many time. Does it matter?


    Just worry about if you'' re allergic to medical adhesive tape.


    Thank you. I wasn'' t allergic to it before.


    Then I suggest you use'' Zhui Feng Gao'' .It'' s cheap and the effect is good.


    Thank you.


    alt. hor(alternis horis)每隔一小时;a.m.(ante meridiem)上午;amp.(ampoule)安瓿;anh.(anhydrous)无水的;ant.coen.(ante coenam)晚饭前;approx.(approximately)大约;art(arteral)动脉;AUC(area under curve)血药浓度曲线;Av(average)平均的。

    (赵喜君 华铮 王立峰), 百拇医药(赵喜君;华铮;王立峰)