当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中华现代妇产科学杂志》 > 2005年第8期
http://www.100md.com 《中华现代妇产科学杂志》 2005年第8期
     【摘要】 目的 分析3种子宫切除方式对患者生理及心理的影响。方法 将120例子宫肌瘤患者分为3组,行子宫全切的45例患者为A组,行筋膜内子宫切除的53例患者为B组,行子宫次全切除的22例患者为C组(3组患者均保留双侧附件)。患者于术前、术后1个月、3个月测定性激素FSH、E2值,并于术前1周、术后3个月统一问卷随访,调查性生活及心理状况。结果 3种术式术后性激素水平比较,差异无显著性,P>0.05;3种术式对患者性生活及心理影响差异有非常显著性,P<0.01。结论 子宫肌瘤不同的手术方式对患者心理影响差异极大,而对卵巢功能影响不大。

    【关键词】 子宫肌瘤;手术方式;心理影响

    Analysis of physiological and psychosocial effects of different ways of operation on patients with hysteromyoma

    LIAO Jing-fang,GUO Li-yan,ZHOU Dong-mei.

    Department of Gynaecoloy and Obstetrics, Chencun Hospital of Shunde District, Foshan 528313,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore physiological and psychosocial effects of three ways of hysterectomy on patients with hystermyoma.Methods 120 patients with hysteromyoma were divided into three groups randomly.Group A (45 Patients) were treated with classical hysteretomy;Group B(53 patients)were treated with intrafascial hysterectomy;Group C (22 patients)were treated with subtotal hysterectomy.All the patients hormone (E2,FSH)level in blood was determined before and after 1,3 months of operation.And they were asked about their sexual life and moods before 1 week of operation and after 1, 3 months of operation.Results No significant differences were discovered in E2 and FSH level among the three groups,(P>0.05).There were significant differences in sexual life and moods among the three groups after three different ways of operation. ......

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