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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日







    (11中南大学湘雅医院,湖南 长沙 410008 ; 21湖南中医学院第一附属医院,湖南 长沙 410007)

    摘要:为了研究白芍药材产地加工的可行性 ,用对比方法 ,用高效液相色谱仪 ,对白芍药材产地加工与药典法加

    工进行芍药苷含量的测定 ,结果提示 2 种加工方法的芍药苷含量无显著性差异。结论:白芍药材鲜货产地加工是可



    中图分类号:R28217 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1000 - 5633(2001) 02 - 0023 - 02

    The Fea sibility Study on the Proce s sing in the Producing

    Area of Radix Paeoniae Alha Materials

    Xie Yunlong ,Zhou Xinpei ,Cao Chen

    (Xiangya Hospital ,Central South University ,Changsha 410008 ;

    The First Affiliated Hospital ,Hunan College Of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Changsha 410007)

    Abstract :To study the feasibility of the processing in the producing area of Radix Paeoniae Alha materials ,the writers applied

    comparative method ,used HPLC ,processed Radix Paeoniae Alha materials in the producing area and processed them with the phar 2

    macopeia method (the traditional method) ,and tested their inner contents. Results :There was no marked difference in Peaoniflorin

    content between the two processings. Conclusion :The processing in the producing area of fresh Radix Paeoniae Alha is feasible.

    Key words :Radix Paeoniae Alha ;processing in the producing area ;HPLC;paeoniflorin.

    目前 ,药材市场供应的白芍饮片 ,大多为产地加

    工品种。药材鲜货产地加工后 ,便于装箱与长途运

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