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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    第 27 卷第 2 期

    2003年 3 月 南 京 林 业 大 学 学 报 (自 然 科 学 版)

    Journal of Nanjing Forest ry University (Natural Sciences Edition)

    Vol . 27 ,No. 2

    Mar. ,2003


    张春霞 ,谢寅峰 ,丁雨龙

    (南京林业大学 ,江苏 南京 210037)

    摘 要:研究了自然状态下福建茶杆竹开花期间叶片衰老的变化规律。结果表明 ,自开花开始 ,开花竹株叶片中的叶绿素和可溶性蛋白质含量迅速下降,到末期,叶绿素含量只有 0. 45 mg g ,可溶性蛋白质含量也下降了 70 %;与此同时 ,叶片中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD) 、过氧化物酶

    (POD)活性也分别下降了 15. 6 %和 80 %。与未开花竹叶片的衰老相比 ,开花竹株叶片衰老进

    程明显加快 ,致使开花竹迅速衰老死亡。


    中图分类号:S795. 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000 - 2006 (2003) 02 - 0059 - 03

    The Studies of Leaf Senescence of Pseudosasa amabi l is var. convexa

    During Flowering and Seeding Stage

    ZHAN G Chun2xia ,XIE Yin2 feng ,DIN G Yu2long

    (Nanjing Forest ry University ,Nanjing 210037 ,China)

    Abstract :Leaf senescence of Pseudosasa amabi l is var . convex a at flowering and seeding stage was studied in

    the paper . The dist ribution of blooming individuals was sporadic and spot ted. Blooming started in the early

    April . Peak season of flowering was during May ,and the end of flowering is in J une. Then the seed bore in

    J uly and blooming individuals tended to be dead. Un2 flowering individuals grew normally. The experiment

    result s indicate that f rom the start of flowing to the end of seed bearing ,the content of chlorophyll and the

    soluble protein in the leaves of flowering bamboo individual decreased rapidly. The content of chlorophyll

    was only 0. 45 mg g at last ,and decrease of the content of soluble protein arrived 70 %. Meanwhile ,the ac2

    tivities of superoxide dismutase ( SOD) and peroxidase ( POD) in leaves decreased , the ratio of decrease of

    them was 15. 6 % and 80 % respectively. As a result ,leaves of flowering bamboo senesced and died off .

    Key words : Pseudosasa amabi l is var . convex a ;Senescence ;Superoxide dismutase ;SOD activity

    竹类植物为重要的禾本科经济植物 ,以其用途广、繁殖快、资源丰富 ,经济效益、社会效益、生态效益

    显著而越来越受到世界各国的重视。我国竹类植物资源丰富 ,约有 37 个属 ,400 多种。然而竹子开花

    周期长 ,一般可达六、七十年 ,且难以预测 ,大多数竹种为一生一次性开花植物 ,随着开花结实 ,植株进入

    衰老死亡[1 ]。这些特性不仅给竹种分类鉴定、杂交遗传育种等工作带来了困难 ,竹林的大面积开花衰


    理论和应用价值。受竹子开花特性的限制 ,关于竹子开花生理方面的研究报道较少 ......
