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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    水解程度。凝冻浓度一般在 7~12 %左右 ,也就是

    说胶朊蛋白质水解程度在 50~60 %为宜。从胶块

    外观看 ,作者认为:胶块应黑中有红头为最佳。

    剖析历代对阿胶工艺的记载 ,之所以规定胶液

    要文火煎煮数日 ,其一 ,是为了不断飘杂而使胶变的

    纯净;其二 ,是为了除去挥发性碱性物质使胶有好的

    口感;其三 ,是为了使驴皮中胶朊蛋白得到充分水

    解 ,使病人易于吸收 ,作者认为:杂质可以通过明胶

    专用设备过滤而除去 ,挥发性碱性物质可以通过胶

    液喷淋加热或薄层蒸发 ,以增大蒸发面来解决。无

    论工艺如何改进 ,以上三点应当统一考虑。


    张 颖 , 刘理南 , 赵燕清

    (齐鲁制药厂研究所 ,山东 济南 250100)


    70 %~75 %乙醇提取法提取的钩藤有效成分进行了定量比较。结果:用 70 %乙醇提取的钩藤有效成分含量明显高于水

    提液。结论:浓缩、干燥温度应低于 81° C。


    中图分类号:R248. 2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100121528 (2000) 0520331202

    Study on Extraction Technology of Ramulus uncariae cum uncis

    ZHAN G Ying , L IU Li2nan , ZHAO Yan2qing

    ( Qi l u pharmaceut ical Factory , Ji nan 250100 , Chi na)

    Abstract : Objective : To investigate the influences of different ext raction conditions on the active component s of

    Ramalus uncariae cum uncis , and select an ext raction method which could ensure the preparation quality. Meth2

    ods : The active component s of Ramluo uncariae cum uncis ext racted by water and by 70 %~75 % alcohol f rom

    the routine proparations were quantitatively compared by TCL2scanning. Results : The active component content

    ext racted by 70 % alcohol was higher . Conclusion : 70 % alcohol2ext raction is the best way of obtaining the high2

    est content of active component of Ramulus uncariae cum uncis. When the active component is ext racted by wa2

    ter , it is preferable that the ext raction time dosen’ t longer than half an hour .

    Key words : Ramulus uncariae cum uncis materials ; rhynchophylline ; ext raction process ; TLC2Scanning method


    作者简介:张 颖(1963~) ,女,辽宁省辽阳市人,高级工程师 ......
