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http://www.100md.com 2006年2月23日



    文章编号: 1007 - 6611 (2001) 01 - 0027 - 02


    白云娥 , 漆晓梅 , 高运玲

    山西医科大学药学院2000 届毕业生

    (山西医科大学药学院中草药教研室 , 太原 030001)

    摘要: 目的 研究金莲花的生药学特征 ,提供鉴定依据。方法 采用性状、显微、理化鉴别方法。结果 金莲花中花瓣上下

    表面短棒状毛茸众多;柱头表皮细胞上不定式气孔极多;有淡黄色雪花样微量升华物。结论 短棒状毛茸、气孔、微量升华物


    关键词: 金莲花; 生药学; 中药鉴定

    中图分类号: R282. 5 文献标识码: A

    Pharmacognostic study of flos troll ii

    BAI Yun2e , QI Xiao2mei , GAO Yun2ling ( Dept of Chinese Herbal Drugs , S hanxi Medical Universi ty , Taiyuan 030001 , Chi2


    Abstract : Object ive To study pharmacognosy of flos t rollii . Methods Pharmacognostic identification of flos t rollii was carried out

    by studying its microscopic characteristics and physicochemical identification. Resul ts Numerous t richomes in the petal - epidermis ,many anomocytic type stomata in stigma - epidermis cellula and the crystal like flower of snow in microsublimation were observed.

    Conclusion Trichomes of bat ,stoma of anomocytic type and the crystal in microsublimation are the main characteristics. Flos t rollii is

    the flower of Trol l i chinensis (Ranunculaceae) ,as a Chinese herbal drug.

    Key words : flos t rollii ; pharmacognosy ; TCD identification

    金莲花(flos t rollii)为毛茛科植物金莲花( Trol2

    l ius chinensis Bunge)和亚洲金莲花( Trol l ius asiat i2

    cus L)的花 ,分布于海拔 1 000~2 000 m的山地 ,以

    河北、山西、内蒙产量最多 ......
