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http://www.100md.com 《局解手术学杂志》 2004年第4期
     [摘要] 目的 探索剖宫产手术适应证的变化趋势。方法 对2001年1月至2002年1月对在我院行剖宫产的886例病例进行回顾性分析。结果 胎儿因素664例,其中胎位异常malpresentation(臀位、枕横位)129例(14%),胎儿窘迫56例(6.32%),羊水过少52例(5.86%),脐带绕颈48例(5.14%),巨大胎儿41例(4.51%),前置胎盘35例(4.06%),双胎9(1.14%);骨盆狭窄67例(11.88%);孕妇因素168例,其中妊娠胆汁淤积50例(5.64%),妊高症43例(4.85%),高龄初产34例(3.83%),疤痕子宫25例(2.82%),过期孕16例(1.85%);社会性因素共58例(6.5%)。结论 胎儿临产异常及孕妇合并疾病仍是剖宫产手术的主要手术指征,但来自孕产妇及医生的主观意愿也影响着对分娩方式的选择。

    [关键词] 剖宫产;手术适应证;胎儿

    Related-factor analysis of increasing cesarean delivery

    LIANG Shu-min, WANG Qiong

    (Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dazhou Central Hospital, Dazhou 635000, Sichuang Province, China)

    Abstract: Objective To explore the trend of changes in the indications for caesarean section. Methods Data from 886 women delivering by cesarean section from January 2001 to January 2002 in our hospital were analyzed retrospectively. Results Cesarean section was performed due to the following factors: fetal factors of 664 fetuses, including 129 cases of malpresentations (14%), 65 cases of intrapartum fetal distress (6.32%), 52 cases of oligohydramnios (5.86%), 48 cases of fetal necks circled by umbilical cord (5.14%), 41 cases of fetal giants (4.51%), 35 cases of placenta previa (4.06%), and 9 cases of twins (1.14%); 67 cases of pelvis constriction (11.88%); factors of 195 gravidas, including 50 cases of cholestasis of pregnancy, 43 cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (4.85%), 34 cases of advanced age primigravidas (3.83%), 25 cases of scarred uteruses (2.82%), and 16 cases of pregnancies exceeding the time limit (1.85%); and social factors in 58 cases (6.5%). Conclusion Intrapartum abnormality and diseases in pregnancy are still the main contribution to rates of caesarean section, but the request of pregnancy women and subjective inclination of obstetricians also affect the choice of labor patterns. ......

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