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http://www.100md.com 《河北医学杂志》 2006年第1期
     (四川省达州市中心医院口腔科, 四川 达州 635000

    四川大学华西口腔医学院正畸科, 四川 成都 610041)

    摘 要:目的:正畸治疗中对上颌埋伏牙如何定性,定位,并要对此是采取手术拔除[1](主要是手术进路)或者是正畸治疗进行探讨。方法:对18例(其中1例为2颗多生牙,1颗多生牙已长出,另一颗为完全倒置的多生牙),上颌前部埋伏牙采用临床检查以及拍摄全景片、头侧位片螺旋CT轴位和表面成像等检查[2~4]对埋伏的多生牙、畸形牙和倒置牙共15例采用了相应的手术进路拔除,对形态正常且不倒置的3颗埋伏牙采用了正畸治疗。结果:18例埋伏牙中,根据临床和辅助检查综合判定有11例偏向唇侧(其中9例为多生牙、1例牙根特别弯曲,1例牙基本正常);6偏向舌腭侧(其中4例为多生牙,另2例为正常牙),1例居中呈完全倒置的多生牙,拔除的15例中有14例为多生牙,1例畸形牙,术中情况与术前判定一致,伤口一期愈合;3例正畸的埋伏牙与判定一致。结论:螺旋CT表面成像对上颌埋伏牙的定性、定位准确,由此确定的手术或正畸治疗方案均客观、科学,有较强的临床适用性。

    关键词: 埋伏牙; 螺旋CT; 手 术; 正 畸

    Clinical Application of Helical CT for the Dental Orthopaedics of Maxilla Embedded Tooth

    LI Qu, et al

    (The Center Hospital of Dazhou, Sichuan Dazhou 635000, China)

    Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the clinical application of helical CT for the location or treatment of maxilla embedded tooth in the dental orthopaedics.Method: 18 cases with embedded tooth of maxilla were made with clinical examination, dentomaxillary pantomography, submaxilla lateral projection and helical CT.The operation be done for supernumerary tooth,distorted teeth,inverted tooth.Three embedded tooth of non-inverted tooth were done by orthopaedics.Result: Among the 18 embedded tooth ,there were 11 palatally and 6 labially presented teeth,1 the 18 patients is mediately with completely inverted supernumerary tooth.all preoperative assessment are one and all in operative or orthopaedics and primary wound healing. Conclusion: Becauce of helical CT which the qualitation and location to display the stereoscopic configuration of teeth,the combination of axial images and SSD provides valuable anatomic and diagnostic information helpful for the surgeons and determine the treatment protocol for the dental orthopaedics. ......

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