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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代妇产科学杂志》 2006年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 总结产科急诊子宫切除术的原因和经验教训,分析相关危险因素及降低其发生率的可能性。方法 回顾性分析我院近5年来行产科急诊子宫切除21例患者的临床资料。结果 产科急诊子宫切除发生率0.177%,其中剖宫产子宫切除发生率占剖宫产的0.376%,阴道分娩子宫切除占阴道分娩的0.029%,胎盘因素是子宫切除的首要原因。结论 (1)产科急诊子宫切除是挽救产妇生命的有效措施,应掌握严格的手术指征及手术时机;(2)多次孕产、刮宫及剖宫产是产科子宫切除的高危因素;(3)加强预防措施可降低产科急诊子宫切除的发生率。

    【关键词】 子宫切除;产科;剖宫产

    Clinical analysis of 21 cases of hysterectomy in emergency of obstetrics

    WANG Ai-tao,WANG Ling-ping,LI Ming.Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,Qishi Hospital,Dongguan 523500,China

    【Abstract】 Objective To analyse the cause of the obstetrical hysterectomy in emergency and to sum up experience,to explore related risk factors and probability to reduce.Methods Twenty-one patients underwent hysterectomy in emergency of obstetrical in last five years were analysed retrospectively.Results The incidence of obstetrical hysterectomy was about 0.177%,while in cesarean section hysterectomy accounts for 0.367%,in vaginal delivery 0.029%.Placental factor was the primary indication of obstetrical hysterectomy.Conclusion (1)Obstetrical hysterectomy has been proved to be the effective life-saving procedure,but the indications and the occasion of operation should be mastered strictly;(2)The risk factors of hysterectomy of obstetrical include gravid and parturition of many times uterine,curettage,cesarean section;(3)To take preventive measures is beneficial to decrease the incidence of hysterectomy in emergency of obstetrical. ......

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