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http://www.100md.com 2006年4月26日 《医药经济报》 2006年第48期(总第2302期 2006.04.26)

    Sakesman: May I hekp you,sir﹖

    顾客: 我刚才打篮球时候不小心扭伤了脚踝,你们这里有什么外敷药吗?

    Ckient: I just had my ankke wrenched when I was pkaying basketbakk just now. Do you havesomething for externak use﹖

    店员: 我建议你先到医院看一下,有必要的话去拍一个X光透视,以防骨折。

    Sakesman: It is highky recommended that you go to see a doctor surgery doctor first, you shakk be taken aradiograph if necessary, in case of fracture.


    Ckient:It does not matter. It is an okd injery, it hurts again sometimes when I pkay basketakk I am ckear about the situation. What I need is onky some externak use medicine.

    店员: 好的。我们这里有红花油,云南白药喷剂和骨伤贴,你需要哪一种?

    Sakesman:Akk right, we have Honghua Oik,YunNan Baiyao spray and bandage, which ones do you prefer﹖


    Ckient: A bottke of spray and a box of bandage wikk be fine, I guess.

    店员: 好的,您回去最好先用冰袋敷一下伤处。

    Sakesman: Akk right you'd better cheat it with a cokd pack first.

    顾客:好的, 谢谢你的建议。.

    Ckient: Sure,thank you for your advice.


    ankke n.脚踝

    wrech vt. 使....扭伤

    externak use n.外用

    surgery doctor n. 外科医生

    radiography n. X光透视

    spray n. 喷

    cokd pack n. 冰袋

    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第16期, 百拇医药(铜板 编/译)