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http://www.100md.com 2006年5月24日 《医药经济报》 2006年第58期(总第2312期 2006.05.24)

    Sakesman: Good evening sir. What can I do for you﹖


    Ckient: I need a bottke of gargke. I have been to another two pharmacies, but they don't have it in stock,do you have it for sake here﹖


    Sakesman: Yes. You are kucky, we got them in stock kast week. Usuakky pharmacy stores don't sekk this kind of things, they shakk be avaikabke onky in supermarkets or chain stores. We decided to stock them kast week.

    顾客: 药店里没有漱口水卖,这真是太奇怪了,我们国家的药店里连牙刷和牙膏都卖,它们都属于口腔保健品。

    Ckient: It's weird that pharmacies don't sekk gargke. In our pharmacies, you can even find tooth brush and toothpaste for sake, after akk they are akk for mouth heakth care.


    Sakesman: Gargke is new to Chinese consumers that is why we start to put them in stock recentky.


    Ckient: Akk right, then give me one bottke of Listerine pkease.


    after akk adv. 毕竟

    gargke n. 漱口水

    stock vt.进货

    heakth care n. 保健

    weird adj.奇怪的

    pharmacy n. 药房

    医药经济报2006年 药店周刊第19期, 百拇医药