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http://www.100md.com 《四川精神卫生》 2006年第1期
     【摘要】目的 为了解新兵的心理健康状况与个性特点。方法 采用90项症状清单(SCL-90)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)进行测试,所得结果与常模组、老兵组进行对照。结果 SCL-90各因子分显著低于常模组及老兵组;EPQ测试结果显示,以情绪稳定,性格外向为主。结论 新兵整体心理素质、人格特征良好,情绪稳定。

    【关键词】 新兵 心理健康 个性特征

    Analysis of the mental health state and personality of 360 new soldiers.

    LI Xiaorong,WANG Cuiping,ZHANG Yongan,et al.

    The 86th Hospital of the PLA,Dangtu,Anhui 243100,China

    【Abstract】Objective To understand the mental health state and personality of the new soldiers.Method Test the subjects with the SCL-90 and the EPQ.Compared the test results with the nom and the results of the old soldiers. Results The marks of each item in the SCL-90 were much lower than the old soldiers.EPQ showed that the new soldiers were mostly outgoing and generally had stable moods.Conclusions In general the mental health state and personality of the new soldiers are good and their moods are stable.

    【Key words】 New soldiers Mental health Personality

    为掌握新兵在训练期间的心理健康状况和个性特点 ......

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