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http://www.100md.com 《实用医技杂志》 2006年第6期
     [摘 要] 目的:为了掌握城市社区居民糖尿病的患病情况及影响发病的危险因素,探讨社区居民中糖尿病的防治对策。方法:对抽样人群采用入户调查方式,逐户逐人测定血糖,填写统一设计的调查表格。结果:在我区社区居民中糖尿病患病率为2.1%,其中男性高于女性;分年龄段统计,50岁以上人群明显高发;在不同职业人群中,教师和医生的患病率明显高于个体户和工人;不同收入人群中的患病率呈现出中间低两头高的态势;有家族遗传史者患病率为33.3%,与普通人群相比差异有非常显著性。结论:糖尿病是我市社区居民中一种常见、高发病。性别、年龄、家族遗传史、体力活动情况、精神因素和饮食习惯可能是导致糖尿病的诱发因素。

     [关键词] 社区居民;糖尿病;患病率;流行病学调查

    Diabetes Epidemiologic lnvestigation on Municipal Community Citizen

    YAO Jiaojuan,MA Huifeng

    (1.Yuncheng Center of Diseases Control and Prevention,Yuncheng,Shanxi 044000,China;2.Yuncheng Central Hospital, Yuncheng, Shanxi 044000, China)

    Abstract:Objective To understand the facts of diabetes and its risk factors and to conclude the preventive.methods of diabetes among municipal community citizen.Methods The bloodsμgar were tested onebyone in one community of our city by multistage clustering sampling.Results The morbidity rate of diabetes in the community of our city is approximately 2.1% ......

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