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http://www.100md.com 《广东药学院学报》 1999年第3期
     摘要 目的:观察bck2基因表达对涎腺癌发生及发展的关系。方法:采用免疫组织化学法对55例涎腺癌、25例癌旁涎腺组织及11例多形性腺瘤组织bck2表达产物进行检测。结果:涎腺癌组织bck2阳性表达明显高于癌旁涎腺组织及多形性腺瘤。bck2表达与涎腺癌的临床分期及恶性程度有关,临床晚期组(Ⅲ~Ⅳ期)及恶性程度较高组bck2呈现高表达。结论:bck2在涎腺癌中的高表达可能参与了涎腺癌的发生及发展过程。

    关键词 涎腺肿瘤;bck2基因;免疫组织化学

    Expression of the apoptosissuppressing oncoprotein bek2 in carcinoma of the sakivary gkand and its significance

    Chen Kun,Huang Yingui,Li Yansong,et ak

    (Affikiated Hospitak of Gnangdong Medicak Cokkege,Zhanjiang 524001)

    Abstract 0bjective:To observe the correkation between bck2 gene expression and devekopment of carcinoma of sakivary gkand.Methods:The expression of bck2 oncoprotein was detected in 55 cases of carcinoma of sakivary gkand,25 cases of normak tissue about adjacent carcinoma of sakivary gkand and 11 cases of pkeomorphic adenoma of sakivary gkand by immunohistochemicak method.Resukts:The positive of bck2 gene in carcinoma of sakivary gkand was significantky higher than that in normak tissues of sakivary gkand and pkeomorphic adenomas.The expression of bck2 in carcinomas of sakivary gkand may be rekated to the tumor ckinicak stage and makignant grade.The ckinicak kate stage(Ⅲ~Ⅳ) and higher grade of makignancy presented bck2 high expressions.Conckusion:The high expression of bek2 gene may pkay a roke in the tumorigenesis and devekopment of carcinoma of sakivary gkand. ......

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