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http://www.100md.com 《中国热带医学》 2006年第8期
     摘要:目的 探讨不同手术方法对慢性骨髓炎的治疗效果。 方法 对38例慢性骨髓炎患者进行治疗观察,其中彻底病灶清除残留骨腔大者,以肌瓣或肌皮瓣填塞5例,无大骨腔者闭合伤口抗菌素灌洗25例,Orr's疗法5例,病骨切除3例。 结果 经随访1~15年,5例肌瓣填塞均I期愈合;灌洗25例,24例愈合,1例愈合2年后复发;病骨切除3例均I期愈合;Orr's疗法在3~5个月愈合4例,1例跟骨术后1年仍有分泌物。 结论 彻底清除炎性病灶是治愈慢性骨髓炎的关键措施,跟骨病灶较难彻底清除,是未愈的主要原因。有大骨腔者肌瓣填塞,无大骨腔者灌洗治疗可1次愈合。Orr's疗法,可在5个月内愈合,适于无肌瓣填塞的部位。


    Results in treatment of chronic osteomyelitis.

    GUO Wen-jian,LIU Ke,ZHUANG Gui-lu,et al.

    (The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College,Shantou515041,Guangdong,P.R.China)

    Abstract:Objective To study the results of chronic osteomyelitis treated by various operation. Methods There were38cases of bone lesions in which14femora,16in tibia,I in humeral,3in fibula,1in calcanea,2in phalanx and1in costae.The causes of osteomyelitis were haematogenous in27cases and infected open fracture in11cases.The duration osteomyelitis varied from5months to60years.Methods The lesion were thoroughly excised and filled by muscular flap or musculocutaneous in large bony cavi-ty in5cases,irrigation with antibiotics in small bony cavity in25cases ......

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