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Assessment of a Dietary Questionnaire in Cancer Patients Receiving Cytotoxic Chemotherapy
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     the Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

    Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health

    Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA.


    PURPOSE: Few studies have examined the influence of diet on survival and chemotherapy-associated toxicities in patients with cancer. Although several comprehensive dietary questionnaires have been validated and calibrated in healthy populations, similar studies have not been performed among cancer patients.

    METHODS: Two hundred patients with colorectal, breast, or neuroendocrine cancer undergoing treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy completed a self-administered, 131-item, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Using the questionnaire, we calculated dietary intakes of carotenoids, tocopherols, and fatty acids, and correlated these values with relevant biomarkers measured in simultaneously collected plasma specimens.

    RESULTS: The Pearson correlation coefficients for various carotenoids as measured by the questionnaire, with the corresponding measurements in plasma specimens, ranged from 0.33 to 0.44 (all P < .001), adjusted for total energy intake, body mass index, age, sex, smoking status, and total plasma cholesterol. Similarly, the adjusted correlation between self-reported total vitamin E intake and plasma alpha-tocopherol was 0.34 (P < .001). Correlations between questionnaire and plasma measurements of trans-fat, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid were 0.55, 0.29, and 0.42 (all P < .001), respectively. These levels of correlation are consistent with those reported in similar studies of self-reported diet in otherwise healthy populations.

    CONCLUSION: Among patients with cancer receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy, questionnaire-based measurements of various micronutrients and dietary factors appeared to predict meaningful differences in the corresponding measurements in plasma specimens. This dietary questionnaire could offer an informative and practical means for assessing the influence of diet in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.


    Multiple epidemiology studies have shown a relationship between diet and the risk of developing a variety of cancers, including colorectal, breast, upper GI, and prostate.[1-6] However, data on the influence of diet on the outcomes of patients with established cancer are considerably more limited.[7] A recent panel convened by the American Cancer Society reported that there is insufficient evidence to provide specific dietary recommendations for patients with breast, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancer.[7] The panel concluded that properly conducted studies of the effect of nutrition on the prognosis of cancer survivors are needed urgently, and should be a high priority for all academic and research funding agencies.

    To assess associations between diet and cancer risk in healthy populations, large prospective studies principally have used semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires to ascertain estimated average long-term dietary habits.[8-12] Participants report their typical intake of commonly consumed foods from which average intake of macronutrients and micronutrients can be calculated. To identify dietary risk factors for various chronic diseases in adults, including cancer and heart disease, Willett et al[13] designed a self-administered, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire that consists of 131 food items plus vitamin and mineral supplement use that collectively account for more than 90% of the intake of the nutrients assessed. In validation and calibration studies among healthy participants of various races and ethnicities,[13-16] mean calorie-adjusted nutrients as measured by the questionnaire were well correlated with nutrients measured from weekly diet records.[13,17,18] In addition, nutrients measured by the questionnaire correlated with corresponding biochemical indicators measured from plasma and adipose tissue specimens.[19-21] Moreover, evidence that the dietary questionnaire can detect important biologic relationships is provided by studies demonstrating associations between diet and the risk of developing various diseases, including heart disease and cancer.[22]

    Although the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire developed by Willett et al has been validated and calibrated in various healthy populations,[13-16] it remains uncertain whether the instrument is a valid measure of dietary habits in patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Assessment of the utility of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire for a given population can be done using various techniques, including 24-hour recalls, diet records, or measurement of corresponding biochemical markers. Studies with biochemical markers, such as plasma carotenoids, tocopherols, and nonendogenous fatty acids,[20,21,23-25] have the distinct advantage of being objective; moreover, such biochemical assessments are subject to measurement errors that are not correlated with those inherent to a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire.[22]

    Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy may experience side effects that influence diet choices, food absorption, and energy balance. To support the future investigation of diet and cancer survival, studies that assess the utility of using semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires among cancer patients are clearly needed. We therefore administered a widely used semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to a population of patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy and compared the results with corresponding measurements in simultaneously collected plasma specimens.


    Study Population

    Patients for this study were enrolled at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, MA) between October 2003 and October 2004. Patients with colorectal, neuroendocrine, or breast cancer receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy were eligible for participation. Patients treated only with hormonal therapy or single-agent targeted therapy (eg, gefitinib, erlotinib, bevacizumab, cetuximab, or trastuzumab) were not eligible, unless they were given a cytotoxic therapy concurrently. Patients had to be receiving chemotherapy for at least 4 weeks and could not have had any major surgery within the 4 weeks before completion of the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and plasma collection. All patients were required to have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 2 or less (ambulatory, up and about at least 50% of waking hours, and able to do self-care) and have an adequate caloric intake (as determined by the treating physician). Patients lacking physical integrity of the upper GI tract or who had a malabsorption syndrome were not eligible. In addition, patients receiving total parental nutrition or tube feedings were not eligible, although oral supplements were allowed. Patients receiving a cholesterol-lowering agent (including niacin, gemfibrozil, and 5-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors) were excluded. Participating physicians were provided with their clinic schedule for a given month and indicated which patients met eligibility for the study. Of the patients deemed eligible, 92% agreed to participate and signed informed consent; of those patients, 90% completed all components of the study. The study protocol and informed consent form were approved by the institutional review board of the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects for the Dana-Farber Harvard Cancer Center.

    Semiquantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire

    All patients completed a single semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire developed, tested, and refined by Willett et al.[1,8,9,13] Most patients completed the questionnaire while in the clinic, during the administration of chemotherapy. The questionnaire included 131 food items, vitamin and mineral supplements, and open-ended sections for other supplements and foods not specifically listed. Our questionnaire was modified to inquire about average food intake during the immediate last 3 months. We inquired about the exact breakfast cereal, multivitamin supplement, margarine, and vegetable oil used for frying or baking. For each food, a commonly used unit or portion size (eg, one egg or slice of bread) was specified, and participants were asked how often, on average during the last 3 months, they consumed that amount of each food. There were up to nine possible responses, which ranged from never to six or more times per day. We computed nutrient intakes by multiplying the frequency of consumption of each food by the nutrient content of the specified portions, using composition values from US Department of Agriculture sources supplemented with other data, including the components of specific vitamins and breakfast cereals.[26] We included supplements to total intake of specific nutrients. All values were energy adjusted using the residuals methods.[27]

    Collection and Analyses of Biologic Samples

    Patients underwent venipuncture at the time of a clinic visit. When possible, patients were requested to fast before the blood draw and 39% of patients reported no oral intake in the 8 hours before plasma collection. For carotenoid, tocopherol, and fatty acid measurements, blood was collected in an ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid–containing tube, and plasma was separated from the cellular component by centrifugation, aliquoted, and frozen at –70°C until analysis (which was completed within 1 year of collection). Samples underwent a single thaw for analysis. Total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, and triglycerides were measured according to institutional standards at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

    Concentrations of carotenoids and tocopherols were measured as described by El-Sohemy et al.[28] Samples were quantitated by high-performance liquid chromatography. The system manager software (D-7000, Version 3.0) was used for peak integration and data acquisition (Hitachi, San Jose, CA). Because lutein and zeaxanthin coelute on the chromatogram, the two are grouped and provided as lutein + zeaxanthin. Overall (between-run) coefficients of variation were all less than 5%.

    Plasma fatty acids were determined by extracting and transmethylating the lipids with methanol and sulfuric acid as described by Zock et al.[29,30] After esterification, the fatty acid methyl esters were redissolved in isooctane and quantitated by chromatography. Peak retention times and area percent of total fatty acids were identified by injecting known standards, as described previously.[31] Overall coefficients of variation for the major peaks were approximately 5%.

    Ascertainment of Clinical Data

    Computerized medical records were reviewed to extract the cancer diagnosis, current chemotherapy regimen, height, weight at time of study participation, weight approximately 4 to 6 weeks earlier, time the patient received chemotherapy, and age. Height and weight were obtained by standard clinical practice guidelines at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Body mass index was calculated as weight in kilograms divided height in square meters. Smoking status was obtained from the self-administered questionnaire that included diet and classified as current, past, or never smoker.

    Statistical Analysis

    Pearson correlation coefficients were used to assess the relationship between plasma concentrations and dietary intake. To better approximate a normal distribution, all variables, except age and body mass index, underwent natural logarithmic transformation. Consistent with prior analyses, we excluded patients with implausibly high (> 3,500 calories for women; > 4,200 calories for men) or low intakes (< 600 calories for women; < 800 calories for men).[32] We adjusted for potential confounders using the PROC CORR PARTIAL procedure in SAS version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). For fatty acids, we used the percent of total fat intake made up by a particular fatty acid. Previous studies have estimated that 100 to 200 participants can provide sufficiently stable correlation coefficients comparing the food frequency questionnaire with a comparison method.[22] Two hundred twenty-seven patients were enrolled onto the study. Four patients were withdrawn due to ineligibility (all were not receiving a cytotoxic chemotherapy), 23 did not complete all components of the study, and eight patients were excluded because of implausible caloric intake. Thus the final analysis cohort was 192 patients.


    Baseline Characteristics

    One hundred ninety-two patients were included in our analyses ([Table 1]). Median age for the population was 55 years, and the majority of patients had either breast cancer or colorectal cancer treated with a variety of cytotoxic chemotherapy regimens. Given that rapid changes in energy and nitrogen balance may influence the correlation between self-reported dietary intake during a 3-month period and single biomarker measurements, we determined weight changes during a 4- to 6-week period. Notably, the majority of participants had maintained a relatively stable weight; 95% of patients experienced a weight change of less than 3 kg in the 4 to 6 weeks before study enrollment.

    Correlations of Carotenoids and Tocopherols

    We calculated crude and multivariate Pearson correlation coefficients between energy-adjusted dietary micronutrients as measured by the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and corresponding biomarkers measured in plasma specimens. Consistent with prior similar studies, we adjusted correlations for age, body mass index, smoking status, and total cholesterol.[21] In addition, we included sex and weight change in the models. Because the majority of patients were not able to fast before sample collection, we did not adjust for plasma triglyceride levels. However, when we limited analyses to the 74 patients who fasted at least 8 hours, the correlations were not substantially different (data not shown). Results for various carotenoids and tocopherols as measured by the questionnaire were significantly correlated with plasma determinations ( [Table 2]). These correlations are comparable with those obtained from other studies of healthy populations ([Table 3]). For example, we found a correlation of 0.33 for beta-carotene (?-carotene), compared with a range of 0.22 to 0.39 in other studies.[21,23-25,33] Similarly, for alpha-tocopherol (-tocopherol), our correlation of 0.34 is within the range of 0.25 to 0.51 demonstrated by others.[21,24,33,34] Of note, the negative correlation between plasma gamma-tocopherol and total vitamin E intake (r = –0.40) has been observed by Ascherio et al[21] (r = –0.51), and is consistent with the experimental observation that -tocopherol supplements decrease plasma -tocopherol.[37]

    Correlations of Fatty Acids

    We similarly calculated crude and multivariate Pearson correlation coefficients ([Table 4]) between dietary fatty acids (as percentage of total fat intake) and the corresponding plasma fatty acids (as percentage of total fatty acids in plasma). These correlations for various fatty acids are comparable with those obtained from other studies of healthy populations ([Table 3]). For example, our correlations of 0.44 for total omega-3 and 0.42 for docosahexaenoic acid compare with those reported by others who measured plasma fatty acids (0.51[35] and 0.42,[20] respectively). Restriction to patients who were fasting did not appreciably change these results (data not shown).

    Influence of Time on Chemotherapy

    We modified the existing semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire by assessing average food intake during the previous 3 months (versus the typical 12 months). Patients in this trial were eligible if they had been receiving chemotherapy for at least 4 weeks. Given that this was a cross-sectional study among patients who received chemotherapy for various lengths of time, we confirmed that such variability did not influence our results. The correlations for carotenoids, tocopherols, and fatty acids do not vary substantially when we stratified the analyses by patients receiving chemotherapy for less than 3 (33% of cohort) or more than 3 months (67% of cohort). For example, adjusted correlations for -carotene were 0.39 (P = .003) for those receiving chemotherapy less than 3 months compared with 0.31 (P = .0005) for those treated for more than 3 months. Similarly, adjusted correlations for trans-fat were 0.54 and 0.56 (P < .0001 for both), respectively.


    In a population of patients who were actively receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy for various solid tumor malignancies, we found that levels of nutrients as measured by a self-administered semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire were significantly correlated with the corresponding biomarkers measured from plasma. The correlations found for carotenoids, tocopherols, and fatty acids are comparable to those demonstrated using the same instrument in healthy populations without cancer. Our results suggest that this semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire may be an accurate instrument to assess dietary intake in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

    Within our study population, we considered other methods for validation of our semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire, such as diet records that would be maintained by each subject or 24-hour food recall surveys. These methods have the ability to correlate more nutrients because there are only a limited number of nutrients that have corresponding biochemical parameters that are sensitive to dietary intake. However, in a population of patients with cancer, diet records or recall surveys may be impractical and potentially less valuable. Because many of the chemotherapy regimens are given either on a weekly or every-other-week schedule, we would anticipate that daily intakes of patients would vary widely depending on toxicities experienced from the therapy. Moreover, diet records and 24-hour diet recall surveys are subject to sources of measurement error that are similar to those for a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and thereby may create artifactually positive correlations. In contrast, sources of measurement error for plasma biomarkers are not typically correlated with those found in a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire.[22]

    In our study, we prospectively collected information on known and potential confounders of the studied biomarkers, including smoking status, total cholesterol, body mass index, and age. Fasting triglycerides may also be a useful covariate in analyses of tocopherols. However, because all of our patients were actively receiving chemotherapy, less than one half were able to fast for more than 8 hours before plasma collection. Chemotherapy may affect plasma triglyceride levels in particular, leading to less accurate measurements, whereas cholesterol levels appear to be less affected.[38-42] Similarly, few studies have suggested that cancer therapies (including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy) may influence plasma tocopherols and carotenoids levels.[43-45] However, the comparable correlations between our study and prior reports suggests these biomarkers are still reasonable to use in this study of patients receiving chemotherapy.

    Previous studies have conducted repeated administrations of the questionnaire as well as repeated plasma collections to reduce measurement error. Although we did not perform similar corrections in measurement error, our findings are nonetheless consistent with those studies that used repeated determinations of diet and biochemical parameters.[20,21,25,34-36]

    Specific carotenoids and tocopherols may be associated with the development of a variety of malignancies,[46-52] and preclinical data suggest that tocopherols may influence treatment-related toxicities.[53-55] -Tocopherol is likely the predominant component of vitamin E supplementation, and our correlation for -tocopherol (r = 0.34) was consistent with correlations observed in other validation studies within healthy populations (r = 0.25 to 0.51). Moreover, prospective studies in previously healthy populations using this semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire have found significant associations between vitamin E intake and the risks of coronary heart disease[56] and possible risk of certain cancers.[57]

    The correlations using plasma biomarkers (r = 0.3 to 0.6) may be considered modest.[58] However, other factors beyond dietary intake, such as variations in absorption and host metabolic parameters, will influence the levels of plasma biomarkers.[22] Thus, our findings do not allow a quantitative estimate of the correlation between our food frequency instrument and true intake. A prior study used the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire, multiple 24-hour recalls, and biochemical markers (including certain carotenoids and fatty acids) to estimate the correlation of each with true intake using a triangulation method. Correlations between the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire and the biochemical indicators were similar to those that we report in this study, and the triangulation analysis suggested that the correlations of the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire intake with true intake were generally stronger than the correlations between the biochemical measurements and true intake.

    We conducted this study in a population of patients with three different cancer types on a variety of chemotherapy regimens. Although we believe that our findings are generalizable to other cancer populations, the utility of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in measuring between-subject variations in patients with cancers that may affect food absorption (eg, esophageal and gastric) is not addressed. Furthermore, all patients in this study were deemed to have adequate nutritional intake by their physicians, primarily on the basis of relative weight stability. Although this clearly is a subjective and inaccurate measure, only two patients had implausibly low total calorie counts and 95% of patients had relatively stable weight in the 4 to 6 weeks before enrollment. Nonetheless, use of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire to describe between-person variations in cancer patients with inadequate caloric intake cannot be addressed in this study.

    Nutritional therapies are the most common form of complementary therapy among cancer patients.[7] After a diagnosis of cancer, patients are highly motivated to seek information about diet, physical activity, dietary supplement use, and nutritional complementary therapies. Studies among patients with breast cancer indicate that a majority are interested in making healthful changes in their diets.[59-62] In one study, 52% of cancer patients wanted nutritional guidance at the time of diagnosis or soon after, although few participants reported ever receiving dietary recommendation from their physicians.[59] Unfortunately, few data exist in the literature to enable firm conclusions to be drawn.[7] Confirmation of the utility of a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in this population has important implications. Dietary intake may affect treatment-related toxicities, effectiveness of adjuvant therapy for patients with curable disease, and progression-free and overall survival in patients with metastatic disease on long-term therapy. These results confirm that such a questionnaire can offer an informative assessment of dietary intake for the purpose of such future studies in such patients. Ongoing and completed cooperative group trials sponsored by the National Cancer Institute use this questionnaire to assess the influence of dietary intake on treatment-related toxicities and survival in patients with regional and advanced cancers. The data provided in the current analysis support the ability of measuring dietary intake in patients receiving chemotherapy and will allow additional investigation into the relationship between nutrition and outcomes in patients with cancer.

    Authors' Disclosures of Potential Conflicts of Interest

    The authors indicated no potential conflicts of interest.


    We thank Jeremy Furtado for assistance in biomarker analyses and Laura Sampson for assistance in nutritional analyses.


    Supported in part by a K07 award from the National Cancer Institute (K07CA097992) and an American Society of Clinical Oncology career development award (J.A.M.).

    Authors' disclosures of potential conflicts of interest are found at the end of this article.


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