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http://www.100md.com 《中国热带医学》 2006年第2期
     摘要:目的 了解在基本消灭丝虫病后,实施巩固与净化措施对消除丝虫病的远期效果。 方法 采取查找和治疗残存传染源的巩固措施与重点乡村普服0.3%的海群生药盐的净化措施;开展丝虫病的横向和纵向监测、重点人群监测及慢性丝虫病患者调查与复查。 结果 全省消除丝虫病后横向监测28414人,重点人群监测3047人,均未检出微丝蚴;解剖蚊媒6012只,未发现含人体幼丝虫感染蚊;原慢性丝虫病患者因年老自然减员等原因大为减少,亦无新发慢性丝虫病发生。 结论 四川省消除丝虫病后,在现有血检技术方法条件下,内源性传染源存在的可能性极小,实施巩固和净化措施后远期效果显著。


    Analysis of long term effect of consolidation and purification measures in the control of filariasis after basic elimination in Sichuan Province.

    ZHANG Fu-nan.

    (Institute of Parasitic Diseases of Sichuan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Preven-tion,Chengdu610041,Sichuan,P.R.China)

    Abstract:Objective To understand the long term effect of measures in consolidation and purification of filariasis after it was basically eliminated in Sichuan Province. Methods The measures of consolidation were detection and treatment of residual sources of infection and the purification measures was the collective administration of0.3%DEC by the target township inhabitants.Cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys of filariasis ......

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