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http://www.100md.com 《交互式心脏血管和胸部手术》
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    Epilepsy in Children

    WebMD - http://my.webmd.com/content/article/77/95375.htm

    This is a parent’s guide to epilepsy from the popular health website that contains information on types of seizures, tips for managing seizures, treatment available, dealing with school, sports and sections on epilepsy in adolescents and teens.

    Newer Drugs for Epilepsy (NICE Guidance) - http://www.nice.org.uk/page.aspxo=113360

    The National Institute on Clinical Excellence, UK, compiles and publishes on its website guidelines on various clinical topics. This section contains information on the newer anti-convulsants, their uses and side effects.

    Pediatric Epilepsy center - http://www.neuro.wustl.edu/epilepsy/pediatric/index.html

    The Pediatric epilepsy center contains information for patients, families and physicians on various aspects of childhood epilepsy. A unique feature of this website is the section on "Evidence Based Epilepsy" which contains a collection of Evidence based summaries on various aspects on pediatric epilepsy.

    Internet Handbook on Neurology - http://www.neuropat.dote.hu/epilepsy.htm

    This website has a large collection of links on various neurology topics compiled by the Department of Neurology, University of Debrecen, Hungary. The epilepsy section has links to large number of websites on genetics, diagnosis, and treatment of childhood epilepsy.

    Epilepsy Foundation, USA - http://www.epilepsyfoundation.org/ecommunities/

    The ‘eCommunities’ section of the Epilepsy Foundation website offers an opportunity for parents and patients to participate in online interactions through message boards and live chats. "Teen groups, parents helping parents and living with epilepsy" are some of the online groups that will be of interest to parents of children with epilepsy.(C. Vidyashankar,)