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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代影像学杂志》 2006年第11期
     新生儿肺透明膜病50例影像分析 (pdf)

    [摘要] 目的 探讨新生儿肺透明膜病(NPHMD)的影像特征及诊断体会。 方法 对50例经临床和X线确诊为NPHMD进行回顾性分析。结果 33例表现为肺野透亮度降低,呈毛玻璃样改变,伴两肺内中带有细小颗粒或网结状影。30例出现支气管充气征,多见于右下肺内带及左心影后,这是NPHMD典型的X线特征表现。9例出现白肺征。 结论 胸部X线检查是诊断NPHMD的主要方法和及时了解NPHMD病程发展与治疗效果的主要手段,可表现为颗粒状影或网结状影、支气管充气征及白肺征。

    [关键词] 新生儿;肺透明膜病;影像分析

    Imaging analysis of hyaline membrane disease in 50 newborn

    DENG Xianhua.Department of Radiology,Baoan Women and Childrens Hospital,Shenzhen 518026,China

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the imaging features of pulmonary hyaline membrane disease(PHMD) in newborns and experience of 50 cases. Methods Xray findings of 50 newborns with clinically and pathologically proved PHMD were analyzed retrospectively.Results Lung field diaphaneity diminution with ground glass infiltrates and in both lung field with small granule or retiform shadow demonstrated in 33 cases.The aerial bronchogram displayed in the medial zones of right lung and left per ventricular region posteriorly in 30 cases;“white lung” revealed in 9 cases.Blunting of mediastinum,cardiac border and diaphragm were noted,but diaphragmatic position was normal. Conclusion Xray chest radiography is considered the main method for the diagnosis of hyaline membrane disease in newborn.The aerial bronchogram,“white lung” and small granule or retiform shadow is the characteristic finding of PHMD. ......

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