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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代影像学杂志》 2006年第11期
     数字胃肠造影对食管胃连接部病变诊断的再探讨 (pdf)

    [摘要] 目的 探讨数字化连续点片对食管胃连接部病变的早期诊断价值。方法 使用数字化连续点片,以5~7帧/s的速度对56例食管胃连接部病变的患者进行胃肠造影检查。结果 56例中,食管胃反流与反流性食管炎16例,贲门占位18例,食管胃底静脉曲张6例,贲门失弛缓症4例,食管裂口疝12例。 结论 通过这种方法可以动态地观察食管的运动过程,明显提高食管胃连接部病变的检出率。

    [关键词] 食管胃连接部病变;数字化;连续性摄片;诊断

    Study again of esophagastric junction lesions diagnostic in gastrointestinal examination

    LI Desheng,CHEN Gang,YANG Li,et al.Central Hospital of Jiamusi,Jiamusi 154002,China

    [Abstract] Objective To discuss the early diagnostic value of digital spot imaging of the esophagastric junctions lesions. Methods To use digital continuous spot imaging, patients of 56 case of hepatocelluler with the esophastric junction lesions were examined at speed of 5~7f/s. Results In 56 cases,esophagastric refluxed and the reflux esopaguxitis 16 cases, cardiac carcinoma 18 cases, oesophageal hiatus hernia 12 cases.Conclusion The esophageal motional process may be to dynamie watching by this way. It is obvious to improve the success rate of the esophagastric junctions lesions. ......

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