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http://www.100md.com 郑晓燕, 温 艳, 阴赪宏, 王 婧

     郑晓燕, 温艳, 阴赪宏, 王婧, 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院, 北京热带医学研究所 北京市 100050中华医院管理学会/默沙东-医院管理科研基金资助项目, No.2004KY01

阴赪宏, 100050, 北京市宣武区永安路95号, 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院, 北京热带医学研究所.


2006-11-09 接受日期: 2006-12-18

    Integrons and gene cassettes in antibiotic-resistant Shigella

    Xiao-Yan Zheng, Yan Wen, Cheng-Hong Yin, Jing Wang

    Xiao-Yan Zheng, Yan Wen, Cheng-Hong Yin, Jing Wang,Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital University of Medical Sciences; Beijing Institute for Tropical Medicine, Beijing 100050, China

    Supported by
China Hospital Administration Association/Mo Sha Dong-Hospital Administration Scientific Research Foundation, No.2004KY01

    Correspondence to:
Cheng-Hong Yin, Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital University of Medical Sciences; Beijing Institute for Tropical Medicine, 95 Yong’an Road, Xuanwu District, Beijing 100050, China. modscn@yahoo.com

    Received:2006-11-09 Accepted:2006-12-18


With the widespread use of antibiotics, the question of drug resistance, especially multi-drug resistance, in Shigella is increasingly serious. As a new drug-resistant mechanism, integron system, which has the ability of capturing and expressing foreign genes, is attracting more and more attention. According to the difference of integrase, integrons can be divided into six types, of which type 1, 2 and 3 integrons are studied most and have been proved to be correlated with the drug resistance of bacteria. Recent studies indicated that type 2 integron is most commonly found in Shigella. In this article, we reviewed the conception and structure of integrons and gene cassettes as well as their correlations with the drug resistance ofShigella.

    Key Words:
Gene cassettes; Integrons; Shigella; Drug resistance

    Zheng XY, Wen Y, Yin CH, Wang J. Integrons and gene cassettes in antibiotic-resistant Shigella. Shijie Huaren Xiaohua Zazhi 2007;15(8):855-859

随着抗生素的广泛应用, 志贺菌的耐药特别是多重耐药问题日趋严重. 具有捕获及表达外来基因能力的整合子(integron)系统作为新的细菌耐药机制, 正越来越受关注. 根据整合酶intⅠ的不同, 整合子可分为6 类. 其中1, 2, 3类整合子研究较多, 并已被证明与细菌的耐药性有关. 最近研究表明, 2类整合子是志贺菌中最常见的整合子. 本文就基因盒-整合子系统的概念、结构及与志贺菌耐药相关性等进行综述.

基因盒; 整合子; 志贺菌; 耐药

郑晓燕, 温艳, 阴赪宏, 王婧. 基因盒-整合子系统与志贺菌耐药. 世界华人消化杂志 2007;15(8):855-859

    0 引言

    志贺菌属细菌通称痢疾杆菌, 是一类具有高度传染性和危害严重的革兰氏阴性肠道致病菌. 由志贺菌感染引起的细菌性痢疾是发达国家和发展中国家急性腹泻重要的病因之一[1]. 志贺菌对抗生素耐药的发生率逐渐增加是控制细菌性痢疾的一个主要威胁. 滥用药物和基因水平传播导致了志贺菌对常用抗生素产生了耐药性[2]. 最近的研究表明, 志贺菌耐药与基因盒-整合子系统有着密切的关系[3-6]. 

    1 基因盒-整合子系统

    人们对细菌耐药性产生的机制曾主要集中在基因突变的研究中, 认为基因突变的积累是产生细菌耐药的主要原因, 但后来发现没有接触过抗生素的病原菌对抗生素也具有抗性, 耐药性也能转移[7]. 研究表明, 多种机制包括可移动的遗传因素如质粒和转座子参与了细菌抗生素耐药性的传播[8], 最近研究证实整合子和基因盒也成为耐药基因传播的因素[9]. 整合子在质粒、转座子或细菌染色体中被发现, 使细菌质粒具有在整合酶介导下整合抗生素耐药基因的能力. 整合子能编码一种促使基因盒位点特异性整合的DNA重组酶[10].

    1.1 整合子及其结构和种类 整合子是细菌基因组中的可移动遗传物质, 携带位点特异性重组系统组分, 可将许多耐药基因盒整合在一起, 从而形成多重耐药[11] ......
