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http://www.100md.com 2007年5月13日
     刘文清① 于文凤② 胡建平③

    ①③旭日儿科疾病防治所 ②淄博市妇幼保健院



    电子信箱:xrlwq@sohu.com xrlwq02@sina.com

    摘要 目的:探讨腹泻病的营养疗法。方法:治疗组557例腹泻患者单纯食用精制面琪粥(或清水面条),严重感染、或明显脱水者给予静脉输液;对照组266例,未食用面琪粥(或清水面条),随意饮食,服用思密达、妈米爱、口服ORS、口服或静滴抗生素、静脉补液,观察两组患者粪便的性状、次数、体温、腹痛、恶心、呕吐、精神状态等变化情况。结果:治疗组婴幼儿及学龄前儿童在2~3小时内连续食用面琪粥(或清水面条)2次后,大便性状即改善,次数减少(菌痢者,里急后重感即可缓解,甚至消失),精神好转,食欲增加,体温亦得到控制,再连续巩固食用2~4次,即可达到治愈;成人及较大儿童食用1次(500~1000ml),20~30分钟内腹痛、恶心、呕吐、便意即可缓解甚至消失,体温亦得到控制,再巩固食用1~2次,即可达到治愈。结论:用精制面琪粥(或面条)治疗腹泻疗效迅速确切、经济、方便、无痛苦,易被患者(尤其是婴幼儿)接受。

    关键词:精制面琪粥(或精制面条) 营养治疗 腹泻

    Objective:To investigate the effect of nutriet therapy on diarrhea. Methods:There were 557 diarrhea patients in the treat group,most of them only administered with Mianqizhou or noodles of mild flavor.Some patients,who were infected severely and dehydrated obviously,were treated with antibiotic and fluid replacement by intravenous injection.There were 266 diarrhea patients in the control group,who were not administered with Mianqizhou or noodles of mild flavor .those patients treated with SIMIDA,MAMIAI and ORS by taking orally, antibiotic and fluid replacement by intravenous injection. Such symptoms and signs,transformation of shape,frequencies of excrement, temperature, stomachache, nausea and vomiting, mental condition and so on,were observed both in two groups. Results: In the treat group ,the symptoms and signs of the infants and children in preschool age could ameliorated within 2-3 hours,such as dysentery relieved even removed,mental improved,appetite increased, temperature controlled.It could be cured after treating two or three time continuously. The adults and children were cured after one time(500ml~1000ml) treatment.Mianqizhou could relieve stomachache,vomitingand nausea,and diarrhea in 20-30 mins ,and regulate temperature.Conclusion: This treatment has obvious effect in a short time.It also was economical,simple,without pain and without side-effect and suitable for patients (especially infants). ......

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