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http://www.100md.com 2007年8月24日 医学捌号楼
     中医的御用记者刘燕玲又在帮中医找出路。中医一年前慌慌张张成立了整脊学会,因为美国正规现代医疗体系之外有一个辅助学科,整脊学科chiropractic. 美国的整脊学科对于今天的中医来说像是诺亚方舟,万一有一天中医全面垮了,这个整脊学科兴许能救出几个人。所以刘燕玲在帮中医整脊学科打广告,欺骗国人。

    昨天的健康报网有一篇刘燕玲的报道,“脊柱侧弯,早期治疗中医有作为”。(附录) 介绍了中华中医药学会整脊分会主任委员韦以宗教授的“中医早期治疗脊柱侧弯”的经验。韦以宗教授说:“由于这种病变是随着年龄和身高发育而不断扩大脊柱侧弯的,因此,及早发现、及早调治,有效控制其发展,是最好的办法“。韦教授介绍了有关的治疗方法:一旦发现孩子脊柱侧弯,可找整脊医师行四维整脊矫正,配合针灸、推拿治疗,即可有效控制并改善侧弯度;每天早上或晚上给孩子捏脊:让孩子俯卧,用拇指和食指从第七颈椎一个一个椎体往下捏椎体两旁,反复10次至20次;指导孩子每天坚持做跨步压腿、扩胸运动和俯卧撑锻炼。“这些方法的主要目的都是恢复脊柱两侧肌力的平衡。总而言之,防治青少年脊柱侧弯症,关键要早。”韦教授再次重申。
, 百拇医药
    本文介绍两篇英文(中译)文章,一篇是纽约的Oheneba Boachie-Adjei 阿加以医生谈原发性脊柱侧弯的非手术治疗,另一篇是美国一个叫Samuel Homola豪莫拉的整脊师给一个病孩的父亲写的回信。信中说整脊师的手法治疗对原发性脊柱侧弯无效。






, 百拇医药

    In most cases spinal manipulation, exercise, physiotherapy, and electric stimulation have not shown to be effective treatments. However, an orthopedic brace can be used to prevent the curve from worsening and does not limit physical activity.


    《美国现代医学骨科阿加以医生Dr. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei 谈原发性脊柱侧弯的非手术治疗》
, http://www.100md.com
    Idiopathic Scoliosis

    An interview with Dr. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei


    Non-Surgical Treatment


    While age is certainly not the only consideration involved, the age-based diagnostic categories of idiopathic scoliosis may provide the easiest key to understanding non-surgical treatment.
, 百拇医药


    Infantile idiopathic scoliosis: For many families in which a child has been diagnosed with infantile idiopathic scoliosis, the news is good. About 80% of all cases resolve on their own. For all young children with a curve that is less than 30 degrees, the orthopaedist will observe the patient and examine him or her at regular intervals.
, http://www.100md.com

    If the curve continues to progress, the infant or toddler will be fitted with a brace. These external devices are designed to slow or arrest the progression of the curve. Unfortunately, they can not correct the problem. Moreover, use of braces can be difficult in these patients due to their small size-it is harder for the orthopaedist to achieve the correct alignment with the brace. The discomfort and restriction of wearing a brace also presents a challenge for patient and parent.
, http://www.100md.com

    For these children, the goal of non-surgical treatment is to control the curve so that surgical treatment does not become necessary until the child has achieved most, if not all, of his or her growth.



    Juvenile idiopathic scoliosis: As with younger patients, observation, followed by the use of a brace if the curve progresses, are the only available non-surgical treatment. Braces work to arrest the curve permanently in about 60% of juvenile patients, and no further treatment is needed. In the remaining group of patients, as with cases of infantile idiopathic scoliosis, the goal is to control the curve well enough so that surgery can be delayed until after the adolescent growth spurt has been reached.
, 百拇医药

    Unfortunately, complications of scoliosis can occur that mandate the need for surgery before that time. These include pulmonary compromise, in which the curvature of the spine prevents the lungs from fully forming and functioning normally. As a result, heart disease may also develop.


, 百拇医药
    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: Patients whose curves remain stable undergo regular physical examinations to confirm their status. Use of a brace is initiated for progressive curves. The result of this treatment is quite good with 75-80% of curves controlled in this fashion. If the curve can be controlled at less than 40 degrees, the patient may never require additional treatment. However, if the curve reaches 50 degrees, it can be expected to worsen, even after full growth is achieved, and to eventually require surgical treatment.
, 百拇医药


    Adult idiopathic scoliosis: Non-surgical treatment for adult patients is generally based on symptoms. For patients experiencing pain and restrictions on mobility, pain medication and physical therapy are prescribed. The use of braces offers little benefit, and is reserved for short term pain relief in a minority of patients. As with younger patients, the decision to proceed to surgical treatment is guided by progression of the curve and related symptoms.
, 百拇医药

    Chief of Scoliosis Service 脊柱侧弯诊疗部主任

    Department of Orthopedic Surgery 骨科

    Hospital for Special Surgery 专门外科医院

    Dr. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei 阿加以医生办公室地址

    East River Professional Building

    523 East 72nd Street

    New York, NY 10021 纽约市
, 百拇医药
    Tel: 212.606.1948 电话

    Mailing Address 寄信地址

    Hospital for Special Surgery

    535 East 70th Street

    New York, New York 10021 纽约市

    Dr. Oheneba Boachie-Adjei阿加以医生电邮地址

    Email Addressboachie@hss.edu


    我在网上发现的另一篇文章很有意思。美国有一个叫Samuel Homola豪莫拉的整脊医生,他发现美国整脊学科中有不科学的地方,于是,他就专门写书来揭露整脊学科骗人的地方。我在美国的行医过程中,极偶然和整脊师打个照面。对整脊学科在美国的情况并不了解。从我观察美国现代医学对整脊学科的看法,有一点像中国大陆医生对正规推拿师的看法。此外,还有几点不同。1。美国对物理治疗和整脊学科的需求量很大。2。美国的整脊学科的整脊师不是法定的医生,因为他们没有学习过内外妇儿精神病五大学科。
, 百拇医药
    直到两三年前,加州的一个大学想要新开办一所正式整脊学院(college)。此事引起了全美国现代医学医生极大的愤慨,我才从新闻报道中读到“不科学” 的字样。我买了一本美国整脊学的教科书,浏览了一下,我的感觉美国整脊学已经是非常科学了。就脊柱和其周边的解剖部位及其疾病的解释和治疗,说得很详尽了。我认为说整脊学科“不科学”主要是因为它的治疗是“模糊治疗”。模糊治疗是指“治疗和效果之间”没有剂量关系,比如针灸和推拿。所以对疾病的原理就无法确定,只是猜想。我建议韦以宗教授买一本美国整脊学教科书读一读。我相信韦以宗教授如果能把这本书读完读懂,他一定有脱胎换骨的感觉。中医那一套应当全部扔到垃圾箱里去。


    Answers to Questions about Chiropractic:

    Should Chiropractors Treat Scoliosis in Children?
, http://www.100md.com
    Samuel Homola, D.C.



    Dr. Homola is a second-generation chiropractor who has dedicated himself to defining the proper limits on chiropractic and to educating consumers and professionals about the field. His 1963 book Bonesetting, Chiropractic, and Cultism supported the appropriate use of spinal manipulation but renounced chiropractic dogma. His 1999 book Inside Chiropractic: A Patient's Guide provides an incisive look at chiropractic's history, benefits, and shortcomings. Now retired after 43 years of practice, he lives in Panama City, Florida.
, 百拇医药


    My daughter, who is 12 and lives with her mother, has been receiving treatment from a chiropractor for nearly two years. I first learned that she was being taken to a chiropractor in about six months after she began going. I had had no personal experience with chiropractic care so I asked family and friends for advice. I received positive and negative feedback. However, the positive feedback, without exception, included warnings that open-ended care should be avoided.
, http://www.100md.com

    My ex-wife and the chiropractor promised that treatment would end after a year, but I've recently found out that it is still going on. The treatment began because the chiropractor alleged that my daughter has an early case of scoliosis. Her medical doctor did not agree with this diagnosis, but my ex-wife was so afraid that our daughter would have to wear a brace that she decided to "cure" the scoliosis with chiropractic.
, http://www.100md.com

    My daughter has made alarming comments. I first found out she was visiting a chiropractor when she said she could hardly get out of bed unless she sees her chiropractor. My recent discovery of her continued visits came when, during some horse-play, she said that she had just "ruined what her chiropractor had spent two months working out."
, http://www.100md.com

    I am so disturbed by this. It looks like she is set up for a lifetime of chiropractic treatment. Her mother does very little to ensure that she exercises or eats healthfully. Anything you can do, including pointing me in the right direction for more information, will be greatly appreciated.


, 百拇医药

    I believe that your daughter is being treated improperly. If she has scoliosis, there is nothing a chiropractic can do to cure it or stop its progression. But because some chiropractors who treat children diagnose abnormal curvatures that don't actually exist, you should have your daughter checked by an orthopedist.
, 百拇医药

    If she has scoliosis, you should follow that doctor's advice. In most cases, the only thing needed is monitoring to see that the abnormal curvature does not progress too far. If your daughter does not have scoliosis, you should inform your ex-wife of this and request that your daughter's relationship with the chiropractor is terminated. Regardless, you should reassure your daughter that exercise is good for her and will not make her vertebrae slip out of place.
, 百拇医药

    Your daughter has been unnecessarily frightened by the suggestion that her vertebrae are slipping out of place, making her fearful of normal activities. Even if she has scoliosis, there is no valid reason for her to avoid normal recreational activities. Chiropractic brainwashing can create "vertebral cripples" who become psychologically addicted to unnecessary, lifelong chiropractic care.
, 百拇医药

    My book, "Inside Chiropractic," describes inappropriate chiropractic treatment in detail. It might be helpful to supply your ex-wife with a copy. However, if she has formed an unshakable belief that your daughter requires frequent chiropractic visits, legal action may be necessary to protect your daughter's physical and mental health.

, 百拇医药     2004年1月13日

    This article was posted on January 13, 2004.


, 百拇医药




    2007.07.11 2版 综合新闻 编辑:时骏



, 百拇医药

, http://www.100md.com


    “这些方法的主要目的都是恢复脊柱两侧肌力的平衡。总而言之,防治青少年脊柱侧弯症,关键要早。”韦教授再次重申。, 百拇医药