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http://www.100md.com 2007年8月27日 网易博客

    In 2007, for the first time, the Top 100 Chinese Restaurants in USA competition is including a new category that recognizes the importance of – and increased consumer interest in – nutrition. The category, Top 100 Nutrition-Friendly Restaurants, is appropriate for restaurants that are taking extra steps to meet the nutrition needs of their health-conscious guests.

, 百拇医药
    色和新意,而且评选更趋合理公正,2007年度“中餐百佳(TOP 100)”评比活动



    For the 2008 competition, the criteria for consideration in this category will require nutrition analysis of several menu items, and at least four will have to meet specified nutrition criteria, such as containing 750 calories or less, 25 grams of fat or less, etc. For entry in the 2007 Competition, however, restaurants being considered for the “Nutrition Friendly” category must meet the following four criteria:
, 百拇医药
    • Serve some dishes that include fruits and/or vegetables

    • Offer low-sodium soy sauce, along with standard soy sauce

    • Serve brown rice as an option

    • Prepare some dishes with low-fat preparations, such as grilling, steaming, or lightly stir-frying

, 百拇医药
     菜单上的服务项目中有糙米;

     同时提供低盐酱油和标准酱油;

     提供包含水果及(或)蔬菜的菜品;

     用烤、蒸或轻炒的方式烹制菜肴。

    Over a period of four months, we are discussing each of the above criteria. Last month’s focus was on serving brown rice as an option. This month, we complete the discussion of the four criteria by addressing low-fat preparation methods.
, 百拇医药

    Let’s start by considering the nutrient fat. Fat is an important – actually, an essential – part of a healthful diet. The 2005 Dietary Recommendations for Americans states that fat intake should be limited to 20 to 35 percent of the day’s total calories. If too little fat is consumed (i.e., less than 20 percent of calories), it’s difficult to obtain sufficient vitamin E and other important nutrients. Inadequate fat in the diet may also contribute to unfavorable levels of HDL-cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) and triglycerides, thereby increasing the risk for heart disease. In the U.S., a far more common problem is excess intake of fat (more than 35 percent of calories). Since all oils contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fat (did you know that olive oil contains approximately 16% saturated fat?), a diet that is higher in fat generally increases the amount of saturated fat consumed. And saturated fat is a risk factor for heart disease. Additionally, because fat is so rich in calories, consuming a lot of it generally equates to excess caloric intake. And overweight and obesity are major risk factors for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. Finally, filling your diet with excess fat calories can crowd out calories from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
, http://www.100md.com

    A study conducted from 2003-2004 by the U.S. government (called NHANES) revealed that Americans consume an average of 83 grams of fat per day. As reflected on food labels, the “average” person consuming a 2,000-calorie/day diet should consume no more than 67 grams of fat.
, http://www.100md.com
    美国政府在2003-2004年期间组织的研究(取名为NHANES)中发现:美国人每天脂肪的平均摄入量为83克 ,远远超出了健康范围。据透露,日摄入量为2,000卡路里的人群每天的脂肪摄入量应低于67克。

    So where does restaurant dining fit in? And in particular, dishes typically served in Chinese restaurants? And what can you do to help your guests enjoy great-tasting, lower-fat dishes?


    There’s good news and bad news, and we’ll get the bad news over with first! There’s no way around it: Fried foods contain a lot of fat. In the process of frying, the oil gets soaked up like a sponge. While an occasional fried meal may not affect the waistline, many high fat meals over time spell trouble.
, http://www.100md.com

    While deep-frying and flash frying are common and easy forms of meal preparation in Chinese restaurants, they contribute significantly higher amounts of fat to the meal than other lower-fat preparation methods, while masking the naturally occurring flavors of the ingredients.

, 百拇医药
    And now for the good news. Other preparation methods that use minimal amounts of oil – grilling, broiling, steaming, and even light stir-frying – can all produce delicious results.


    Here are some suggestions to consider for your restaurant:

    • When stir-frying, use the least amount of oil needed (that is, just enough required to prevent sticking).
, 百拇医药
    • Use less oil in your sauces and in fried rice.

    • Experiment with substituting other liquid ingredients for some of the oil in your sauces, such as fruit or vegetable juice, vegetable or chicken stock, and/or wine.

    • Put less sauce on your dishes.

    • Serve slightly smaller portions (which can mean less sauce).

    • When implementing the next round of changes to your menu, consider replacing some of the fried dishes with others that are equally enticing but use low-fat cooking procedures
, http://www.100md.com

    • 清炒时,只加入必要的油(即菜肴不粘锅就行);

    • 酱汁和炒饭中都尽量少放油;

    • 将酱汁里的一些油脂成分替换成其它液体调味品如水果汁、蔬菜汁、蔬菜汤、鸡肉汤和/或酒;

    • 碟子里面少放酱汁;

    • 降低食物分量(意味着较少酱汁);

    • 在更新菜单时,将一些油炸食品更换成同样可口,但是用更健康的烹饪手法烹制出来的食物;

    Vivien Cheung, R.D. (registered dietitian) is a food and nutrition consultant at the University of California, Riverside and a fellow of the American Dietetic Association with more than 20 years experience in foodservice in both Hong Kong and the U.S. To reduce the amount of fat in Chinese dishes, Ms. Cheung recommends blanching in stock instead of oil. Doing so will reduce the amount of fat by at least 30%. Another suggestion is to refrain from “finishing” a dish with oil. If glazing is necessary, using a spritzer to spray the oil will minimize the amount used.
, http://www.100md.com
    Vivien Cheung,美国加州大学营养师,美国饮食协会成员,曾在香港和美国的餐饮界任职,有着20年的丰富的行业经验。她认为要减少中餐中脂肪的含量,可以将菜肴放在高汤中而非油脂中进行热烫处理,这样可以降低至少30%的脂肪含量。其次,还可以在菜肴烹制即将完成时,避免再度浇油。如果这道工序必不可少,则可使用喷洒器将油喷在菜上,降低油的使用量。

    Eric Lee, owner of Peking Chef (two locations) in Northeast Pennsylvania, has been making a concerted effort to provide a healthier restaurant experience for his guests. For example, he no longer allows smoking in his restaurants. In terms of food preparation, he’s made several changes, including removing several fried items from his menu, such as fried chicken wings, shrimp toast, egg foo yung, and bar-b-q spareribs. At first, it took some adjustment on the part of his customers, but Mr. Lee reports that business is very good!
, 百拇医药
    Lee Peking Chef是位于宾夕法尼亚州东北部的两家连锁餐厅,其东主Eric Lee一直将健康做为餐厅的经营理念,旨在为顾客打造健康的就餐体验,譬如,餐馆内禁止吸烟;在菜肴方面,他也做了很多改进,将很多油炸食品拆下了菜单,如油炸鸡翅、虾多士、芙蓉蛋和烤小排。最初,顾客有点不适应,不过据Lee先生透露,餐馆现在的生意很好。

    Before concluding the discussion on oil, it’s important to point out that, in addition to the quantity of fat, it’s also important to consider the type of fat. Olive, corn, canola, sesame, peanut, and soybean are all largely unsaturated oils, which is good. Saturated fats – found in meat (including lard, pork fat, etc.) and dairy products – and artificial trans fats, often found in processed foods, clog the arteries, boost LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and increase the risk of heart disease. According to the 2005 Dietary Recommendations for Americans, no more than 10% of total calories should from saturated fat, and trans fat should be kept as low as possible.
, 百拇医药
    在结束本期的话题前,还要一点重要事项提醒大家注意,即除了脂肪的数量,还应考虑其种类。如橄榄油、玉米油、菜籽油、芝麻油、花生油和大豆油都含有大量的不饱和脂肪,对人体颇有裨益。饱和脂肪(通常富含在肉类食品 (包括猪油、猪肉等)和乳制品中)和人工反式脂肪酸(通常富含于加工食品中)会阻塞动脉,刺激低密度脂蛋白胆固醇( 即对人体不利的胆固醇 )增高,增加心脏病的患病风险。2005年饮食摄取建议告诫全美同仁,热量中饱和脂肪摄入量不应超过10 %,反式脂肪的摄入量应尽可能低。

    In next month’s column, we will summarize and review a variety of steps that Chinese restaurant owners can take to make their dishes more healthful, while retaining the taste and beauty.

    在《中餐通讯》下一期的话题中,我们将引领中餐馆老板总结并回顾供应色香味俱全,且健康的菜肴的可行步骤和方法。, 百拇医药(melindawhm)