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脑缺血再灌流后大鼠海马脑源性神经营养因子和睫状神经营养因子 mRNA的表达
http://www.100md.com 《第二军医大学学报》 1998年第6期
     作者:董 艳 何 成 由振东 王成海 路长林



    第二军医大学学报980628 摘要 目的:观察大鼠脑缺血再灌流损伤后脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)和睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)mRNA在海马中的分布及其表达。方法:大鼠颈总动脉夹闭造成脑缺血30 min,于6,12,24,72 h进行点杂交和原位杂交,72 h时进行神经元尼氏小体染色。结果:脑缺血后,海马CA1区神经元大量死亡,BDNF mRNA表达于6 h开始增加,72 h恢复正常。24 h时齿状回BDNF mRNA表达高于CA1区。CNTF mRNA表达于12 h开始持续增加。结论:脑缺血再灌流损伤后,海马BDNF mRNA和CNTF mRNA的表达均增加。BDNF可能有利于齿状回神经元耐受缺血,CNTF可能在局部发挥神经营养作用。
, 百拇医药
    中国图书资料分类法分类号 R651

    Expression of mRNA for brain-derived neurotrophic factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor in the hippocampus following brain injury of ischemia reperfusion

    Dong Yan, He Cheng, You Zhendong, Wang Chenghai, Lu Changlin (Department of Neurobiology, Department of Basic Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, 200433)

    Abstract Objective: To observe the distribution and expression of mRNA for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) in the rat hippocampus following brain injury of ischemia reperfusion. Methods: Four vessels were occluded for 30 min to produce brain ischemia and Nissls stains were performed in 72 h in rats. Dot blot and in situ hybridization were also performed in 6, 12, 24 and 72 h, respectively. Results: Extensive death of neurons in the CA1 region was observed after brain ischemia. Levels of BDNF mRNA in the hippocampus increased at 6 h after ischemia and then returned to control levels at 72 h. The expression of BDNF mRNA in the dentate gyrus was significantly greater than that in the CA1 region at 24 h. The expression of CNTF mRNA increased from 12 h till 72 h after ischemia in the hippocampus. Conclusion: The expression of BDNF and CNTF mRNA increased following brain ischemia. BDNF may be benefit to neurons in the dentate gyrus to overcome ischemia while CNTF may act as a neurotrophic factor in the focal sites.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words brain-derived neurotrophic factor; ciliary neurotrophic factor; brain ischemia; hippocampus


    1 材料和方法

    1.1 动物及分组 按文献[2]的方法,取SD雄性大鼠36只(体质量220~240 g),随机分为:假手术对照组,电凝双侧椎动脉,分离颈总动脉,不结扎颈总动脉,于手术后24 h断头;缺血组,电凝双侧椎动脉,用无损伤血管夹夹闭两侧颈总动脉,30 min后放开动脉夹,翻正反射消失,为缺血成功的标志。大鼠分别于6,12,24和72 h断头,取72 h大鼠进行神经元尼氏小体染色(Olszwki染色)后光镜观察。实验前动物禁食12~15 h,自由饮水。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 RNA的提取及点杂交 相应时间点断头取脑,分离海马,一步法提取总RNA,将总RNA变性后点膜,晾干置120℃烘烤30 min。68℃预杂交2 h,加入地高辛标记探针,68℃杂交过夜。充分洗涤后,地高辛抗体1∶5 000孵育,置NBT和BCIP中室温显色4 h。

    1.3 原位杂交 2%戊巴比妥钠麻醉SD大鼠,经0.1 mol/L PBS及4%多聚甲醛心脏灌流固定,剥离脑组织,浸入4%多聚甲醛固定液中4℃过夜,移入20%的蔗糖溶液中直至组织块沉下。冷冻切片(厚20 μm),37℃预杂交1 h,42℃杂交18 h,地高辛抗体1∶500孵育,置NBT和BCIP中,4℃显色24 h。

    1.4 探针制备 采用Boehringer Mannheim公司生产的RNA标记药盒进行标记。

    1.5 结果分析 采用上海医科大学计算机图像分析系统对点杂交和原位杂交结果进行分析处理。所有的数据,以x±s表示,多组间均数比较用方差分析方法。
, 百拇医药
    2 结 果

    2.1 缺血后海马组织学变化 大鼠脑缺血30 min,再灌流72 h,海马CA1区神经元广泛死亡,而齿状回未观察到明显的神经元死亡。

    2.2 点杂交结果 脑缺血再灌流6 h,海马中的BDNF mRNA量为对照组的1.631倍(P<0.01),24 h达到高峰,为对照组的2.737倍,72 h时,已下降至略低于对照组,但无统计学意义。缺血再灌流6 h,CNTF mRNA没有变化,12 h时开始增加,为对照组的1.925倍,72 h时最高,为对照组的4.109倍。

    2.3 原位杂交结果 结果表明,脑缺血再灌流6 h,海马CA1区和齿状回BDNF mRNA均增加;24 h时最高,齿状回和CA1区BDNF mRNA分别是对照的2.680倍和1.787倍;72 h时分别为对照的0.893倍和1.104倍。虽然点杂交可以检测到CNTF特异性杂交信号,但是运用原位杂交技术,在对照动物切片中难以检测到CNTF mRNA信号,缺血再灌流72 h,CA1区和齿状回均能够检测到CNTF mRNA。
, 百拇医药
    3 讨 论

    虽然BDNF对培养的海马神经元存活没有影响,但是能够减轻体外缺血条件下培养海马神经元的死亡数量[3,4]。而本研究显示,脑缺血30 min,海马CA1区神经元发生了死亡,海马BDNF mRNA表达增加延迟可能反映脑缺血30 min导致神经元损伤严重和细胞代谢恢复推迟。海马CA1区和齿状回BDNF mRNA表达在脑缺血再灌流后均增加,并在24 h达高峰,但是齿状回BDNF mRNA表达变化比CA1区明显,齿状回的神经元耐受缺血,没有发生神经元延迟性死亡,故推测BDNF mRNA表达增加有助于神经元耐受缺血。

    已有的研究表明,中枢神经系统机械性损伤可以引起CNTF mRNA表达增加[5],目前国内外尚无脑缺血对CNTF mRNA表达影响的报道。本研究点杂交结果显示,CNTF mRNA于缺血再灌流12 h后开始增加,并持续升高直至72 h。原位杂交发现缺血再灌流72 h,海马可以检测到CNTF mRNA杂交信号,对照组海马检测不到CNTF mRNA信号,与以前的报道一致[5]。CNTF具有促进海马神经元存活的作用[6]。脑缺血时,谷氨酸毒性是神经元损伤和死亡的重要原因。缺血后增加的CNTF可能对维持神经细胞的正常功能和保护受损的神经元发挥一定的作用。
, 百拇医药
    参 考 文 献

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    2 Pulsinelli WA, Brierley JB. A new model of bilateral hemis- pheric ischemia in the unanesthetized rat. Stroke,1979,10(3):267

    3 Pringle AK, Sundstrom LE, Wilde GJ, et al. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, but not neurotrophine-3, prevents ischemia-induced neuronal cell death in organotypic rat hippocampal slice cultures. Neurosci Lett, 1996, 211(3):203
, 百拇医药
    4 Cheng B, Mattson MP. NT-3 and BDNF protect CNS neurons against metabolic/excitotoxic insults. Brain Res, 1994, 640(1): 56

    5 Ip NY, Stanly J. Injury-induced regulation of ciliary neuro-trophic factor mRNA in the adult rat brain. Eur J Neurosci, 1993, 5(1):25

    6 Skaper SD, Negro A, Toso DR, et al. Recombinant human ciliary neurotrophic factor alters the threshold of hippocampal pyramidal neuronsensitivity to excitotoxin damage:synergistic effects of monosialoganglioside. J Neurosci Res, 1992, 33(2): 330

    (1998-01-20收稿, 1998-10-05修回)

    , 百拇医药