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http://www.100md.com 《第一军医大学学报》 1999年第1期
     作者:姜荣龙 卢桥生 骆抗先 谭复明



    第一军医大学学报990134 摘要:目的 了解我国供血员、受血者中经输血传播病毒(TTV)感染率,及经输血传播TTV的发生率。方法 对130例输血者进行TTV以及HBV和HCV血清标志物检测,其相应的供血者也检查TTV。 结果 340例供血员中有36例(10.6%)可检测到TTV-DNA。130例受血者输血前有11例(8.5%)TTV阳性,其余119例输血后有18例TTV转为阳性,在他们的供血中至少可查到一份TTV阳性。46例输血后肝炎病毒感染者中,其中有45例为HCV感染(包括7例与TTV 混合感染),2例为HBV感染(包括与HCV 、TTV 混合感染各1例)。TTV 与HBV混合感染以及7例TTV与HCV混合感染中有3例的受血者ALT> 90 U/L,但是10例单纯TTV感染者,仅有2例伴有轻微的ALT增高。结论 供血员及住院病人中有较高的TTV感染率,单纯TTV感染与ALT显著升高似乎并无关联。
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    Prospective study of TTV transmission by blood transfusion

    Jiang Ronglong Lu Qiaosheng Luo Kangxian

    Department of Infectious Diseases, Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou 510515

    Tan Fuming

    Department of Infectious Diseases, 260th Hospital of PLA, Shijiazhuang ,050041

    Abstract: Objective To investigate the prevalence of transfusion-transmitted virus (TTV) in blood donors and recipients and the incidence of TTV transmission by blood transfusion. Methods TTV DNA and serum markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) were detected in 130 blood recipients, and TTV was also detected in their 340 corresponding blood donors. Results The prevalence of TTV infection was 10.6% (36/340) in the donors, and 8.5% (11/130) in the recipients before transfusion. Eighteen patients (15.1%) were found to be TTV positive after transfusion in the 119 blood recipients without TTV before, at least one of the corresponding donors was found to positive for TTV. There were 46 cases of post-transfusion hepatitis virus infection, 45 of them being HCV infection (including 7 cases co-infected with TTV) and 2 HBV infections (including 1 co-infection with HCV and 1 with TTV). The recipient with TTV and HBV co-infection and 3 of the 7 cases with both TTV and HCV infection had a ALT level higher than 90 U/L, but only 2 cases of the 10 isolated TTV infection had a mild ALT elevation. Conclusions The prevalence of TTV is rather high in blood donors, hospitalized patients and isolated TTV infection seems not related with significant ALT elevation.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: post-transfusion hepatitis; transfusion-transmitted virus

    虽然,对已知甲~戊型肝炎病毒可采用敏感以及特异性免疫学及分子生物学技术进行检测,但是仍然有一部分输血后及社区获得性肝炎的病原不能确定[1,2]。庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)可以是部分非甲~戊型肝炎的病原,但HGV的致病性有待进一步确认,提示尚存在其他致病因子与急性及慢性肝炎相关 [3~5]。最近日本学者Nishicawa等[6,7]在未明病因的输血后肝炎病人血液中分离到一种新型DNA病毒,认为与肝炎的发生有关,取名为经输血传播的病毒(Transfusion transmitted virus,TTV)。为了解我国供血员及住院病人TTV感染率,以及输血传播TTV的发生率,对130例受血者及相应供血进行研究及随访9个月。

    1 对象和方法
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    1.1 调查对象及随访 某医院1992年9月至1993年6月外科和妇产科输血病人,符合下列条件的连续病例,列入调查对象:(1)既往无输血及血制品史;(2)无肝炎病史;(3)肝功能正常;(4)血清HBsAg(-),抗HCV(第一代试剂盒)(-)。均因外科手术受血200~2 000 ml不等。患者分别在输血前,输血后1、3、6、9个月随访4次,采集血清贮存于-20℃,统一检测。有130例完成全部4次随访,其中66例男性,64例女性,年龄6至70岁(平均43.5岁)。对相应的340例供血员也进行检测。

    1.2 血清学检测HBV及HCV HBsAg、抗HBs、HBeAg、抗HBe、抗HBc、抗HCV以市售酶联免疫检测试剂盒(EIA, Abbott, USA)检测。HCV-RNA用巢式引物逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)法检测。

    1.3 TTV-DNA检测 常规抽提TTV-DNA,用蛋白酶K、SDS消化待检血清,苯酚/氯仿抽提,无水乙醇沉淀,抽干,溶于H2O待用。按文献[6,7]合成引物,以外引物RD037( 5’-GCA GCA GCA TAT GGA TAT GT-3’),RD038(反义: 5’TGA CTG TGC TAA AGC CTC TA-3’)作第一轮PCR,35个循环 (94 ℃,30 s;55 ℃,30 s;72 ℃,45 s),扩增产物270 bp。 以内引物RD051(5’-CAT ACA CAT GAA TGC CAG GC-3’),RD052(反义:5’-GTA CTT GCT GGT GAA AT-3’)作第二轮PCR,25 (94 ℃,30 s;55 ℃,30 s;72 ℃,30 s), 扩增产物197 bp,2%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,EB染色,凝胶图像分析系统观察结果。
, 百拇医药
    1.4 诊断 除外其他引起ALT升高的原因(如药物、EB病毒、巨细胞病毒等),输血后HBsAg阳转和/或HBV DNA阳转,随访ALT≥90 U/L者,诊断为输血后乙型肝炎;输血后抗HCV和HCV-RNA阳转,随访ALT≥90 U/L者,诊断为输血后丙型肝炎;输血后TTV阳转,随访ALT≥90 U/L者,诊断为TTV相关的输血后肝炎。

    2 结果

    2.1 供血员及受血者输血前后 TTV-DNA检测 在340例供血员中,TTV-DNA检出率10.6%,130例受血者中,其中有11例TTV-DNA(+),占8.5%。其余119例输血前TTV-DNA(-)受血者中,输血后检出18例TTV-DNA(+)(15.1%)。与这18例TTV-DNA(+)的受血者相对应的供血员至少有一名血清TTV-DNA(+),说明TTV可经输血途径传播。有46例输血后肝炎病毒感染者中45例为HCV感染(包括7例与TTV混合感染)以及2例HBV感染(其中1例与HCV混合感染,另1例与TTV混合感染)(表1)。7例TTV与HCV混合感染中,有3例ALT大于90 U/L;10例单纯TTV感染者,有2例伴有轻微的ALT增高(分别为56和82 U/L)。
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    表1 130例受血者肝炎病毒及TTV的分析

    Tab. 1 Analysis of hepatitis viruses and TTV in 130 blood recipients Virus

    Virus infection

    Post-transfusion hepatitis






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    3 讨论 虽然在供血员当中常规进行肝功能、HBsAg、抗HCV检测后,输血后乙肝及丙肝的发生率有所降低[8]。但仍然有一些输血后肝炎与已知的肝炎病毒无关,提示病毒性肝炎尚存在其他致病因子。

    最近,自一名未明病因的输血后肝炎病人分离出TTV。在5例非甲-戊型输血后肝炎的血清中,有3例TTV-DNA(+),并与ALT升高相关联。一TTV分离株已从一名ALT升高的供血员中获得,其序列已确定为3739 bp。
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    受血者接受TTV阳性血的前瞻性研究未见报道。本文结果证实了供血员人群及住院病人有较高的TV感染率,单纯TTV感染者与ALT增高似乎并无关联。输血后TTV感染高达15.1% (18/119),其中有8例与HBV或HCV混合感染,提示传播途径相同。TTV和HCV混合感染与单纯TTV感染对ALT升高的影响似乎并无差异。8例与HBV或HCV混合感染其中有3例ALT> 90 U/L, 10例输血后单纯TTV感染者,仅有2例伴有轻微的ALT增高。相反,37例单纯HCV感染中有14例ALT> 90 U/L。这一结果与TTV作为一重要的肝炎病毒的观点相左。因此,在供血员人群中是否需要进行TTV筛检尚有待商榷。



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, 百拇医药
    2 Kodali VP, Gordon SC, Silverman AI et al. Cryptogenic liver disease in the United States: further evidence for non-A, non-B, and non-C hepatitis. Am J Gastroenterol,1994,89:836

    3 Nakatsuji J, Shin JWK, Tanaka E et al. Prevalence and disease association of hepatitis G virus infection in Japan. J Viral Hepat, 1996, 3:307

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, 百拇医药
    5 Leary TP, Muerhoff AS, Sipsons JN et al. Sequence and genomic organization of GBV-C: A novel member of the Flaviviridae associated with human non-A-E hepatitis. J Med Virol,1996,48:60

    6 Nishicawa T, Okamoto H, Konishi K et al. A novel DNA virus (TTV) associated with elevated transaminase levels in post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,1997,241:92

    7 Okamoto H, Nishicawa T, Kato N et al. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel DNA virus (TTV) associated with post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. Hepatol Res,1998,10:1

    8 Chambers LA, Popovsky MA. Decrease in reported post-transfusion hepatitis, Contributions of donor screening for alanine aminotransferase and antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen and changes in the general population. Arch Intern Med,1991,151:2445

    (收稿日期:1998-07-29), 百拇医药