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http://www.100md.com 《华西口腔医学杂志》 1999年第1期
     作者:翦新春 王承兴 王树芝

    单位:410008 湖南医科大学口腔医学系


    华西口腔医学杂志990117 摘要 目的:了解糖尿病患者牙周炎患牙牙小皮的形态特征。方法:选用糖尿病患者的牙周炎患牙13颗为实验组,健康上、下颌第一前磨牙16颗为对照组,用5%硝酸脱钙后切片,伊红染色,光镜观察。结果:实验组所有牙的牙骨质表面均有牙小皮存在,厚度在40~80 μm,从釉牙骨质界向下达根尖处。牙小皮呈规则的板层样结构。对照组16颗牙的牙骨质表面均无牙小皮存在。结论:糖尿病患者牙周炎患牙的牙骨质表面有异常的牙小皮存在。

    Morphologic Characteristics of Dental Cuticle on

    Teeth Affected by Diabetic Periodontitis
, 百拇医药
    Jian Xinchun, Wang Chengxing, Wang Shuzhi

    Department of Oral Biology, Faculty of Stomatology, Hunan Medical University

    Abstract Objective: To determine the nature of the dental cuticle found on teeth with diabetic periodontitis. Methods: Thirteen permanent teeth which were extracted from three diabetic patients with periodontitis were studied, with the control group of 16 healthy teeth extracted for orthodontical reasons, then all the teeth were decalcified with 5% nitric acid, stained with HE, and examinated by using light microscope. Results: A layer of thick coat, dental cuticle, covered the root surface of the teeth with diabetic periodontitis, and the cuticle which presented regular laminar structure extended from the cementoenamel junction to the apical portion with different thickness from 40 to 80 μm, but no such similar cuticle structure was found on the healthy teeth of the control group. Conclusion: There is abnormal cuticle structure on the teeth of diabetic patients with periodontitis.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: diabetes periodontitis dental deposit cementum

    在牙齿与结合上皮之间的界面上,可以看到一种不定形的护膜样结构。这种结构被定名为B型牙小皮(type B cuticle)[1]、上皮附着板2号(epithelial attachment lamina No 2)[2]、内生性获得性膜(endogenous acquired pellicle)[3],或简称牙小皮(the dental cuticle)[4]。笔者在复习文献中未见对糖尿病患者牙小皮的形态特征的研究。本研究对糖尿病患者牙周炎患牙进行脱钙标本的光镜观察,了解其形态特征,现报告如下。

    1 材料和方法

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    牙拔除后,生理盐水冲去血液,立即用10%福尔马林液固定48小时,然后5%硝酸脱钙,每4天换液1次,至2周。将每个牙按近远中方向沿长轴分为两半,石蜡包埋,连续切片,片厚45 μm。伊红染色,常规光镜观察。

    2 结 果


    图1 牙骨质(C)表面的牙小皮(CU)表现为不染色、透明、晶体样的均质层,牙骨质深层为牙本质(D)HE×10

    暴露于牙周袋内的牙根面上,牙小皮有不同的厚度,在40~80 μm之间。表现为3种类型:①牙小皮比附着牙的牙骨质厚度薄;②牙小皮的厚度与附着牙的牙骨质厚度相等;③牙小皮的厚度比附着牙的牙骨质厚些,其厚度在近牙冠段较薄,向根尖逐渐加厚。在有些区域,牙小皮被折断,与牙骨质分离。牙小皮有非常平滑和规则的轮廓,最常表现为板状结构。
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    3 讨 论

    根据Hodson[5]的研究发现,人的75%的牙齿有牙小皮存在。电镜下健康牙牙小皮的厚度为0.04~0.07 μm[3,4]。牙周炎患牙的牙小皮厚度在光镜下约为15 μm。有学者认为牙小皮是正常牙发育时期和结合上皮形成时的一种分泌产物[1,4]。如果这种理论成立的话,牙小皮就应该是一种胚胎性被膜;也有学者认为牙小皮是后天获得的。Hodson[6]提示牙小皮来源于红细胞变形后的血红蛋白。另有学者[3]持血清成分被吸附于牙根面的观点。Werthermer等[7]发现牙小皮含有一种特殊类型的碳水化合物,而Kabayshi等则显示它为一种高密度的蛋白质层。总之,牙小皮的起源至今仍然是不清楚的。

, 百拇医药


    糖尿病患者牙周炎患牙的牙小皮的厚度可达80 μm,大多数为60 μm,牙小皮厚度的变化与牙齿的类型及牙周袋的深度无关。在不同的牙或一个牙的某些区域,牙小皮的厚度比其下的牙骨质还要厚。糖尿病患者牙周炎患牙牙小皮厚度的巨大变化支持这种结构不是一种正常实体的假说。
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    1 Listgarten M. Electron microscopic study of the dentogingival junction in man. Am J Anat, 1966,119(1):147~178
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    2 Schroeder HE. Ultrastructure of the junctional epithelium of human gingiva. Helv Odont Acta, 1969,13(1):65~71

    3 Frank R, Cimasoni G. Ultrastructure de I'epithelium cliniquement normal du sillon et de la junction gingivo-dentaire. Z Zeliforsch Mikrosk Anat, 1970,109(3):356~364

    4 Schroeder HE, Listgarten M. Fine structure of the developing epithelial attachment of human teeth. In: Monographs in Developmental Biology. 2nd ed, Karger, 1977:216
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    5 Hodson JJ. The distribution, structure, origin and nature of the dental cuticle of Gotlieb. Periodontics, 1967, 5(3):295~304

    6 Hodson JJ. A critical review of the dental cuticle with special reference to recent investigations. Int Dent J, 1966,16(2):150~161

    7 Werthermer FW, Fullmer HM. Morphologic and histochemical observations on the human dental cuticle. J Periodontol, 1962,33(1):29~37

    8 Listgarten M. Structure of surface coating on teeth. A review. J Periodontol, 1976,47(2):139~148
, 百拇医药
    9 Listgarten M. Structure of the microbial flora associated with periodontal health and disease in man. J Periodontol, 1976,47(1):1~12

    10 Iacono VJ, MacKay BJ, Poilack PR, et al. Roles of lysozyme in the host response to periodontopathic microorganism. In: Genco RJ eds., Host-parasite Interactions in Periodontal Disease, Washington, DC, American Society for Microbiology, 1982:318~339

    (1996-11-14收稿), http://www.100md.com