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http://www.100md.com 《第一军医大学学报》 1999年第2期
     作者:郭志刚 沈剑刚 翁昌鸿 佟 丽 陈玉尧 贾满盈 刘伊丽

    单位:第一军医大学1南方医院心内科,中医系, 广州,510515


    第一军医大学学报990211 摘要:目的 探讨冠心病、高血压病人血浆氧自由基、一氧化氮(NO)及纤溶活性的变化及相互关系。方法 观察了30例正常人及185例冠心病、高血压病人血浆丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、组织型血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂(t-PA)、 t-PA抑制物(PAI)及一氧化氮的变化。结果 稳定性心绞痛组、不稳定心绞痛组、陈旧性心肌梗塞组、Ⅰ、Ⅱ期高血压病组、Ⅲ期高血压病组、冠心病并高血压病组病人,其血浆MDA、PAI均明显高于正常组(P<0.01),而SOD、t-PA、NO则明显低于正常组(P<0.01)。结论 冠心病、高血压病人血浆中氧自由基增多,并可能引起血管内皮细胞损伤,NO合成释放减少,纤溶活性下降。
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    中图分类号:R541.3; R541.4

    The changes of oxygen free radical, nitric oxide and fibrinolytic activity in plasma of the patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension

    Guo Zhigang1, Shen Jiangang2,Weng Changhong1, Tong Li2, Chen Yurao2, Jia Manyeng1, Lui Yili1

    1Department of Cardiolgy, Nanfang Hospital, 2Department of Chinese Medicine, First Military Medical University, Guangzhou, 510515Abstract: Objective To determine the changes and relationships between oxygen free radical, nitric oxide (NO) and fibrinolytic activity in plasma of patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension. Methods The level of malondialdehyde (MDA), NO and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), t-PA inhibitor (PAI) in plasma were measured in 30 normal subjects and 185 patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension. The patients were divided into stable angina group, unstable angina group and old myocardial infarction group, stages Ⅰor Ⅱ hypertension group, stage Ⅲ hypertension group and group of coronary artery disease with hypertension. Results Our data confirmed that the level of MDA and the activity of PAI were higher (P<0.01), the level of NO and the activity of SOD and t-PA were lower (P<0.01) in all patient groups compared with those in normal group. Conclusion Oxygen free radical in plasma of the patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension would increase, which could lead to injury of vascular endothelial cells, decrease of nitric oxide and reduction of fibrinolytic activity.
, 百拇医药
    Key words: coronary artery disease; hypertension; oxygen free radical; nitric oxide; fibrinolytic agents


    1 对象与方法
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    1.1 病人资料 正常组30例(男25例,女5例),年龄42~72岁,平均64岁,均无高血压、冠心病及其他心脏病病史,无血栓性、血管性或其他慢性疾病史。病人185例(男125例,女60例),年龄36~79岁,平均62岁,其中稳定心绞痛组36例,不稳定心绞痛37例,陈旧性心肌梗塞组34例,Ⅰ、Ⅱ期高血压病组30例,Ⅲ期高血压病组21例,冠心病并高血压病组27例。按照世界卫生组织(WHO)1978年、1979年颁布的诊断标准分别进行冠心病、高血压病的诊断及分型。

    1.2检验指标测定 病人均于抽血前1周前停用阿斯匹林、潘生丁、力抗栓、肝素、维生素E、硝酸酯类、溶栓剂及各类中药。晨6时许抽血,全血与0.13 mol/L枸橼酸钠混合(9:1v/v),4℃ 3 000 r/min离心10 min,分离血浆待测MDA、NO含量及SOD、PAI活性,一部分血浆用等体积1 mol/L乙酸钠缓冲液(pH 3.9)酸化后测t-PA活性。MDA、SOD用南京建成生物工程公司生产的试剂盒检测(MDA用TBA法,SOD用黄嘌呤氧化酶法), t-PA、PAI用上海医科大学分子遗传室生产的试剂盒检测(底物发色法),NO用亚硝酸盐还原法测定[5]
, 百拇医药
    1.3统计学方法 正常组及冠心病、高血压病组之间结果比较用单因素方差分析。

    2 结果


    表1 冠心病和高血压病人血浆MDA、SOD、t-PA、PAI、NO变化(±s)

    Tab.1 The change of MDA、SOD、t-PA、PAI、NO in patients with coronary artery disease and hypertension
, 百拇医药





    Normal people





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    Stable angina






    Unstable angina




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    Myocardial infraction









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    CAD with HP


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    Mean±SD, *P<0.01 vs normal people

    3 讨论

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    t-PA和PAI是决定纤溶系统活性的关键物质,PAI通过与t-PA形成1:1复活物而抑制纤溶酶原的激活[10]。游离状态的t-PA活性很低,而与纤维蛋白、肝素、一氧化氮结合后,可大大提高t-PA活性,其中t-PA与NO结合形成S-NO- t-PA复合物,此复合物既显著提高t-PA活性,又具有类似NO的血管舒张特性及抑制血小板聚集的功能。另外t-PA、PAI的活性还受到Ox-LDL的影响,Ren等[11]报道Ox-LDL可抑制内皮细胞t-PA并增加PAI的合成与释放。本实验中也可见病人血浆中MDA增加,t-PA活性下降,而NO的合成减少及PAI活性增加,更使t-PA活性进一步降低。t-PA活性下降意味着纤溶活性受损,使纤溶与凝血系统之间失去平衡,凝血系统相对占优势,使病人在动脉粥样硬化的基础上易形成血栓。

, 百拇医药

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