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http://www.100md.com 《肿瘤》 1999年第5期
     作者:金 凡 周淑贞 陶蓉芳 方茹蓉 项永兵 孙璐 高玉堂

    单位:上海市肿瘤研究所(上海 200032)


    肿瘤990501 摘要:目的 对上海市区居民1972~1994年肿瘤发病率进行统计、分析,了解其变化趋势。方法 病例皆按照国际疾病分类(ICD-9)三位数字进行编码。根据有关年份人口普查资料中的性别、年龄构成用内插法和外推法估算各年的年龄组平均人口数。用世界标准人口计算标化率、发病率每年变化百分比。用病例数加权计算,对数直线回归法计算。结果 1972~1994年间,男性所有部位肿瘤标化发病率从250.0/10万降至216.5/10万,女性从175.3/10万降至155.2/10万。男女性结肠、胆囊癌上升了100%。脑、肾、胰腺、前列腺、子宫内膜、女性乳腺、卵巢癌、非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤迅速上升。肺和直肠癌上升较小。食管和子宫颈癌下降一半以上,胃和肝癌有较多下降。结论 上述发病趋势变化,提示除了肿瘤诊断和报告情况的改善外,居民生活方式和其它环境暴露变化起着重要作用。需深入流行病学研究,明确危险因素,提出预防方法。
, 百拇医药

    JIN Fan,ZHOU Shu-zhen,TAO Rong-fang, et al.

    (Shanghai Cancer Institute,Shanghai 200032,China)

    Abstract:Objective Incidence rates for a number of cancers during 1972~1994 among residents in Shanghai urban were analyzed to determine the relative importance of various malignancies and to discover the trend of changes.Methods The registered cases were coded according to the 3-digit rubrics of the ninth revision of the ICD-9.Population estimates were based on periodic censuses,with age- and sex-specific annual estimates derived by linear inter- and extra-population for the remaining years.The age adjusted to the world standard population using the direct method.Annual percent changes in incidence were estimated by means of a linear regression of the logarithm of the respective rates on calendar year,weighted by the number of cases.Results Over the 23-year period,the age-adjusted rate for all cancers combined,decreased from 250.0 to 216.5 per 100 thousand among men and from 175.3 to 155.2 among women.However,trends for individual forms of cancer varied considerably.Rates doubled for cancers of colon and biliary tract in both sexes,while substantial increases were seen for cancers of brain and nervous system,kidney,pancreas,prostate,corpus uteri,female breast and ovary,and for non-Hodgkin′s lymphoma.Rates for cancers of lung and rectum changed little.Rates declined by at least one-half for cancers of esophagus and cervix,with notable decreases also for cancers of stomach and liver.Conclusions Some of these trends may reflect variations in diagnostic or screening practices,although changes in lifestyle and other environmental exposures are likely to play important roles.Further epidemiologic research in Shanghai is needed to identify risk factors influencing the cancer incidence trends,with the ultimate goal of prevention.
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    Key words: Neoplasms/epidemiology; Incidence; Shanghai




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    图1 上海市区主要恶性肿瘤标化发病率(1993~1994年)

    1972~1994年23年间,上海市区有恶性肿瘤新病例340 000例。附表显示,1972~1974年和1993~1994年的新病例数和标化发病率不同阶段的比较。男性所有部位肿瘤标化发病率降低13.4%(250.0/10万降至216.5/10万),每年0.5%。女性降低11.4%(175.3/10万降至155.2/10万),每年0.4%。

    附表 上海市区恶性肿瘤病例数和发病率1972-1974年至1993-1994年 部 位




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    #年变化百分比 *P≤0.05 +152,158-9,163-5,173,181,184,194-9 图2显示,消化系统恶性肿瘤发病趋势。1972~1994年男、女性食管癌下降60%,每年下降5%(男性28.9/10万降至10.0/10万,女性11.3/10万降至4.2/10万)。胃癌男性下降37%(62.0/10万降至39.2/10万),女性下降20%(23.9/10万降至19.1/10万)。肝癌男性降低22%(34.1/10万降至26.5/10万),女性降低21%(12.0/10万降至9.4/10万)。与此同时结肠癌迅速上升,男性增加104%,女性增加99%,每年增加4%左右。胰腺癌男性增加52%,女性增加42%。胆囊癌男女性皆增加120%。直肠癌上升幅度较小,男性增加11%,女性增加7%。70年代初,结肠癌发病低于直肠癌,80年代中期超过直肠癌。
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    图2 上海市区恶性肿瘤标化发病率1972~1974年到1993~1994年:消化系统


    图3 上海市区恶性肿瘤标化发病率1972~1974年到1993~1994年:呼吸和泌尿系统

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    图4 上海市区恶性肿瘤标化发病率1972~1974年到1993~1994年:性器官


    图5 上海市区恶性肿瘤标化发病率1972~1974年到1993~1994年:造血系统和其它部位


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    结肠、女性乳腺、胆囊癌大幅度上升,胰腺癌、男性肺癌、脑瘤、非霍奇金淋巴瘤持续升高,子宫内膜和卵巢癌自90年代增高速度加快。前列腺癌和肾癌80年代中期开始上升。胃癌、肝癌呈逐步下降趋势,而食管和女性子宫颈癌迅速下降。在此相对短的时期内上海市区居民恶性肿瘤的发病率产生如此明显的变化,提示除了肿瘤诊断和报告情况的改善外,居民生活方式和其他环境暴露的变化起着重要的作用。在肿瘤防治、研究中, 应根据各部位肿瘤的特点,确定研究的重点和防治对策。



    [1]Parkin DM,Pisani P, Ferlay J.Estimates of the worldwide incidence of eighteen major cancer in 1985.Int J Cancer,1993,54:594
, 百拇医药
    [2]World Health Organization.Manual of the international statistical class:fication of diseases, injuries and causes of death.Vol 1,WHO.Geneva 1977

    [3]Muir C,Waterhouse J,Mack J, et al. Cancer incidence in five continents.Vol V.IARC Scientific Publication 88,International Agency for Research on Cancer,Lyon,1987

    (收稿日期:1999-04-06), 百拇医药