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http://www.100md.com 《中华口腔医学杂志》 1999年第6期
     作者:刘兴坤 何荣根 陈万涛 周曾同 孙春晓 李伟国 周晓健

    单位:200011 上海第二医科大学口腔医学院


    中华口腔医学杂志990610 【摘要】 目的 建立与人口腔环境相近的大鼠舌癌模型。方法 0.002%4-硝基喹啉-1-氧化物 (4NQO)饮水喂养SD大鼠 9~32周,肉眼及组织学观察癌变全过程。结果 随致癌剂作用时间延长,大鼠舌背后部粘膜相继出现白色斑块、溃疡、糜烂、乳头状增生等改变。9周后80.0%大鼠舌背粘膜表现为单纯性上皮增生,20.0%为轻中度异常增生;13周后66.6%为轻中度异常增生,33.3%为重度异常增生;16周后55.5%为重度异常增生,44.4%为原位癌; 32周后12.5%为重度异常增生,12.5%原位癌,75.0%为侵袭性高分化鳞癌;用药9、13、16周,停药后观察到32周时,舌癌发生率分别为 50.0%、62.5%、77.8%。未见远处转移。结论 4NQO饮水诱发大鼠舌癌生长缓慢、潜伏期较长,致癌过程和组织病理学特征与人口腔癌相似,方法简便,靶器官代表性强,为口腔癌的发生机制研究和防治药物筛选提供了较理想的动物模型。
, 百拇医药
    A rat model of tongue mucosa squamous cell carcinoma induced by oral administration of 4NQO in drinking water

    LIU Xingkun, HE Ronggen, CHEN Wantao, et al.

    School of Stomatology, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai,200011

    【Abstract】 Objective To establish a more realistic animal model for oral carcinogenesis which reveals histological and immunological characteristics similar to the human counterpart. Methods 0.002% 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) in drinking water was administered orally to SD rats for 9~32 weeks. Then the rats were killed and their tongues were removed for histological assessment.Results Gross changes included leukoplakia, erosion, ulcer and papillary appearance on the dorsum of the posterior tongue were present during carcinogenesis . Their corresponding histopathological findings ranged from hyperplasia (HP), mild-moderate dysplasia (mmDP), severe dysplasia (sDP) and in situ carcinoma (ISC) to well-differentiated invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The severity of lesions corresponded to the duration of administration. The tongues in rats treated with 4NQO for 9 weeks showed HP (80.0%) and mmDP (20.0%);those for 13 weeks showed mmDP (66.6%) and sDP (33.3%); those for 16 weeks showed sDP (55.5%) and ISC (44.4%);and those for 32 weeks showed sDP (12.5%), ISC (12.5%) and SCC (75.0%).The incidence of tongue cancer in rats treated with 4NQO for 9 weeks, 13 weeks, 16 weeks and then observed for 32 weeks was 50.0%, 62.5%, and 77.8%, respectively. No metastases were found.Conclusion 4NQO reliably produced preneoplastic and neoplastic tongue mucosa lesions, which morphologically and histologically mimic human oral carcinogenesis. The rat tongue, a target organ of 4NQO, is not an immunologically privileged site like the hamster buccal pouch. Thus, the model should be appropriate to study molecular mechanism of neoplastic transformation and to assess new treatment modalities of premalignant and malignant lesions of the human oral cavity.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide Tongue Carcinoma, squamous cell



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    4NQO(美国Sigma公司)用蒸馏水配制成0.1%浓度,置 4℃冰箱避光保存。用时普通自来水配制成0.002 %浓度置避光瓶内喂养。

    2.实验分组: 按随机数字表将 80只大鼠分为8组,每组10只。A组:4NQO诱癌至 9 周时处死;B组:4NQO诱癌至 13 周时处死;C组:4NQO诱癌至 16 周时处死;D组:4NQO诱癌至 32 周时处死;E组:普通自来水喂养至 32 周时处死;a组:4NQO诱癌 9 周,观察至 32周时处死;b组:4NQO诱癌 13周,观察至 32周时处死;c组:4NQO诱癌 16 周,观察至 32周时处死。

    3.实验观察: 实验全过程中,各组动物分期进行肉眼观察和记录,处死后取全舌、可疑颊、腭、龈、颌骨、颌下和颈部淋巴结、咽、食道、前胃、肺等组织,Carnoy′s液固定,常规石蜡包埋,4μm切片,HE染色后光镜观察。诊断与分级参照WHO(1978)标准[2]
, 百拇医药

    1.一般情况:实际可评价动物数 69只,11只大鼠在完成实验前死亡(肺炎 5只、肿瘤恶液质 3只、乙醚麻醉死亡1只、细胞培养处死 1只、组织学对照处死1只)。实验过程中用药组大鼠无明显毒副反应,体重较同期对照组大鼠略轻。

    2.肉眼观察:正常大鼠舌背粘膜呈粉红色富有弹性,乳头分布均匀,舌体柔软。 用药9周后,舌背粘膜略粗糙、发白,局部充血;13周后,舌背后部粘膜散在多个乳白色小点,稍高出粘膜面,略粗糙;16周后,舌背人字沟附近粘膜呈乳白色斑块,粗糙并略突出于粘膜表面,触之稍硬;24 周后,舌背人字沟附近粘膜出现乳头状新生物,表面粗糙,刺激时易出血;32 周后,舌背人字沟附近粘膜新生物呈菜花状,局部糜烂,侵及粘膜深层。进食困难,呈恶液质状。

    3.组织学观察:随致癌剂作用时间延长,大鼠舌背产生单纯性上皮增生→异常增生→原位癌→侵袭性癌的典型病理变化。上皮异常增生主要表现为过度角化,基底细胞层数增加及极性消失,上皮钉突呈滴状,层次紊乱,核浓染,有丝分裂象增加(图1)。高分化鳞癌的癌细胞突破基底膜侵入粘膜下层及肌层,形成同心圆排列的癌巢和层状癌珠(图2)。最早出现侵袭性高分化鳞癌的时间是用药 27 周末。除 D组 1例舌癌大鼠并发腭癌且侵犯颌骨外,余未见远处转移,上消化道其他部位未见癌变征象。1001.gif (28460 bytes)
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    图1 大鼠舌背粘膜上皮异常增生,基底细胞层数增加,极性消失,上皮钉突呈滴状,层次率乱,核浓染,有分裂象增加(HE×400)1002.gif (35053 bytes)

    图2 大鼠舌背粘膜高分化鳞癌,侵入粘膜下层及肌层,形成同心圆排列的癌巢和层状癌珠(HE×100)


    表1 各组大鼠舌背粘膜病变诊断结果(例,%) 病变



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    讨论 4NQO属芳香胺杂环化合物,是一种前体致癌剂,体内通过4NQO还原酶的作用形成近致癌物 4-羟氨基喹啉-1-氧化物,进一步经脯氨酰基化作用代谢为终致癌物4-乙酰氨基喹啉-1-氧化物,最后与靶器官 DNA 亲核结构结合,形成DNA 加成物,使鼠第7号染色体上H ras1基因第12位密码子发生G→A转换等,致组织发生癌变[3,4]。其中4NQO还原酶起关键作用,众多动物中大鼠该酶含量为最高,尤以其舌背粘膜集中,且后部显著高于前部[5,6]。因此,本研究所建立模型癌变多位于舌背人字沟附近。

    肿瘤发生是一个多步骤过程,普遍认为口腔癌由癌前病变发展而来。4NQO饮水诱发大鼠舌癌变经历了正常→单纯性上皮增生→异常增生→原位癌→侵袭性癌的典型病理变化,病损严重程度随4NQO作用时间和观察时间的延长而逐渐加重。本实验 4NQO饮水9周后80.0%大鼠舌背粘膜表现为单纯性上皮增生;13周后66.6%为轻中度异常增生;16周后55.5%为重度异常增生,44.4%为原位癌;32周后 75.0%为侵袭性高分化鳞癌;用药 9、13、16周,停药后观察到32周时,舌癌发生率分别为 50.0%、62.5%、77.8%,结果与国外学者报道相似[7,8]。可见该模型癌变各阶段的转化较缓慢,利于捕捉口腔癌变的关键步骤和进行化学预防评价。
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    1 Sally JJ. Experimental carcinogenesis in the cheek pouch of the syrian hamster. J Den Res, 1954,33:253-262.

    2 WHO collaborating center for oral precancerous lesions. Definition of leukoplakia and related lesions: an aid to studies on oral precancer. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 1978,46:518-539.
, 百拇医药
    3 Mikita H, Tanaka T, Fujitsuka H, et al. Chemoprevention of 4-nitroquinolion 1-oxide induced rat oral carcinogenesis by the dietary flavonoids chalcone, 2-hydroxychalcone and quercetin. Cancer Res, 1996, 56:4904-4909.

    4 Hawkins BL, Heniford BW, Ackermann DM, et al. 4NQO carcinogenesis: a mouse model of oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. Head Neck, 1994,16:424-432.

    5 Booth DR. A relationship founed between intro-oral site of 4NQO reductase activity and chemical carcinogenesis. Cell Tissue Kinet, 1990,23:331-340.
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    6 Tanaka T, Makita H, Kawabata K, et al. 1,4-phenylenebis(methylene)selenocyanate exerts exceptional chemopreventive activity in rat tongue carcinogenesis. Cancer Res, 1997,57:3644-3648.

    7 Ohne M, Satoh T, Yamada S, et al. Experimental tongue carcinoma of rats induced by oral administration of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide(4NQO) in drinking water. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol, 1985,59:600-607.

    8 Tanaka T, Makita H, Ohnishi M, et al. Chemoprevention of 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide- induced oral carcinogenesis in rats by flavonoids disomin and hesperidin, each alone and in combination. Cancer Res, 1997,57:246-252.

    (收稿:1998-11-04 修回:1999-07-20), 百拇医药