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http://www.100md.com 《中国肺癌杂志》 2000年第1期
     作者:陈军 周清华 覃扬 孙芝琳 孙泽芳 刘伦旭

    单位:陈军 周清华 刘伦旭(华西医科大学附属第一医院胸心外科 610041 成都);覃扬 孙芝琳 孙泽芳(华西医科大学生化教研室)


    中国肺癌杂志000104 【摘要】目的 探讨人肺癌中nm23等位基因缺失与肺癌转移的关系。方法 应用Southern印迹杂交对52例人肺癌组织中nm23-H1和nm23-H2等位基因缺失进行了研究,并以自身远离癌灶的肺组织作对照。结果 52例肺癌中14例存在nm23-H1等位基因的杂合缺失(26.92%)。47例有nm23-H2杂交信号的肺癌中,2例存在nm23-H2等位基因缺失(4.26%)。伴有淋巴结和/或远处转移的肺癌中,nm23-H1等位基因缺失率(42.86%)明显高于不伴有转移的肺癌(8.33%)(P<0.01);低分化和未分化癌nm23-H1等位基因缺失率(45.45%)亦明显高于中~高分化癌(13.33%)(P<0.05)。nm23-H1等位基因缺失与肺癌组织学类型、P-TNM分期、原发肿瘤大小、部位,以及患者年龄等无明显关系(P>0.05)。结论 本研究结果表明nm23基因可能参与调控肺癌的细胞分化和转移过程,且nm23-H1基因在肺癌转移和细胞分化中的调节作用较nm23-H2基因更为显著。
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    A study on the allelic deletion of nm23 genes in human lung cancer

    CHEN Jun,ZHOU Qinghua,QIN Yang,SUN Zhilin,SUN Zefang,LIU Lunxu

    (Department of Thoracocardiac Surgery,The First University Hospital,West China University of Medical Sciences,Chengdu 610041,P.R.China)

    【Abstract】Objective To explore the role of allelic deletions of nm23 genes in human lung cancer.Methods Allelic deletions of nm23 genes were detected in 52 lung cancer tissue samples and their corresponding normal tissues as control by Southern blotting.Results Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of nm23-H1 gene was found in 14 out of 52 informative lung cancers,with a LOH rate of 26.92%;2 of the 47 informative lung cancer tissues existed allelic deletion of nm23-H2 gene,with a allelic deletion rate of 4.26%.The LOH rate of nm23-H1 gene in cancer with lymph node or distant metastasis(42.86%) was significantly higher than that in lung cancer without metastasis (8.33%) (P<0.01).nm23-H1 LOH rate was also remarkably higher in undifferentiated and poor differentiated cancer (45.45%) than in moderate to well differentiated cancer (13.33%) (P<0.05).No relationship was found among the allelic deletion of the nm23-H1 and histoclassification of the tumor,P-TNM stages,size of the primary tumor,location of the cancer,and age of the patients (P>0.05).Conclusion nm23 gene may be involved in the differentiation and metastasis of human lung cancer,and nm23-H1 gene may play a more important role in the regulation of cell differentiation and metastasis of lung cancer than nm23-H2 gene.
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    【Key words】nm23 gene Lung neoplasms Allelic deletion Southern blotting

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    1 材料与方法

    1.1 组织标本 52例原发肺癌组织及其远离癌灶的非癌肺组织,来源于华西医科大学附一院胸心外科手术切除的标本,并经病理检查确诊(表1)。52例肺癌患者中,伴有淋巴结或/和远处转移者28例,无转移者24例。其中,鳞癌29例(低分化15例,中、高分化14例;Ⅰ~Ⅱ期9例,Ⅲ~Ⅳ期20例),腺癌14例(低分化2例,中、高分化12例;Ⅰ~Ⅱ期3例,Ⅲ~Ⅳ期11例),腺鳞癌6例(低分化2例,中、高分化4例;Ⅰ~Ⅱ期2例,Ⅲ~Ⅳ期4例),小细胞肺癌2例(1例Ⅰ期,1例Ⅲ期),未分化大细胞癌1例,为Ⅰ期。病理分期采用国际抗癌联盟(UICC)1997年修订的分期标准。

    1.2 探针的制备 人类Pnm23-H1和Pnm23-H2重组质粒由美国国立癌症研究所的Steeg教授惠赠。Pnm23-H1和Pnm23-H2重组质粒载体分别为Okyama-berg和Bluescript,宿主菌为DH5a和JM109,经限制性核苷酸内切酶BamH1和EcoRⅠ消化后,可分别获得900?bp和700?bp的cDNA插入片段。采用玻璃乳DNA分离法回收插入片段。参考地高辛DNA标记和检测试剂盒(Boehringer Mannheim产品)提供的方案,采用随机引物法,以非放射性地高辛标记回收插入片段制成探针。
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    1.3 DNA的制备 用传统方法提取肺组织DNA,0.8%琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定,分光光度仪测定OD值,计算出DNA含量。

    1.4 Southern印迹杂交 每个标本各取两份20?μg组织DNA,分别经EcoRⅠ和BglⅡ酶切完全后,0.8%琼脂糖凝胶电泳,用毛细管转移法将凝胶中的DNA转至尼龙膜上,80℃固定DNA?2?h。42℃预杂交2?h,预杂交液为High-SDS缓冲液(7%SDS,50%甲酰胺,5×SSC,2%封闭剂,50?mmol/L磷酸钠pH?7.0,0.1%Sarcosine)。42℃杂交24?h,探针浓度为30?ng/ml。按试剂盒提供的方法进行杂交信号检测。将尼龙膜与X线片于暗盒内室温曝光5~15?min,显影定影,读片。本实验每张膜分别经nm23-H1和nm23-H2探针进行两次杂交。

    1.5 统计学处理 采用χ2检验和t检验,P<0.05为差异有显著性。
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    表 1 nm23-H1等位基因缺失与肺癌患者临床病理生理特征的关系

    Tab 1 The relationship between the allelic deletion of nm23-H1 gene and

    clinicopathologic characteristics of the 52 patients with lung cancer Characteristics



    Deleted Non-deleted

    P value

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    Tumor size(cm,±s)









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    Histologic classification


    Squamous cell carcinoma




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    Small cell lung cancer


    Large cell lung cancer


    Adenosquamous carcinoma




    Differentiated degree
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    Poor differentiated




    Moderate to well differentiated


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    Lymph node or distant metastasis




    No metastasis




    2 结果

    2.1 nm23等位基因缺失情况 人组织DNA经EcoRⅠ酶切后,与nm23-H1探针杂交显示,在杂合子出现4.6、2.4和2.2?kb杂交带,而在纯合子则为4.6或2.4?kb以及2.2?kb杂交带,21?kb杂交带为常带;与nm23-H2探针杂交在本组病例中只显示出一种类型的杂交图:即有21、6.7和3.9?kb三条杂交带。经BglⅡ酶切后,与nm23-H1探针杂交显示,在杂合子出现7.6和2.3?kb两条杂交带,而在纯合子则仅有7.6或2.3?kb杂交带,18?kb杂交带为常带;与nm23-H2探针杂交在本组病例中显示出两种类型的杂交图:第一种为17.5、13.8、2.8和2.4?kb四条杂交带(占36%),第二种为17.5、13.8、4.2、2.8和2.4?kb五条杂交带(占64%)。肺癌组织杂交带与相应的远癌肺组织杂交带相比,前者如有杂交带缺失则为等位基因缺失(图1)。
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    图1 EcoRⅠ和BglⅡ消化后nm23基因的限制性片段长度多态性


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    Fig 1 The EcoRⅠ and BglⅡ RFLPs in human nm23 genes

    T: DNA from tumors; N: DNA from their corresponding normal tissues.Human genomic DNA from two individuals was digested with EcoRⅠ,and a southern blot was prepared.The blot was hybridized with BamH1 restriction fragment of Pnm23-H1(A).An allelic pattern of hybridizing nm23-H1 bands was obtained,including homozygotes for 4.6 and 2.2 kilobase band (No.12),or for 4.6,2.4 and 2.2 kilobase band (No.11).The probe was removed from the southern blot,and it was rehybridized to the EcoRⅠ restriction fragment of Pnm23-H2(B).Bands distinct from the alleles of nm23-H1 was observed at 21,6.7 and 3.9 kilobases.Size of DNA bands were calculated from the electrophoretic mobility of pBR328 DNA/BamH1*BglⅠ*HinfⅠ markers.
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    Human genomic DNA from the same two individuals was digested with BglⅡ.The blot was hybridized with nm23-H1 probe (C).An allelic pattern of hybridizing nm23-H1 bands was obtained,including homozygotes for 2.3 kilobase band (No.12),or for 7.6 and 2.3 kilobase band (No.11).The probe was removed from the southern blot,and it was rehybridized to the nm23-H2 probe (D).Bands distinct from the alleles of nm23-H1 was observed at 4.2,2.8 and 2.4 kilobases (No.12),or at 2.8 and 2.4 kilobases(No.11).
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    图 2 nm23-H1等位基因缺失


    Fig 2 Loss of heterozygosity at the nm23-H1 gene locus in lung cancer patients (No.4).Genomic DNA smaples of lung tumor(T) and corresponding normal lung tissue(N) from the same patient were digested with EcoRⅠ and BglⅡ and were blotted with a nm23-H1 cDNA probe in a Southern blot analysis.EcoRⅠ identifies a two-allele polymorphism with bands at 4.6 or 2.4?kb and 2.2?kb,and constant band at 21?kb.The BglⅡ digestion identifies a two-allele polymorphism with bands at 2.3?kb and 7.6?kb and a constant band at 18?kb.The tumor sample showed a loss of constitutional heterozygosity (arrows).
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    2.2 nm23-H1等位基因缺失与肺癌患者临床病理生理特征关系(表1) 在伴有淋巴结转移的肺癌患者中nm23-H1等位基因缺失发生率(42.86%,12/28)明显高于不伴有转移者(8.33%,2/24)(P<0.01);低分化和未分化癌的等位基因缺失率(45.45%,10/22)亦明显高于中~高分化癌(13.33%,4/30)(P<0.05)。而nm23-H1等位基因缺失与肺癌原发肿瘤大小、部位、病理类型、TNM分期以及患者性别和年龄均无明显关系(P>0.05)。
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    2.3 由于nm23-H2等位基因缺失发生率较低,故无法分析其与肺癌患者临床病理生理特征的关系(表3)。

    图 3 nm23-H2等位基因缺失


    Fig 3 Loss of heterozygosity at the nm23-H2 gene locus in lung cancer patient
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    Genomic DNA samples of lung tumor(T) and corresponding normal lung tissue(N) were digested with BglⅡ and blotted with a nm23-H1 cDNA probe in a Southern blot analysis (A),and there was no loss of heterozyosity.The probe was removed from the southern blot,and it was rehybridized with a nm23-H2 cDNA probe in a Southern bolt analysis (B).The No.40 tumor sample showed a loss of the constitutional heterozygosity(arrow).

    表 2 14例nm23-H1等位基因缺失的肺癌患者的病理生理特征
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    Tab 2 Pathophysiological characteristics in 14 lung cancer patients with

    allelic deletions of nm23-H1 gene No.


    Tumor location






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    T2N0M0 ⅠB




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    Lymph node

    T3N2M0 ⅢA







    Lymph node

, 百拇医药     T3N1M0 ⅢA








    T2N0M0 ⅠB


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    Lymph node

    T4N2M0 ⅢB






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    Lymph node

    T3N2M0 ⅢA







    Lymph node

    T3N1M0 ⅢA

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    Lymph node

    T3N2M0 ⅢA





, 百拇医药     7.6?kb


    Lymph node

    T2N1M0 ⅡB








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    Lymph node

    T3N2M0 ⅢA




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    Lymph node

    T3N2M0 ⅢA







    Lymph node

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    Lymph node

    T3N2M0 ⅢA

    M:Male; F:Female; LOH:Loss of heterozygosity; SCC:Squamous cell carcinoma; ADC:Adenocarcinoma; SCLC:Small cell lung cancer; well:Well differentiated; mod:moderate differentiated; poor:poor differentiated表 3 2例nm23-H2等位基因缺失的肺癌患者的病理生理特征
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    Tab 3 Pathophysiological characteristics in 2 lung cancer patients with allelic deletions of nm23-H2 gene No.


    Tumor location







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    Lymph node


    3 讨论


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    修回日期:1999-11-05, 百拇医药