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http://www.100md.com 《中国肺癌杂志》 2000年第5期
     作者:陈国安 刘天菊 张伟 李申德 杨德昌 孙燕

    单位:陈国安 杨德昌(西安医科大学第二附属医院呼吸科 710004);刘天菊(美国密歇根大学医学院);张伟 李申德 孙燕(中国医学科学院肿瘤医院)


    中国肺癌杂志000509 【摘要】目的 探讨Bax和TGFβRⅡ基因在肺癌组织中的移码突变及其与微卫星改变的关系。方法 用PCR-变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳-银染法,检测50例肺癌组织Bax和TGFβRⅡ基因移码突变及微卫星改变。结果 Bax基因(G)8移码突变12例,占24%(12/50),主要是碱基丢失。TGFβRⅡ的(A)10未发现移码突变。Bax移码突变与微卫星不稳定和/或杂合性缺失有密切关系(P<0.05)。结论 肺癌组织中存在Bax基因移码突变且与微卫星改变密切相关,它们在肺癌发病中可能有一定作用。
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    Bax and TGFβRⅡ frameshift mutations in lung cancer

    CHEN Guoan,LIU Tianju,ZHANG Wei,LI Shende,YANG Dechang,SUN Yan

    (Department of Respiratory Diseases,The Second Affiliated Hospital,Xi'an Medical University,Xi'an,Shanxi 710004,P.R.China)

    【Abstract】Objective To explore frameshift mutations in the Bax and TGFβRⅡ genes and the relationship between frameshift mutations and microsatellite alterations in lung cancer.Methods Frameshift mutations and microsatellite alterations were detected in 50 primary lung cancer tissues by PCR,8% denature polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining.Results Bax gene (G)8 frameshift mutations were detected in 12 cases (24%,12/50),and all were base deletion mutations.Bax frameshift mutations correlated with microsatellite alterations (P<0.05).TGFβRⅡ (A)10 frameshift mutations were not found.Conclusion Bax gene frameshift mutations are found in lung cancer,and closely correlate with microsatellite alterations.Bax gene and microsatellite might play a certain role in carcinogenesis of lung cancer.
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    【Key words】Lung neoplasms Bax gene TGFβRⅡ gene Microsatellite


    1 材料与方法

    1.1 研究对象 50例原发性肺癌及相应的远离癌组织的正常肺组织,均经病理确诊。标本取自中国医学科学院肿瘤医院(1997年3月~5月),术后1~3小时内获得,-70℃冰箱保存。鳞癌25例,腺癌19例,腺鳞癌5例,小细胞肺癌1例。男39例,女11例,年龄36~71岁。术前均未做过放疗或化疗。按1997年UICC标准进行TNM分期,均为Ⅰ~ⅢA期。
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    1.2 Bax和TGFβRⅡ基因移码突变检测 引物设计:Bax和TGFβRⅡ移码突变位点分别是(G)8和(A)10,均位于基因编码区,主要观察移码突变情况,引物序列见表1。组织DNA提取、PCR、8%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳及银染显色均同微卫星检测[2]。结果判断:Bax和TGFβRⅡ基因在外显子上,显示一条带为正常,两条带则为移码突变,其中异常带在正常带前,为丢失突变,若异常带在后,则为插入突变[3]

    1.3 微卫星DNA检测 本组病例的微卫星不稳定(microsatellite instability,MSI)和杂合性缺失(loss of heterozygosity,LOH)检测方法及结果见文献2。统计学处理用χ2检验。

    表1 Bax和TGFβRⅡ引物序列

    Tab 1 The primer sequence of Bax and TGFβRⅡ Genes
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    Primer sequence


    Anneling tem.









, 百拇医药



    2 结果


    图1 肺癌组织中Bax与TGFβRⅡ基因移码突变分析(8% PAGE)

, 百拇医药
    Fig 1 Frameshift mutations of Bax and TGFβRⅡ genes in lung cancer tissues (8% PAGE)

    N:Normal lung tissues; T:Lung cancer tissues.Bax mutations were found in T2~T6 and T8 samples.TGFβRⅡ mutations was not found.


, 百拇医药     表2 肺癌Bax突变与MSI和/或LOH的关系

    Tab 2 The relationship between Bax mutations

    and MSI and/or LOH in lung cancer Bax mutation

    MSI and/or LOH(≥2 loci)






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    3 讨论

, 百拇医药



, 百拇医药     参考文献

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    3,Brimmell M,Mendiola R,Mangion J,et al.Bax frameshift mutations in cell lines derived from human haemopoietic malignancies are associated with resistance to apoptosis and microsatellite instability.Oncogene,1998,16(14)∶1803-1812.
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    4,Imai Y,Tsurutani N,Oda H,et al.Genetic instability and mutation of the TGF-β-receptor-Ⅱ gene in ampullary carcinomas.Int J Cancer,1998,76(3)∶407-411.

    5,Yamamoto H,Sawai H,Perucho M.Frameshift somatic mutations in gastrointestinal cancer of the microsatellite mutator phenotype.Cancer Res,1997,57(19)∶4420-4426.

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, 百拇医药
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    修回日期:2000-02-28, http://www.100md.com