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http://www.100md.com 《遗传学报》 2000年第1期
     作者:宋朝霞 邢苗 曾宪录

    单位:深圳大学生物工程系,深圳 518060



    摘要:将细胞松弛素B(Cytochalasin B,CB)注入同步化的多头绒泡菌原质团,在光镜和电镜下跟踪观察其有丝分裂进程,发现多头绒泡菌进入有丝分裂的时间推迟,与未经CB处理的样品相比,在S期注入CB的样品进入有丝分裂的时间推迟35min;在G2早期注入CB的样品则推迟20min;在G2中期注入的推迟45min;在G2晚期注入的推迟60min,说明抑制肌动蛋白的功能则使有丝分裂受到明显影响。CB处理样品进入有丝分裂后的整个时间进程和核结构的动态变化与未经CB处理的基本相同,表明CB处理对有丝分裂的影响可能主要是推迟有丝分裂的启动。在G2晚期进行CB处理对有丝分裂启动的影响最为明显,说明在多头绒泡菌G2晚期可能存在着有丝分裂的检验点。
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    中图分类号:Q343 文献标识码:A


    Effects of Cytochalasin B upon Mitosis of Physarum polycephalum

    SONG Zhao-Xia,XING Miao,ZENG Xian-Lu

    (Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060,China)

    Abstract:Cytochalasin B,known as a functional inhibitor of actin,was microinjected into naturally synchronous plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum,and the mitotic behaviours of both CB-treated specimens and the control were examined with light and electron microscopy.Mitosis in the CB-treated specimens began about 20 to 60 minutes later than that of the control.It was delayed 35 minutes in the specimens treated with CB in the S phase of the cell cycle,and the delayed time was 20 minutes and 45 minutes,respectively.In the specimens treated with CB in early and middle G2 phase,the longest delay was 60 minutes found in the specimens treated in late G2 phase,indicating that mitosis was affected in Physarum polycephalum when the function of actin was inhibited by CB treatment.The CB-treated specimens and the control showed similarities in the process of mitosis and dynamic changes of nuclear structures,suggesting that the main effect of CB treatment upon mitosis may be to delay the triggering of the mitosis.
, 百拇医药
    Key words:Actin;cytochalasin B;mitotic cycle; Physarum polycephalum

    细胞松弛素(Cytochalasins)是肌动蛋白聚合的抑制剂,结合在F-肌动蛋白的正(+)端,阻止F-肌动蛋白的功能[9].研究者们用细胞松弛素B或D(Cytochalasin B,CB; Cytochalasin D,CD)或二氢细胞松弛素B(Dihydrocytochalasin B, DCB)对肌动蛋白的功能进行研究[10,11,16],发现在细胞质中肌动蛋白构成细胞骨架的微丝,与胞质流动、变形运动、细胞形态的维持、细胞膜的动态变化、细胞器的运动等多种生命活动有关[12,17]。在细胞核中肌动蛋白可能与细胞核的定位和定向移动[10]、胞质分裂时分裂沟的形成[11]、多线染色体结构的维系等有关[13]。用注射抗肌动蛋白抗体或肌动蛋白结合蛋白的方法得到的结果表明,肌动蛋白可影响染色体的集缩,染色体结构状态的调整及基因转录[9]。关于肌动蛋白是否参与细胞周期调控的研究报道还很少。
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    多头绒泡菌属粘菌门绒泡菌科。其生活史包括单细胞的变形虫,多核的原质团和孢子形成等阶段。直径为5~6cm的原质团包含大约108个细胞核,这些细胞核在自然条件下进行高度同步的核内有丝分裂,因此多头绒泡菌是研究细胞周期生化事件的理想材料[14]。曾宪录等人证明多头绒泡菌细胞核中存在肌动蛋白[7]。为了进一步研究肌动蛋白的功能,本文将细胞松弛素B(Cytochalasin B,CB)注射到同步化的多头绒泡菌原质团中,在光学和电子显微镜下对CB处理组和对照组样品的有丝分裂过程进行了观察,发现CB处理可推迟细胞进入有丝分裂的时间。

    1 材料和方法

    1.1 菌株 多头绒泡菌(Physarum polycephalum)菌株TU291由法国利母慈大学细胞生物学实验室 Philipe Albert博士惠赠。

    1.2 培养基 MSD培养基。A液:柠檬酸3.54g;FeCl2.4H2O 0.06g;KH2PO4 0.2g;MgSO4.7H2O 0.6g;MnCl2.4H2O 0.084g;ZnSO4.7H2O 0.04g;CaCl2.2H2O 0.6g;胰蛋白10g。用30%KOH调pH至4.6,加蒸馏水至1000ml,高压灭菌后4℃保存。B液:高铁血红素0.05g溶于100ml 1% NaOH中,高压灭菌后4℃保存。使用时,按0.3ml A液+20ml B液的比例混合。
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    1.3 多头绒泡菌的悬浮培养 按照DanielⅠ[15]的方法,在250ml锥形瓶中,加入20ml MSD培养基,1ml菌液。24℃~26℃摇床培养,每3天继代1次。

    1.4 多头绒泡菌的同步化培养 在直径为12cm的培养皿中进行同步化培养。将滤纸置于铺满玻璃珠的培养皿中,高压灭菌。离心收集悬浮培养的微原质团,经无菌蒸馏水洗涤后,铺于滤纸中央,26℃培养2h后,加入13ml左右MSD培养基。26℃暗培养16h左右。此时达到完全同步化。

    1.5 细胞松弛素B(CB)处理 在细胞周期的第2、4、6、8h分别切下相等面积(2cm×1cm)的长有原质团的滤纸条,用显微操作仪向原质团注射CB溶液(1mmol/L,用2%二甲基亚砜DMSO配制),每个原质团注射CB溶液2μl,约含CB1.0μg。注射后将原质团放入培养皿中继续培养。对照组样品中注射同体积的2%DMSO。

, http://www.100md.com     1.6 对多头绒泡菌细胞周期的光镜观察 跟踪CB处理组和对照组的细胞周期进程,每5~10min取材1次。卡宝品红染色,压片,OLYMPUS显微镜观察,照相。

    1.7 对多头绒泡菌细胞周期的电镜观察 将CB处理组和对照组G2晚期、有丝分裂早前期、前期及中期的样品置于2.5%戊二醛固定液中固定12h。0.1mol/L磷酸缓冲液漂洗3次,每次30min。1%锇酸中后固定2h,双蒸水洗3次,每次20min。乙醇-丙酮梯度脱水,Epon812环氧树脂包埋,包埋


    2 结果

    2.1 细胞松弛素B对多头绒泡菌细胞周期的影响 多头绒泡菌细胞周期由S期、G2期和M期组成,没有G1期。我们将M期/S期交界处的时间定为0h;S期的时长为3h,时间为0至第3h;G2期的时长为6h,时间为第3至第9h;M期时长为1h,时间为第9至第10h(图1)。
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    图1 多头绒泡菌细胞周期

    Fig.1 The cell cycle of Physarum polycephlum


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    表1 CB对多头绒泡菌有丝分裂的迟滞效应

    Table 1 Delay of entry into mitosis caused by Cytochalasin B in Physarum polycephlum CB注射时间

    Time in cell

    cycle when CB

    is microinjected(h)

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    Phase in cell

    cycle when CB

    is microinject




    Time of entry

    into mitotic

    phase in

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    Time of entry into

    mitotic phase in

    CB treated






    S phase

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    G2 phase







    G2 phase

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    G2 phase




    2.2 CB处理样品和对照样品的细胞核超微结构 对G2晚期、有丝分裂早前期、前期及中期的CB处理样品和对照样品的细胞核进行了电镜观察,发现二者的超微结构在上述各个时相均无明显差别。在G2晚期,核仁位于细胞核中部,染色质呈密集团块状位于核仁周围的核质中(图版II-A1和A2)。中期时,由染色质集缩形成的染色体排列于赤道板上(图版II-B1和B2)。多头绒泡菌行核内有丝分裂,因此在中期时细胞核仍保持完整,核膜清晰可见(图版II-B1和B2)。CB处理样品的中期细胞核切面为侧面观,可见清晰的纺锤体结构,染色体位于纺锤体中,排列于赤道板上,纺锤体的微管汇于两极(图版II-B2)。对照样品中期细胞核切面为极面观,未见到纺锤体结构,只观察到排列于赤道板上的染色体(图版II-B1)。
, 百拇医药
    3 讨论

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    关于CB抑制肌动蛋白的功能为什么会影响有丝分裂的启动,目前还不清楚。有关细胞周期调控的研究结果表明,有丝分裂促进因子(mitotic promoting factor,MPF)由起催化作用的亚单位CDK(如p34cdc2)和起调控作用的亚单位周期素(cyclin)组成[19],多头绒泡菌含有cdc2类似蛋白[20],这种蛋白的活化至少需要DNA复制和细胞骨架构建等两个关键信号[21],p34cdc2是组蛋白H1激酶的亚单位之一,而组蛋白Hl的磷酸化与染色体集缩偶联[18]。根据上述研究结果和肌动蛋白是收缩蛋白的特点,我们推测,染色体集缩可能是多头绒泡菌中cdc2活化的另一个关键信号,当CB处理抑制肌动蛋白的功能时,可能导致染色体集缩过程受阻,从而抑制了组蛋白H1的磷酸化以及cdc2的活化,进而使有丝分裂的启动推迟。这一推测还有待于进一步的实验来验证。
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, http://www.100md.com     C2:CB处理样品。核仁位于G2晚期的细胞核(箭头)中央;







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    Explanation of Plates

    Plate I

    Effects of cytochalasin B (CB) upon the mitotic cycle of

    Physarum polycephalum.Stained with Carbol fuchsine.×2200.

    A:Nuclei in late G2 phase when CB was microinjected into the plasmodia.

    The nucleolus is located in the center of the nucleus (arrow) and chromatin granules
, 百拇医药
    are scattered around the nucleolus.The chromatin granules are stained heavilier

    than the nucleolus; B:Nuclei of the control in early prophase.The nucleolus (arrow)migrates

    to the periphery of the nucleus; C1:Nuclei of the control in prophase.

    The nucleolus (arrow a.) is in disintegration,and the chromatin granules (arrow b)

    become decondensed; C2:Nuclei of CB-treated specimens in G2 phase.
, 百拇医药
    The nucleolus is situated in the center of the nucleus (arrow);

    D1:Nuclei of the control in pre-metaphase.Arrows shows chromosomes;

    D2:Nuclei of CB-treated specimens in early prophase.The nucleolus (arrow) moves

    to the nuclear periphery; E1:Nuclei of the control in metaphase.

    Chromosomes are clustered and lined at the equatorial plate (arrows);
, 百拇医药
    E2:Nuclei of CB-treated specimens in prophase.The nucleolus (arrow a) is in

    disintegration,and the chromatin granules (arrow b) become decondensed;

    F:Nuclei of the control are in anaphase (arrow a) and telophase (arrow b);

    G:Nuclei of CB-treated specimens in pre-metaphase.Arrows show chromosomes

    in condensation; H:Nuclei of CB-treated specimens in metaphase
, 百拇医药
    .Arrows show chromosome clusters lining on equatorial plate;

    I:Nuclei of CB-treated specimens in telophase.Two clusters of chromosomes

    in one nucleus (arrows) are paralleled

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    Plate II

    Ultrastructure of nuclei in CB-treated specimens and control×20000.A1&A3:
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    G2 phase nuclei in control (A1) and CB-treated specimens (A2) show similarity in ultrastructure.

    The nucleoli (arrow a) and condensed chromatin (arrows b) are highly contrasted.

    B1 & B2:Metaphase nuclei in control (B1) and CB-treated specimens (B2)

    share common features in their ultrastructure.Nucleolus has disappeared,chromosome

    ,clusters (arrows a) are contrasted and the nuclear membrane (arrows b) still exists.
, 百拇医药
    Spindle fibres (B2,arrow c) are clearly observed in the longitudinal section of the CB-treated nucleus.


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