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http://www.100md.com 《中国免疫学杂志》 1999年第11期
     作者:刘继明 邱玉华 张 毅 张学光 孙晓燕

    单位:刘继明 邱玉华 张 毅 张学光 苏州医学院生物技术研究所,苏州 215007;孙晓燕 苏州卫生学校,苏州 215002


    中国免疫学杂志991107 中国图书分类号 R392.11

    摘 要 目的:为了建立一种从腹水中获得高纯度IgM抗体的纯化方法。方法:分别以硫酸铵沉淀或优球蛋白沉淀结合凝胶过滤法,从腹水中纯化IgM型单克隆抗体。结果:用优球蛋白沉淀结合凝胶过滤,纯化的IgM抗体纯度>90%,明显优于硫酸铵沉淀结合凝胶过滤法纯化的IgM抗体纯度(<60%)。结论:优球蛋白沉淀结合凝胶过滤是一种获得高纯度IgM抗体的方法。

    Purification of IgM monoclonal antibodies from mouse ascites fluid
, 百拇医药
    LIU Ji-Ming, QIU Yu-Hua, ZHANG Yi et al

    (Department of Immunology, Suzhou Medical College, Suzhou 215007)

    SUN Xiao-Yan

    (Suzhou Health School,Suzhou 215002)

    Abstract Objective:To obtain high purity and immunoreactive IgM antibody from ascites. Methods:Ascites fluid was subjected to ammonium sulfate precipitation or euglobulin precipitation. The precipitate was redissolved and subsequently subjected to gel filtration on SuperdexTM-200. The purity of the antibody was assessed by the reducing SDS gel electrophoresis. Immuno-activity of the antibody was assessed by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results:The purity of the antibody was estimated to be greater than 90% after euglobulin precipitation combined with gel filtration, but less than 60% after ammonium sulfate precipitation combined with gel filtration. There is no obviously difference between two method's recovery of immuno-activity. Conclusion:Euglobulin precipitation combined with gel filtration is a good method for purification IgM Mabs from ascites.
, 百拇医药
    Key words IgM Monoclonal antibody Gel filtration Euglobulin


    1 材料与方法

    1.1 主要试剂和设备 鼠抗人IL-8单抗WS-4和HPLC纯rhIL-8 (日本金泽大学松岛教授赠送); 碱性磷酸酶(ALP)标记羊抗小鼠免疫球蛋白多抗(Immunotech inc.,France);蛋白质定量用标准蛋白(中国生物制品鉴定所);电泳低分子量标准蛋白(上海东风生化试剂公司); FPLC分离纯化系统和SuperdexTM-200 prep grade(26/600)预装柱(Pharmacia-LKB,Sweden);酶标仪(model 550, Bio-Rad, USA)。
, 百拇医药
    1.2 抗体制备 用本室研制的rhIL-8免疫Balb/c小鼠,得到2株抗IL-8单抗SI96、SI97。用亚型快速鉴定条(ARGENE Biosoft, France)鉴定均为IgM亚类。制备和收集腹水,加入CaCl2(终浓度至25 mmol/L),室温静置30 min,离心去除纤维蛋白。-20℃冻存备用。

    1.3 IgM的纯化 硫酸铵沉淀法:腹水于4°C滴加硫酸铵至45%浓度,5 min后离心收集沉淀。用4倍原体积的PBS溶解。将此样品立即进行凝胶过滤或-20℃冻存。

    优球蛋白沉淀法:按Garcia-Gonzalez M 等所述[3],将腹水在4°C蒸馏水中透析8~15 h,12 000 r/min离心15 min,收集沉淀蛋白,重新溶解于1 mol/L NaCl/0.1 mol/L Tris-HCl pH8.0的缓冲液中,立即进行凝胶过滤或-20℃冻存。凝胶过滤:先用10 mmol/L Tris-HCl pH8.0缓冲液平衡SuperdexTM-200 prepgrade 预装柱,将硫酸铵沉淀或优球蛋白沉淀收集的1 ml样品上样,用1.5 mol/L NaCl/10 mmol/L Tris-HCl pH8.0的缓冲液进行洗脱,洗脱流速控制在1~2 ml/min。收集的洗脱峰分装冻至-20℃。
, 百拇医药
    1.4 蛋白质定量和电泳 蛋白质定量采用改良Bradford法[6]。以15%还原性SDS-PAGE检测样品纯度[4]

    1.5 IgM活性测定 采用间接ELISA法,以0.1ml 2μg/ml的HPLC纯rhIL-8抗原包板,4℃过夜,次日以5%BSA-PBS pH7.4, 37℃封闭2h; 加入待测的IgM型抗人IL-8单抗, 37℃反应2 h后加入ALP-羊抗小鼠免疫球蛋白多抗,37℃反应2 h。最后加底物显色。以WS-4为标准抗体,计算IgM抗体量。

    2 结果

    2.1 IgM的纯化、纯度鉴定以及分子量测定 腹水IgM抗体SI96、SI97经球蛋白沉淀后,用SDS-PAGE分析,结果表明用球蛋白沉淀纯化不同来源的抗体,IgM纯度在40%~60%之间,见图1。SI97腹水用45%硫酸铵沉淀后凝胶过滤分离,IgM洗脱峰在110 min出现(图2),所得IgM抗体纯度<60%。SI97腹水用优球蛋白沉淀后凝胶过滤,IgM洗脱峰于100 min时出现(图3),纯度>90%。SDS-PAGE可见2条蛋白区带,分别位于分子量约25 kD和70 kD的位置,显示此抗体蛋白由大、小2个亚单位组成(图4)。
, 百拇医药
    图1 球蛋白沉淀法纯化的IgM抗体电泳图

    Fig.1 Euglobin precipitation of mouse IgM MAbs analyzed by reducing SDS-PAGE(15% acrylamide)

    Note:lane 1:purified SI96 MAbs from ascites fluid by euglobulin precipitation(15 ml);lane 2:purified SI97 MAbs from asciates fluid by euglobulin precipitation(15 ml);lane 3:standard protein marker(30 ml)

    图2 硫酸铵沉淀后凝胶过滤层析图
, 百拇医药
    Fig.2 Elution profiles obtained after chromatography of ammonium sulfate precipitated ascites fluid on gel filtration

    图3 优球蛋白沉淀后的凝胶过滤层析图

    Fig.3 Elution profiles obtained after chromatography of euglobulin precipitated ascites fluid on gel filtration

    图4 SI97抗体各个纯化过程所得样品的SDS-PAGE图
, 百拇医药
    Fig.4 The pooled fractions from each step in the SI97 MAbs purification analyzed by reducing SDS-PAGE(15% acrylamide)

    Note:lane 1: ascites fluid(15 ml); lane 2: fraction from ammonium sulfate precipitated ascites fluid(15 ml); lane 3:fraction from peak 1 of Fig.2(30 ml); lane 4:fraction from euglobulin precipitated ascites fluid(60 ml); lane 5: fraction from peak 2 of Fig.2(30 ml); lane 6:fraction from peak 2 of Fig.3(30 ml); lane 7: protein marker(30 ml)
, 百拇医药
    2.2 蛋白质定量和活性测定 结果见表1。

    表1 不同方法纯化SI97的比较

    Tab.1 Yield and recovery of SI97 IgM MAbs using various purification procedures


    Total protein




    Recovery of

, 百拇医药





    Method 1

    Ammonium sulfate





    Gel filtration
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    Method 2






    Gel filtration

, 百拇医药



    Note:total protein determined by the method of modified Bradford's;protein reactivity determined by indirect ELISA;contrast with last purified step

    3 讨论

    本实验用球蛋白沉淀、凝胶过滤以及FPLC技术相结合,快速而高效地纯化了IgM抗体。与传统的硫酸铵沉淀结合凝胶过滤比较,两种方法之间回收率相差不大,但球蛋白沉淀结合凝胶过滤纯化的IgM抗体纯度明显优于硫酸铵沉淀结合凝胶过滤法。为了减少硫酸铵沉淀时导致IgM变性,处理时采用低温(4°C)短时(5 min)。
, 百拇医药
    鼠IgM和IgG3均属于优球蛋白,不易溶于水。Garcia-Gonzalez M 等1988年首先采用优球蛋白沉淀的方法纯化小鼠腹水中的IgG3和IgM抗体[3]。优球蛋白沉淀一步纯化能得到纯度较高的IgM抗体。我们得到相似的结果,纯度在40%~70%。本实验采用优球蛋白沉淀与凝胶过滤相结合,在保持良好活性回收率同时(表1),纯化得到的IgM抗体纯度>90%,能满足一些要求较高的检测和体内实验研究。



, 百拇医药
    4 参考文献

    1 曹军平,闫桂玲,刘秀梵. 两种简易高效的单克隆抗体提纯方法. 单克隆抗体通讯, 1995;11(2):52

    2 Perosa F, Carbone R, Ferrone S et al. Purification of human immunoglobulins by sequential precipitation with caprylic acid and ammonium sulphate. J Immunol Methods, 1990; 128:9

    3 Garcia-Gonzalez M, Bettinger S, Ott S et al. Purification of murine IgG3 and IgM monoclonal antibodies by euglobulin precipitation.J Immunol Methods, 1988;111:17
, http://www.100md.com
    4 Knutson V P, Buck R A, Moreno R M. Purification of a murine monoclonal antibody of the IgM class.J Immunol Methods, 1991; 136:151

    5 Chen F M, Naeve G S, Epstein A L. Comparison of mono Q, superose-6, and Abx fast protein liquid chromatography for the purification of IgM monoclonal antibodies. J Chromatogr, 1988; 444:153

    6 Zor T, Selinger Z. Linearization of the Bradford protein assay increases its sensitivity: theoretical and experimental studies. Anal Biochem, 1996;236: 302

    收稿1999-03-06 修回1999-05-14, 百拇医药