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http://www.100md.com 《解剖学报》 1998年第3期
     作者:马金龙 高英茂 刘 凯 武玉玲 高彦慧

    单位:山东医科大学组织学胚胎学教研室,济南 250012


    解剖学报980317 摘 要 为研究细胞凋亡与高温致神经管畸形的关系,采用核固红-结晶紫染色方法和电镜技术,观察高温后胚胎发育变化。结果显示,高温后8h胚胎发育迟缓,神经管延迟闭合或不闭合,胚胎各段尤其是头部的神经上皮和周围间充质的细胞凋亡比对照组增多,其超微结构改变为染色质浓缩、边聚,核膜皱缩,微绒毛消失并出现异常的胞质突起;16h后细胞凋亡明显增多,胞质内出现了大量空泡,凋亡小体增多;24h后细胞凋亡逐渐减少,凋亡小体被邻近的细胞吞噬,于72h后细胞凋亡恢复至对照组水平。结果表明,高温能促进神经上皮和周围间充质的细胞凋亡,使存活细胞数减少,结果导致了神经管延迟闭合或不闭合。这是高温致神经管畸形的一条重要途径。
, 百拇医药




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    结 果



    附表 高温的胚胎毒和致畸作用
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    Table The toxicity and teratogeny of hyperthermia


    amount of




    amount of



    amount of

    the absorbed
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    rate of




    amount of




    amount of


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    rate of




    amount of



    rate of



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    3.1 对照组:各期胚胎神经管上皮细胞排列紧密,边界整齐,近腔面常见细胞分裂像。神经管周围间充质细胞数量较多,分布均匀,很少见到凋亡细胞。

    3.2 实验组:高温处理后2h和4h,胚胎在组织结构上与对照组相比无明显差异。高温处理后8h,神经上皮排列紊乱,边界不整,细胞多呈圆形,细胞分裂像少见,细胞凋亡增多,主要表现为核固缩和胞质浓缩(图3)。周围间充质细胞数量减少,分布不均。高温后16h,神经上皮和周围间充质细胞凋亡数明显增加,并有大量凋亡小体出现,尤以头部两侧最为明显。高温处理后24h和48h,细胞分裂像逐渐增加,细胞凋亡数减少。高温72h和96h后,恢复至对照组水平。
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    4.1 对照组:神经上皮细胞核大呈椭圆形,核膜清楚,染色质疏松,核仁明显。胞质内多聚核糖体丰富,线粒体和内质网较少。细胞近腔端有明显的紧密连接。

    4.2 实验组:高温处理后2h,神经上皮细胞内可见核内空泡,空泡表面核膜模糊。4h后可见核仁松散,部分线粒体呈分叶状或呈巨大线粒体。高温处理后8h,核膜皱缩呈不规则状,染色质凝集在核周部,其表面的核孔消失,凋亡的细胞与周围的细胞分离。靠近管腔面的神经上皮细胞表面的微绒毛消失,并出现了大量的异常胞质突起(图4,5)。高温处理后16h,可见胞质内出现大量空泡,核固缩明显,凋亡小体增多(图7),邻近细胞内可见被吞噬的凋亡小体。靠近管腔面的神经上皮细胞其胞质突起更加明显,部分脱落进入管腔。高温处理后24h和48h,细胞凋亡逐渐减少,凋亡小体和脱落的胞质突起被邻近的细胞吞噬(图8),于72h后细胞凋亡恢复至对照组水平。

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    讨 论



    细胞凋亡(apoptosis)或程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death)是组织中某些细胞受其内在基因的调节,通过主动的生化过程而自杀死亡的生物现象,其基本过程大致分为3个阶段:早期的形态学改变为染色质浓缩并聚集于核膜下呈境界分明的颗粒块状或新月形小体,胞质浓缩;而后,胞核和细胞外形皱褶,胞核裂解成质膜包绕的碎片,细胞膜突出形成质膜小泡,脱落后形成凋亡小体,其内可保留完整的细胞器和致密的染色质;最后,凋亡小体很快被邻近细胞或巨噬细胞摄取消化[7,8]。细胞凋亡与细胞增殖同等重要,两者的动态平衡保证了神经管的正常发育和分化。如果细胞凋亡过程发生异常则会引起神经管畸形[9]。本实验结果显示,高温可促进神经上皮和周围间充质的细胞凋亡,使存活细胞数减少,结果导致了神经管延迟闭合或不闭合。这是高温致神经管畸形的一条重要途径。
, 百拇医药
    收稿 1997-07 修回 1997-11


    图1 水浴处理后24h对照组胚胎扫描电镜图像,示前、后神经孔已经闭合,胚胎卷折形成了“C”字形筒状胚

    图2 水浴处理后24h实验组胚胎扫描电镜图像,示前、后神经孔(↑)均未闭合,胚胎也未卷折成“C”字形

    图3 水浴处理后8h实验组鼠胚神经褶横切面,示神经上皮细胞核固缩(↑) ×1 000

    图4 水浴处理后8h实验组鼠胚神经上皮细胞,示其游离面泡状突起(↑) ×12 000

    图5 水浴处理后8h实验组鼠胚神经上皮细胞,示染色质凝集、边聚(↑) ×7 000
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    图6 水浴处理后16h实验组鼠胚神经管周围间充质细胞,示核膜皱缩(↑) ×6 000

    图7 水浴处理后16h实验组鼠胚神经上皮细胞,示凋亡小体(↑) ×15 000

    图8 水浴处理后24h实验组鼠胚神经上皮细胞,示凋亡小体被邻近细胞吞噬(↑) ×1 200

    Explanation of figures

    Fig.1 Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) photograph of a normal embryo 24h after treatment,showing C-shaped embryo with a perfect neural tube.

    Fig.2 Scanning electron micrograph of embryo 24h after hyperthermia,showing the embryo with the front and hind neuropores opened(↑).
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    Fig.3 The cross section of a embryo 8h after hyperthermia stained with nuclear fast red-crystal violet,showing an apoptotic cell in the neuroepithelia(↑).×1 000

    Fig.4 Electron micrograph of neuroepithelium of a embryo 8h after hyperthermia,showing some cytoplasmic blebs protruding from the free surface of the cell(↑).×12 000

    Fig.5 Electron micrograph of the neuroepithelium of a embryo 8h after hyperthermia,showing a nucleus with aggregated,marginated chromatin(↑).×7 000
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    Fig 6 Electron micrograph of the mesenchymal cell around neural tube of a embryo 16h after hyperthermia,showing shrunk nucleus(↑).×6 000

    Fig.7 Electron micrograph of the neuroepithelium of a embryo 16h after hyperthermia,showing apoptotic bodies(↑).×15 000

    Fig.8 Electron micrograph of the neuroepithelium of a embryo 24h after hyperthermia,showing a phagocytosed apoptotic body in the cytoplasm of the normal cell(↑).×12 000
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    * 国家自然科学基金资助课题(No.39370372)


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    Ma Jinlong,Gao Yingmao,Liu Kai,Wu Yuling,Gao Yanhui

    (Department of Histology and Embryology,Shandong Medical University,Jinan)

    Hyperthermia is one of common teratogens causing varieties of congenital malformatoins including neural tube defects(NTD) such as anencephly and spina bifida.In this experiment,the nuclear fast red-crystal violet staining method and electron microscopy were employed to explore the relationship between apoptosis and NTD induced by hyperthermia.
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    Pregnant golden hamsters were put into water at 42℃ for 20minutes on 8th day of gestation.The embryos were respectively removed at 2,4,8,16,24,48,72,96 hours after treatment.Some embryos were fixed in modified Bouin solution,embeded in paraffin,sectioned in series,and stained with nuclear fast red and crystal violet for detection of apoptosis in the embryonic neural epithelium and the mesenchyme around neural tube.Some embryos were prepared for observation with scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope.The results were as follows:The embryos of the experimental groups developed much later than those of the normal,and the amounts of the apoptotic cells in the neural epithelium and in the mesenchyme were much more than that of the mormal.It showed by electron microscope that the apoptotic cell had a shrunk nucleus with aggregated and marginated chromatin, there were abnormal cytoplasmic blebs instead of microvilli in the free surface of the cell.The cytoplasmic protuberances were separated from cell surface to form apoptotic bodies.At the 24th hour after treatment with hyperthermia the apoptotic bodies were phagocytosed by the neighbour cells.The embryos of the experimental animals were not siginifcantly differnt from the normal in apoptosis at the 72th hour after treatment with hyperthermia.It indicated that hyperthermnia may induce excess apoptosis in the neural tube and mesenchyme,thereby resulting in failure of formation of neural tube,It was an important way by which hyperthermia caused neural tube defects.

    KEY WORDS hyperthermia;neural tube defect;apoptosis;golden hamster

    △Department of Histology and Embryology,Shandong Medical University,Jinan 250012,China, 百拇医药