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http://www.100md.com 《解剖学报》 1998年第3期
     作者:龚良维 丁玉强 郑恒兴 王 丹 秦秉志 李继硕

    单位:第四军医大学解剖学教研室,梁銶琚脑研究中心,西安 710032


    解剖学报980301 摘 要 为了研究GABA与MOR在吗啡镇痛中的相互关系,用包埋前免疫组织化学方法结


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    阿片受体至少包括3种亚型:μ、δ和κ。其中μ受体(mu-opioid receptor;MOR)和吗啡的镇痛作用密切相关[5,6]。放射自显影[7]、原位杂交[8]及免疫组织化学[9]均证实脊髓后角浅层分布有大量MOR。在内源性的阿片类物质中,甲硫氨酸脑啡肽(M-ENK)与克隆的MOR亲和力最强[10]。M-ENK在脊髓内主要分布于后角浅层,且部分M-ENK阳性神经元同时含有GABA[11],提示后角浅层内GABA能终末可能与MOR阳性神经元之间存在直接的突触联系。因此,本实验在对猫脊髓后角浅层内MOR免疫阳性成分电镜观察的基础上[12],对MOR阳性成分与GABA能终末之间的突触联系进行了探讨,旨在为研究GABA与MOR在吗啡镇痛中相互关系提供线索。


    实验共用成年雄猫4只。动物在腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠的深麻状态下,先用500ml生理盐水经心脏冲洗血液,然后用1 000ml含4%多聚甲醛,1%苦味酸和0.5%戊二醛的磷酸缓冲液(0.1mol/L PB,pH7.4)灌注固定。立即取出腰骶段脊髓,并在上述固定液内后固定3h(4℃),振动切片机切片,厚50μm,切片收集于磷酸盐缓冲液(0.01mol/L PBS,pH7.4)内。按ABC法进行免疫组织化学染色。切片在经PBS漂洗后依次移入:(1)豚鼠抗大鼠MOR的IgG(0.5mg/L)[9],室温孵育过夜;(2)结合有生物素的羊抗豚鼠IgG(Vector;1∶200),室温孵育3h;(3)ABC复合物(Vector;1∶200),室温孵育2h。其中,一抗和二抗用含0.01% Triton X-100,0.2%驴血清和0.03%NaN3的PBS稀释,ABC复合物用含0.01%Triton X-100的PBS稀释。最后切片在含0.05%DAB和0.003%H2O2的0.05%mol/L Tris-HCl缓冲液内呈色20~30min。切片经漂洗后在含1%锇酸的PB内室温下固定1h,梯度酒精及环氧丙烷脱水,Epon812平板包埋、聚合(45℃,24h;58℃,48h)。在解剖镜下取出后角浅层,LKB超薄切片机切片并裱于镍网上,然后进行GABA免疫组织化学染色,将镍网置于含兔抗大鼠GABA血清(1∶1 000)和0.01%Triton X-100的Tris-HCl缓冲液(TBST;pH7.6)液滴上,室温下湿盒内孵育24h。经pH7.6的TBST清洗后,再用pH8.2的TBST清洗,然后置于含结合有胶体金(直径10nm)颗粒的羊抗兔IgG(1∶40, British BioCell International)的液滴上,室温下湿盒内孵育3h。醋酸铀,枸橼酸铅染色,Hitachi100电子显微镜观察,摄片。
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    结 果


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    讨 论

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    收稿1997-1 修回1997-07


    图1 示MOR阳性树突(De)与1个GABA能轴突终末(Ax)形成突触连接。箭头示突触活性点。标尺示0.2μm

    图2 示MOR阳性树突(De)同时与2个GABA能轴突终末(Ax、Ax′)形成突触连接。箭头示突触点。标尺示0.3μm
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    图3 示MOR阳性树突(De)同时与1个GABA能轴突终末(Ax)及1个GABA阴性轴突终末(Ax′)形成突触连接。箭头示突触活性点。标尺示0.3μm

    图4 示MOR阳性胞体(S)与1个GABA能轴突终末(Ax)形成突触连接。箭头示突触活性点。标尺示0.3μm

    Explanation of figures

    Fig.1 Showing synaptic contact between a MOR-positive dendrite(De)and a GABAergic axonal terminal(Ax).Arrow points to synaptic site.Bar=0.2μm

    Fig.2 Showing a MOR-positive dendrite(De)makes synaptic contact with two GABAergic axonal terminals(Ax,Ax′).Arrows point to synaptic sites.Bar=0.3μm
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    Fig.3 Showing a MOR-positive dendrite(De)makes synaptic contacts with a GABAergic axonal

    terminal(Ax)and a non-GABAergic axonal terminal(Ax′).Arrows point to synaptic sites.Bar=0.3μm

    Fig.4 Showing synaptic contact between an MOR-positive cell body(S)and a GABAergic axonal terminal(Ax).Arrow points to synaptic site.Bar=0.3μm

    * 国家自然科学基金资助课题(No.39600045)

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    [1]Roberts E.γ-Aminbutyric acid and nervous system function.A perspective.Biochem Pharmac,1974,23(4):2639

    [2]Todd AJ,McKenzie J.GABA-immunoreactive neuron in the dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord.Neuroscience,1989,31(3):799

    [3]Cutting DA,Jordan CC.Alternative approaches to analgesia:Baclofer as a model compound.Bri J Pharmacol,1975,54(1):171

    [4]Sawynok J.GABAergic mechanisms of analgesia:An update.Pharmocol Biochem and Behavior,1987,26(2):463
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    [5]Besson J-M,Chaouch A.Peripheral and spinal mechanisms of nociception.Physiol Rev,1987,67(1):67

    [6]Mansour A,Waston SJ,Akil H.Opioid receptors:Past,present and future.Trends Neurosci,1995,18(1):69

    [7]Atweh SF,Kuhar MJ.Autoradiographic localization of opiate receptor in rat brain.I spinal cord and lower medulla.Brain Res,1977,124(1):53

    [8]Minami M,Onogi T,Toya T,et al.Molecular cloning and in situ hybridization histochemistry for rat μ-opioid receptor.Neurosci Res,1994,18(2):315
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    [9]Ding YQ,Kaneko T,Momura S,et al.Immunohistochemical localization of μ-opioid receptors in the central nervous sytem of the rat.J Comp Neurol,1996,367(1):375

    [10]Raynor K,Kong H,Chen Y,et al.Pharmacological characteriztion of the cloned κ-,δ-,and μ-opioid receptors.Mol Pharmacol,1994,45(2):330

    [11]Todd AJ,Spike RC,Russell G,et al.Immunohistochemical evidence that Met-Enkephalin and GABA coexist in some neurons in rat dorsal horn.Brain Res,1992,584(1):149
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    [12]王 丹,龚良维,丁玉强等.阿片μ受体在猫脊髓背角浅层内的超微定位分布研究.解剖学报,1998,29(1):30

    [13]Phend KD,Weinberg RJ,Rustioni A.Techniques to optimize post-embedding single and double staining for amino acid neurotransmitters.J Histochem Cytochem,1992,40(4):1011

    [14]Wang RA,Rardic M.Activation of μ-opioid receptor modulates BABAA receptor-mediated currents in isolated spinal horn neurons.Neurosci Lett,1994,180(1):109
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    Gong Liangwei,Ding Yuqiang,Zheng Hengxing,Wang Dan,Qin Bingzhi,Li Jishuo

    (Department of Anatomy and K.K.Leung Brain Research Center,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an)
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    The synaptic relationship between GABAergic axon terminals and neurons expressing μ-opioid receptor(MOR)in the superficial spinal dorsal horn of the cat was examined by using pre-embedding immunohistochemical method combined with post-embedding immunogold technique.About one third of the cell bodies and dendrites showing MOR-like immunoreactivity formed synaptic contacts with GABAergic axon terminals;all these synapses were symmetric.The present results suggest MOR-positive neurons in the superficial layers of the cat spinal cord may be modulated by GABA releasing from presynaptic axon terminals.
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    KEY WORDS μ-Opioid receptor;GABA;Electron microscopy;Immunohistochemistry;Spinal cord;Cat

    △Department of Anatomy and K.K.Leung Brain Research Center,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an 710032,China



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    Tao Yuanxiang,Li Yunqing*,Zhao Zhiqi

    (Shanghai Brain Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031,China;

    * Department of Anatomy,The Fourth Military Medical University,Xi'an 710032,China)

    Abstract The ultrastructural localization of substance P receptor within the superficial dorsal horn of rat spinal cord was observed in the present study.Besides in dendritic profiles and cell bodies,substance P receptor-like immunoreactive(SPR-LI)products could first be found in axonal profiles in the superficial dorsal horn.By a combined methods of transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat-germ agglutinin(WGA-HRP)and immunocytochemistry,it was observed that some SPR-LI dendritic profiles received synaptic contacts from,or were apposed directly to,WGA-HRP-labeled primary afferent terminals in the superficial laminae.
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    KEY WORDS Substance P receptor;Primary afferent;Ultrastructure;Dorsal horn;Spinal cord;Rat


    The undecapeptide substance P(SP) has been widely studied as mediator of sensory information in the nervous system.In the spinal cord,SP and SP receptor(SPR) are mainly present in the superficial laminae of spinal dorsal horn[1-4],at the sites of small-diameter primary afferent termination,suggesting that SP and SPR may be involved in spinal nociceptive mechanism.Although the ultrasturctural localization of SPR within the superficial laminae has been reported in the previous studies[5],the detailed observation of SPR ultrastructural distribution is lacking.Since it has been known that many small-diameter primary afferent fibers contain SP[1],the neurons with SPR in the superficial laminae probably receive nociceptive information from small-diameter primary afferent fibers.However,morphological evidence is lacking.The present study was attempted to observe the detailed distribution of SPR at the electron microscopic level and the relationship between SPR-like immunoreactive(SPR-LI) neurons and the small-diameter primary afferent fibers in the superficial laminae of spinal cord by the methods of immunocytochemical staining of SPR and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat-germ agglutinin(WGA-HRP).
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    Materials and methods

    The experiment was performed on 14 male Sprague-Dawley rats(230-280g).The distribution of SPR-LI neurons in the spinal dorsal horn was examined in 6 rats.The rats were anesthetized deeply with sodium pentobarbital (60mg/kg,i.p.)and perfused transcardially with 100ml of 0.01mol/L phosphate-buffered saline(PBS,pH 7.4),followed by 400ml of a fixative containing 4% paraformaldehyde,0.5% glutaradehyde and 0.1% picric acid in 0.1mol/L phosphate buffer(PB,pH 7.4).The lumbar segment was removed,and cut into 50μm thick transverse sections on a vibrotome.According to the avidin-biotinylated peroxidase complex method[6],the sections were incubated in rabbit anti-SPR antiserum(1mg/L)(gift from Prof.N Mizuno) diluted in PBS containing 3% normal goat serum for 48h at 4℃,and in biotinylated goat anti-rabbit IgG(1∶200 Vector)for 2h at 37℃ and in avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex(1∶100 Vector),for 1 h at 37℃.The immunoreactivity was visualized by incubation in the Tris-HCl buffer containing 0.05% DAB and 0.01% hydrogen peroxide for 5-8min.Some sections were mounted on glass slides,dehydrated,cleared and coverslipped with OPX for light microscopy.
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    For electron microscopy,the rest of the SPR-immunostained sections were postfixed with 1% osmium tetraoxide in 0.1mol/L PB for 45min at room temperature,and dehydrated in graduated ethanol,and finally embedded in Epon.The ultrathin sections were counterstained with urany1 acetate and lead citrate.The observation was made with Phillips CM-100 electron microscope.

    A combination of transganglionic transport of WGA-HRP and SPR immunocytochemistry was performed in the remaining 8 rats.Following anesthesia with sodium pentobarbital (40mg/kg,i.p.),the sciatic nerve was exposed above the knee and injected underneath the epineurial sheath with 2% WGA-HRP(1-1.5μl,Sigma).
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    Three days later,the animals were perfused.The sections were prepared as described above,and processed according to a tungstate/tetramethylbenzidine(TMB) method to reveal peroxidase[7]and stabilized with a 3.3-diaminobenzidine(DAB)/cobalt/H2O2 solution.Some sections were directly mounted onto glass slides to examine the distribution of WGA-HRP-labeled terminals.Rest of the sections were processed for the SPR immunocytochemistry as described above.
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    In the control experiment,when the primary antibody was omitted or replaced with normal rabbit serum,no immunoreactivity was detectable.


    A dense population of SPR-LI neurons were seen in lamina I,particularly in its medial part(Fig.1).The most common type of SPR-LI neurons had a fusiform cell body and an extensive rostrocaudal dendritic tree,which was typically confined to lamina I and the outer portion of lamina Ⅱ,and occasionally reached the inner portion of laminae Ⅱ and Ⅲ.Contrasting sharply with lamina Ⅰ,lamina Ⅱ contained very few SPR-LI neurons(Fig.1).However,it contained a significant population of processes that derived from SPR-LI neurons located in lamina Ⅰ and the deeper laminae of the dorsal horn.A few SPR-LI neurons were sparsely distributed in laminae Ⅲ-Ⅵ.Some of these neuronal processes extended dorsally into the superficial laminae.
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    The terminals labeled by WGA-HRP were confined to the superficial dorsal horn.The labeled terminals were more intense in lamina Ⅱ than in lamina Ⅰ(Fig.2).No terminals labeled by WGA-HRP were found in the rest areas of the dorsal horn.

    Electron microscopic observation was made on the ultrathin sections obtained from the superficial dorsal horn.Cytoplasmic SPR-LI products were in granular or patch associated with the microtubules,rough endoplasmic reticulum,Golgi bodies and surface of mitochondria.A small number of SPR-LI cell bodies,which contained a large indented nucleus,were often observed in lamina Ⅰ(Fig.3).SPR-LI products were most often encountered in the dendritic profiles(Fig.4).The reaction products distributed along the dendritic membrane were not in a continuous fashion,and not only in postsynaptic sites,but also in non-synaptic areas.Synaptic contacts onto these SPR-LI dendrites were symmetrical or asymmetrical.The presynaptic terminals often exhibited numerous round clear vesicles and /or a few dense core ones.The dense core vesicles were located near or away from the junctional membrane(Fig.4).A direct apposition between two SPR-LI dendrites was found(Fig.5).As shown in Fig.6,SPR-LI products were also seen in the axonal profiles,which contained mitochondria and numerous clear vesicles.SPR-LI axons and terminals occasionally formed synaptic contacts with dendrites profiles.No glial profiles were found to contain immunoreactive products.
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    The highest density of WGA-HRP-labeled terminals was often observed in lamina Ⅱ.TMB reaction product was generally in the form of electron-dense crystals.Most of the labeled terminals in the superficial dorsal horn formed symmetric or asymmetric synapse with dendrites.Some formed the central element of complex glomerular arrangements(Fig.7).It was observed,particularly in lamina Ⅱ,that some WGA-HPR-labeled terminals contacted synaptically with(Fig.8),or apposed directly to,the SPR-LI dendrites.Of 260 SPR-LI dendritic profiles,153 were directly apposed to the terminals 34 of which were WGA-HRP-labeled terminals,and 96 received synaptic contacts from terminals 16 of which were WGA-HRP-labeled terminals.The remaining 11 SPR-LI dendrites were in close proximity to the neuroglia,vessels and unstained cell bodies.
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    In the spinal cord,the distribution pattern of SPR-like immunoreactivities in the present study was in agreement with that in the previous studies[2,3].SPR-LI neurons were located mainly in lamina Ⅰ and very few in lamina Ⅱ.However,lamina Ⅱ contained some processes from SPR-LI neurons located in lamina Ⅰ and the deep laminae of the dorsal horn.The present result further showed that SPR-LI dendrities in the superficial laminae received synaptic junction with or direct apposition to WGA-HRP-labeled primary afferent terminals.This datum strongly provided a morphological substrate for spinal nociception mediated by NK-1 receptor(substance P preferring binding receptor)[8-11].
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    An important finding in the present ultrastructural observation was the existence of SPR-LI axonal terminals within the superficial dorsal horn.Although the origin of such SPR axonal terminals was unclear,the following results may give some hints.(1) Andoh et al reported that there was the expression of NK-1 receptor mRNA in the mouse dorsal root ganglion(DRG)neuron[12];(2) Our recent study showed NK-1 receptor mRNA expressed in xenopus oocyte following an injection of total mRNA extracted from cat DRG[13];(3) Carlton et al has demonstrated that SPR was associated with unmyelinated axons of rat glabrous skin[14].Taken together,it is conceivable that SPR-LI axonal terminals in the present study might stem from the central axon of the DRG neurons.SPR,likely as an autoreceptor,may be involved in modulation of release of transmitters from primary afferent terminals[15].Howerver,since there was no change of SPR in the spinal cord following the cutting of the dorsal root or the destroy of unmyelinated sensory fibers by capsaicin[2],the other origins of SPR-LI axonal terminals could not be ruled out.
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    The authors wish to thank Professor Chang H T and Li J S for their helpful criticism and revision of the manuscript,and Professor Mizuno N for giving us rabbit anti-SPR antiserum,and are grateful to Ms.Zhang M L and Wang D for electron microscopic and pholographic help.This work was supported in part by the Grant from the NNSFC.

    Received Juny 1997

    Explanation of figures
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    Fig.1 The distribution of SPR-positive neurons in the superficial dorsal horn.Scale bar:100μm

    Fig.2 The distribution of WGA-HRP-labeled terminals in the superficial dorsal horn.Bar=100μm

    Fig.3 The SPR-LI neuronal body with a indented nucleus(N)in lamina Ⅰ.Scale bar:1μm

    Fig.4 SPR-LI dendrite(D)receiving synaptic contacts(arrows)from unstained terminals.Bar=0.25μm
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    Fig.5 A direct apposition(arrow)between two SPR-LI dendrites(D1,D2). bar=0.25μm

    Fig.6 A SPR-LI axonal terminal(A).Bar=0.125μm

    Fig.7 A WGA-HRP-labeled terminal (A) formed the central element of complex glomerulus arrangments in laminae Ⅱ.Bar=0.25μm

    Fig.8 A synaptic contact(arrow)between a WGA-HRP-labeled terminal(A) and a SPR-LI dendrite(D).Bar=0.33μm

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