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http://www.100md.com 《解剖学报》 1998年第4期
     作者:庄志业 刘大庸 李云庆*

    单位:第一军医大学解剖学教研室,广州 510515;第四军医大学解剖学教研室


    解剖学报/980408 摘 要 为了探讨三叉初级传入路径中传导伤害性信息的小神经元在结构和功能上的差异,用植物凝集素(Bandeiraea simplicifolia isolectin-B4,BSI-B4)法在光镜、电镜水平观察了三叉初级传入路径中标记神经元的分布及形态特征。光镜结果表明:BSI-B4标记的初级传入终末只分布于三叉神经尾侧亚核的Ⅰ层和Ⅱ层,尤以Ⅱ层密集,标记终末光滑不呈串珠状。三叉神经节中的BSI-B4标记神经元为中小型神经元,其中以小神经元为主。电镜观察表明:BSI-B4只标记无髓纤维,不标记有髓纤维;BSI-B4标记的轴突终末与阴性树突形成非对称性的轴树突触,突触小泡多为圆形清亮小泡,偶见大致密核心囊泡。提示:传导伤害性信息的三叉初级感觉神经元中,BSI-B4标记的神经元和P物质(SP)能神经元在功能上有明显差异,而标记神经元和谷氨酸能神经元可能具有类似的功能。
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    生理学研究表明头面部的伤害性信息是由三叉神经中的小神经元传入的,来自这些小神经元的有髓Aδ纤维和无髓C纤维主要终止于三叉神经尾侧亚核的Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅴ层[1]。长期以来,关于初级传入小神经元的标记尚缺乏可靠的方法,最近的研究表明,植物凝集素(Bandeiraea simplicifolia isolectin-B4,BSI-B4)能特异性地标记发出C纤维的小神经元[2,3],故BSI-B4可以作为初级伤害性信息传导通路的标记物。关于发出无髓C纤维的小神经元的分布及形态学研究多见于脊髓,在三叉初级传入路径中尚少见。本研究用BSI-B4法对三叉初级传入路径中发出C纤维的小神经元的分布及形态特征进行了光镜、电镜观察。


    1. 动物准备和组织切片
, 百拇医药
    成年SD大鼠8只,雌雄不拘,体重200~300g。用戊巴比妥钠(40mg/kg体重)腹腔麻醉后,经心灌注生理盐水100ml,再灌固定液500ml,用于光镜观察的固定液为含4%多聚甲醛的0.1mol/L磷缓冲酸液(PB,pH7.2),用于电镜观察的固定液为含4%多聚甲醛和0.2%戊二醛的0.1mol/L PB。灌流40min后,立即取脑和三叉神经节,分别用上述同种固定液固定4~6h(4℃),用于光镜观察者再入30%蔗糖的0.1mol/L PB(pH7.4)液中(4℃)至底。将三叉神经节作纵向冰冻切片,延髓三叉神经尾侧亚核段作连续冠状冰冻切片,片厚40μm,用于电镜观察者,将延髓三神经尾侧亚核段作冠状连续振动切片,片厚50μm。


    用于光镜观察的切片分2组收集,其中1组进行Nissl染色,用于观察结果定位,参照Paxinos图谱[4],另1组经0.01mol/L磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS,pH7.4)漂洗后,入BSI-B4-HRP溶液(Sigma,1∶8 000,用含0.3% Triton X-100的PBS稀释),在室温孵育1h,4℃冰箱过夜,按TMB-ST[5]法进行HRP呈色反应,切片贴于涂有铬明胶的载玻片上经脱水、透明、封片、光镜观察,并随机抽取3套切片,用计算机(Q500软件)对细胞的剖面积进行了分析处理。用于电镜观察的切片顺次入5%、10%、20%(Ⅰ)、20%(Ⅱ)二甲基亚砜0.1mol/L PB(pH7.4)液各10min,切片浸于含20%二甲基亚砜0.1mol/L PB液中用液氮快速冷冻3次,每次10s,切片经PBS漂洗后入BSI-B4-HRP液(用不含Triton X-100的PBS稀释)。在室温孵育4h,4℃冰箱过夜,先按TMB-ST法呈色后,入DAB/Co2+/H2O2溶液加强,切片经PBS洗净后入1%锇酸(0.1 mol/L PB配制)后固定。梯度酒精脱水,Epon 812平板包埋。光镜下切取含BSI-B4标记较多的三叉脊束和三叉神经尾侧亚核浅层粘于聚合后的树脂柱上,超薄切片(厚50μm),轴、铅双染各5min,日立H-300透射电镜观察,摄片。
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    3. 对照实验



    1. 光镜观察结果

, 百拇医药
    图1 BSI-B4标记的三叉初级传入纤维及终末在三叉神经尾侧亚核(VC)内的分布。t.三叉神经脊束 ×45

    图2 为图1的局部放大,显示BSI-B4标记纤维及终末的形态.Ⅰ~Ⅲ.Vc的Ⅰ~Ⅲ层 ×150

    图3 BSI-B4标记的神经元胞体及纤维在三叉神经节内的分布 ×30

    Fig.1 Showing the distribution of BSI-B4-labeled primary trigeminal afferent fibers and terminals in the caudal trigeminal subnucleus(Vc).t.spinal trigeminal tract ×30

, 百拇医药     Fig.2 Enlargement of the part of Fig.1 showing the morphology of BSI-B4-labeling fibers and terminals.Ⅰ-Ⅲ.lamina Ⅰ to Ⅲ of Vc ×150

    Fig.3 Showing the distribution of BSI-B4-labeled cell bodies and fibers in the trigeminal ganglion. ×30

    附表 大鼠三叉神经尾侧亚核内BSI-B4标记细胞与Nissl染色细胞的剖面面积

    Table Section size of Bandeiraea Simplicifolia Isolectin-B4 labeling cells and Nissl
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    staining cells in the caudal trigeminal subnucleus of rats



    cells labeled by BSI-B4

    cells stained by Nissl method





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    cells counted

    range of area of cells

    mean area

    cells counted

    range of area of cells

    mean area



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    2. 电镜观察结果

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    图4 三叉神经脊束内BSI-B4标记纤维的形态。示未标记的有髓纤维A1的轴突膜(箭头)和BSI-B4标记的无髓纤维A2的轴突膜(箭头) ×15 000

    图5 在Vc浅层,一个BSI-B4标记的三叉初级传入终末(A)与1个阴性树突(D)形成非对称性轴-树突触。黑箭头示突触部位,空心箭头示BSI-B4标记部位 ×20 000

    图6 在Vc浅层,BSI-B4标记的终末A1只含圆形清亮小泡,而BSI-B4标记的终末A2不仅含有圆形清亮小泡而且含有大致密核心囊泡,终末A2与1个阴性树突形成非对称性轴-树突触 ×15 000

    Fig.4 The morphology of BSI-B4-labeled fibers in the spinal trigeminal tract showing the axonal membrane of unlabeled myelinated fiber A1(arrows) and the axonal membrane of BSI-B4-labeling myelinated fiber A2(arrows). ×15 000
, 百拇医药
    Fig.5 A BSI-B4-labeled primary trigeminal afferent terminal (A) formed an asymmetrical axodendritic synapse with a negative dendrite(D) in the superficial layer of Vc.Solid arrows point the synaptic position.Empty arrows point BSI-B4-labeling areas. ×20 000

    Fig.6 Showing two BSI-B4-labeling terminals in the superficial layer layer of Vc.Terminal A1 contained only round clear vesicles.Terminal A2 containes both round clear vesicles and large dense-core vesicles,and forms an asymmetrical axodendritic synapse with a negative dendrite.Empty arrows point BSI-B4-labeling areas.Solid arrows point the synaptic position.Triangles point a large dense-core vesicle. ×15 000
, 百拇医药
    3. 对照实验




    已有资料表明:(1)背根节内合成抗氟化物酸性磷酸酶(fluoride resistant acid phosphatase FRAP)的神经元可被BSI-B4标记[6],但不能被降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)抗体标记,背根节内大部分的CGRP神经元也含P物质(SP),但不含FRAP[6~8];(2)含SP的背根节细胞不含FRAP[8,9];(3)在三叉神经节内,只有2.7%的SP能神经元可被BSI-B4标记[10];以上资料均认为BSI-B4标记的神经元和SP能神经元基本上不是同一种小神经元。Streit等[11]的结果则与上述观点相反,Streit等用秋水仙素经腹腔预处理大鼠后发现:所有含SP的神经元都被BSI-B4标记,但若不用秋水仙素预处理,只能显示少量的SP能神经元,这些少量的SP能神经元是否也全被BSI-B4标记,Streit等则未作说明。Dalsgaard等[12]用秋水仙素经硬脊膜下腔预处理后发现:在背根节中只有5%的SP能神经元含有FRAP。
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    收稿1997-08 修回1998-01


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, 百拇医药
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, 百拇医药



    Zhuang Zhiye, Liu Dayong,Li Yunqing

    (Department of Anatomy,The First Military Medical University,Guangzhou;

    *Department of Anatomy The Fourth Military Medical University Xi'an)
, 百拇医药
    In order to examine the difference of small neurons conducting nociceptive information on structure and function in primary trigeminal afferent pathway,the distribution and morphology of Bandeiraea Simplicifolia Isolectin-B4(BSI-B4)-labeled neurons in the trigeminal primary afferent pathway were observed at light and electron microsiopy levels.The light microscope results show that BSI-B4-labeled primary afferent terminals were distributed in the layer I and Ⅱ of the caudal trigeminal subnucleus(VC),especially concentrated in the layer Ⅱ.The shape of labeling terminals is smooth but is not varicose.BSI-B4-labeled neurons in the trigeminal ganglion are middle or small ones,and number of small neurons is very much larger that of middle neurons.The electron microscope results show that it is unmyelinated fibers but not myelinated ones that are labeled by BSI-B4.BSI-B4-labeled axonal terminals forms non-symmetrical axon-dendritic synapses with negative dendrites.Most of labeling axonal terminals synatic vesicles only contained round and clear small vesicles.1.9% of them also contained large dense-core vesicles.The results suggest that BSI-B4-labeled neurons are generally not as the same as substance P energic neurons but are similar to glutamate energic neurons on function in nociceptive trigeminal primary afferents.

    KEY WORDS Bandeiraea Simplicifolia Isolectin-B4; Primary trigeminal afferent; Electron and light microscopy; Rat

    △Department of Anatomy, The First Military Medical University,Guangzhou 510515,China, http://www.100md.com(庄志业 刘大庸 李云庆*)