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http://www.100md.com 《解剖学报》 1999年第3期
     作者:燕启江 姚志彬 周丽华 陈以慈

    单位:燕启江 姚志彬 周丽华 陈以慈(中山医科大学人体解剖学教研室 脑研究室,广州 510089)



    【摘要】 目的 研究基底前脑NOS神经元移植至成年鼠海马内后,NOS的发育变化规律,同时观察移植物与宿主海马间发生联系的情况。 方法 将大鼠14~16d胚胎的基底前脑移植到单侧穹隆海马伞切断的成年大鼠海马内,动物在移植后存活5、7、14、30、60、90、150和180d分别取脑,经NADPH-d法和尼氏染色观察。 结果 在移植后第7d时NADPH-d阳性染色才出现在NOS阳性神经元内,随着移植物成活时间的延长,NOS阳性神经元逐渐生长在30d时已发育成熟,而且30d时可见其与宿主海马发生联系,直到180d仍有良好的联系。 结论 移植物的NOS阳性神经元在海马的发育有一定的规律。移植物可以在海马内长期存活并可以和宿主脑整合生长,表明移植物可能有功能。
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    Yan Qijiang, Yao Zhibin, Zhou Lihua, Chen Yici

    (Department of Anatomy, Division of Brain Research, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou)

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the developmental regularity of basal forebrain NOS neurons after transplanted into host hippocampus of adult rats, and observe the graft integrated with host hippocampus. Method The basal forebrain cell suspensions were prepared from tissue obtained from 14-16 day old rat embryos. The cell suspensions were injected into the hippocampus of rat which had received unilateral transection of fimbria-fornix before one week. 5,7,14,30,60,90,150 and 180 days after grafting, the rats were perfused and postfixed, cut section. A series of every second and third sections were used for NOS enzyme histochemistry and Nissl histochemistry. Results The results indicated that grafts could well survive in the hippocampal. NOS was detected in grafted neurons at 7 days after transplantation. Along with survival time, NOS-positive neurons matured at 30 days.30 until 180 days after implantation, NOS positive fibers had expended from the neurons in the grafts into the lesioned hippocampus and dentate gyrus of the host. Conclusion Grafted NOS positive neurons have some growth regularity in host hippocampus. The grafts can long time survive and become integrated with the host brain, indicating that they may be functional in hippocammpus.
, 百拇医药
    【Key words】 Nitric oxide synthase; Transplantation; Hippocampus; Basal forebrain; Rat

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    1. 实验动物



    动物经腹腔注射麻醉后,置于鼠脑立体定位仪上,参考Paxon和Watson的大白鼠脑立体定位图谱,在前囟后2 mm,中线左侧1 mm处,用自制手钻打开颅骨。将双刃刀先置于前囟后2 mm,中线左侧1 mm的脑表面,接着降刀4.1 mm,并向外移1 mm,向内移0.5 mm,然后再降刀1 mm,并向外移1.5 mm,依次切断胼胝体缘,扣带回,背侧穹隆,穹隆及海马伞。
, 百拇医药
    3. 细胞悬液制备

    在细胞培养室内,无菌操作下打开孕鼠腹腔,从子宫远角端逐一取出胚胎,14~16d胚胎头臀长12~16 mm,将胚胎放入加有基础培养液的培养皿内,断头,分离出隔及斜角带区的组织,用0.125%胰蛋白酶消化组织块,制成单个神经元悬浮液,用200目77 μm钢网过滤,以除去悬浮液中的小血管及小束结缔组织,然后取1 μl细胞悬液加入台盼蓝作活细胞百分比计数。细胞悬液内细胞密度为3~4万个/μl,活细胞率为85%~97%。

    4. 移植手术

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    移植动物在深麻醉下,经左心室主动脉插管,冷多聚甲醛磷酸缓冲液(pH7.4)内含15%(v/v)的饱和苦味酸固定液,350 ml灌注固定,后固定2h。再转入30%蔗糖磷酸缓冲液中,4℃下过夜直至其沉底。冰冻切片机切片,厚40 μm,连续取4套切片,取其中两套做Nissl和NOS染色。

    6. NOS染色和Nissl染色

    6.1 NADPH-d组织化学染色:NADPH-d染色孵育液为:(1)0.1 mol/L磷酸缓冲液(pH8.0);(2)1 mmol/L 氯化硝基四氮唑蓝(NBT);(3)1.2 mmol/L β-NADPH-d(Sigma);(4)0.1% Triton X-100。临用前配制。组织切片用漂浮法孵育,入孵育液前用0.1 mol/L PB(pH7.4)洗2次,各5 min。在孵育液中37℃反应1h,用0.1 mol/L PB(pH7.4)终止反应。裱片,梯度酒精脱水,二甲苯透明,中性树胶封片。
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    6.2 Nissl法染色:组织玻片入0.25%焦油紫染液(每30 ml0.25%焦油紫水溶液加10%醋酸5滴)反应3~5 min。95%酒精分色,无水酒精脱水,二甲苯透明,中性树胶封片。

    结 果

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    附表 基底前脑NOS阳性神经元移植后的发育

    Table The development of basal forebrain NOS neurons after implantation 分组(d)groups



    the feature of NOS neurons in grafting area



    no NADPH-d stain

, 百拇医药

    small soma, big nucleus, less plasma, more process, irregular varicosity of NOS neuron



    the size of soma, plasma and process of the NOS neurons were increase gradully, varicosity become regular


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    the NOS neurons mature, shape as same as host basal forebrain, varicosity regular, some neurons extend their process into hippocampus



    abundant fibres, no varicosity, the others same as 30 days



    the same as 60 days

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    the same as 60 days



    the NOS neurons shape well, abundant fibres, still have some NOS neurons extend their process into hippocampus

, 百拇医药
    讨 论

    1. 移植后NOS阳性神经元发育表达的意义

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    2. 移植物NOS神经元与宿主建立联系的特征和意义

    移植的神经组织至少通过两种途径良性的影响宿主动物的神经活性及其行为:(1)移植物对宿主的营养作用。最初移植物可以急性分泌一些神经因子,长期存活的移植物还可以作为一个泵,缓慢地弥漫地释放一些宿主脑缺乏的具有神经活性的化学性质物质,激素或神经介质等,移植物的营养作用不仅可以部分阻止损伤脑细胞继续死亡,还可以恢复或再建立宿主脑的功能。本研究结果表明,基底前脑神经元移植到宿主海马后直到6个月均良好成活。NOS阳性神经元从移植后7d到6个月都有稳定表达,提示NO这种神经活性介质可以在移植物内长期稳定地产生,从而对宿主脑不断地发挥作用。据研究一氧化氮可以通过自身所具有的气体弥散功能,从产生部位向周围直接扩散,无须转运机制,直接穿透细胞膜,在胞内直接发挥作用[11]。同时基底前脑的神经元移植到其靶区海马后,移植物与海马的靶性依赖关系迅速建立起来。宿主海马的靶性微环境及各种神经营养因子对移植物内NOS阳性神经元表达一氧化氮合酶具有诱导和促进作用。这种诱导和促进作用从移植物NOS阳性神经元的分布特征可以证明:移植物NOS阳性神经元大多位于靠近移植物的边界区,移植物中央区很少,因为靠近边界区其与宿主的联系距离短,易于受到各种营养的诱导作用。移植物中央NOS阳性神经元少的原因之一是受到宿主靶区的营养和诱导较少。在齿状回下部生长的移植物NOS阳性神经元纤维向海马和齿状回生长而不向游离缘生长的现象,更进一步的体现了移植物与宿主靶区的相互诱导作用。(2) 宿主功能的完全恢复必须依赖移植物与宿主脑整合,包括移植物重支配靶器官,移植物与宿主脑建立相互纤维联系等[12,13]。本研究中移植物成活1个月之后,各时间组移植物中NOS阳性神经元的突起,均有部分可追踪进入宿主的海马及齿状回,与海马的锥体细胞及齿状回颗粒层细胞发生联系,在一些部位NOS阳性纤维已长入宿主海马结构较远的距离。这表明,移植物和宿主脑已有良好的整合,基底前脑移植物能使宿主去基底前脑NOS纤维传入的海马重新获得NO能的部分神经支配。
, 百拇医药
    图 版 说 明

    图1,2存活30d同一移植物(G)位于CA1、CA2和齿状回分子层内,两种染色示移植物与宿主脑整合生长良好,无胶质增生现象,NOS神经元形态较完整。D.齿状回颗粒层,P.海马锥体层,L.海马腔隙分子层,图1 Nissl染色,图2 NADPH-d染色。标尺示100 μm

    图3 存活7d移植物(g)位于齿状回内,NOS阳性神经元胞体小、突起长、膨体(Δ)大小不等且无规律。d.齿状回 标尺示150 μm

    图4 存活30d移植物位于齿状回内,NOS阳性神经元纤维明显生长入海马CA3(C)锥体层,纤维末梢有规则的串珠样膨体,箭头示海马原有NOS阳性神经元。标尺示200 μm

    图5 移植物位于齿状回内下方和海马裂内,存活30d。G.移植物 D.宿主齿状回 标尺示100 μm
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    图6 图5的放大,移植物NOS阳性神经元纤维均朝向宿主齿状回。标尺示200 μm

    图7 海马腔隙分子层(L)内存活60d移植物(G),NOS阳性神经元生长良好,箭头示含铁血黄素。标尺示200 μm

    图8 存活150d移植物(G)位于海马和齿状回内,NOS染色。H.宿主 D.齿状回 P.锥体层 标尺示40 μm

    图9 海马CA2锥体层(P)和腔隙分子层(L)内存活180d移植物(G),移植物内细胞形态好,纤维丰富,部分纤维已生长入海马锥体层。标尺示100 μm

    Explanation of figures

    Fig.1,2 Same graft(G) among CA1,CA2 and stratum moleculare of dentate gyras 30 days after implantation. Two different stains show that graft and host brain growth well together, no glia overgrowth. D,dorsal stratum granulosum gyrus dentatus.P,stratum pyramidale. L,stratum lacunosum moleculare.Fig.1 Nissl stained. Fig.2 NADPH-d stained. Bar=100 μm
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    Fig.3 Graft(g) in dentate gyrus 7days after implantation, NOS positive neurons have small soma, big nucleus, long process, irregular varicosity(△). d,dentate gyrus Bar=150 μm

    Fig.4 Graft in dentate gyrus 30 days after implantation, NOS positive fibers had expended into the CA3(C) pyramidal layer of Hippocampus. Regular string varicosity in end of fibers. arrow show the NOS positive neuron of host hippocampus.Bar=200 μm

, http://www.100md.com     Fig.5 Graft in dentate gyrus and fissura hippocampi 30 days after implantation. G, graft D,dentate gyrus Bar=100 μm

    Fig.6 Amplify Fig.5, Almost all the NOS positive fibers expended into dentate gyrus. Bar=200 μm

    Fig.7 Graft(G) in lacuromolecular layer(L) of hippocampus 60 days after implantation, NOS positive neurons growth well. arrow show hemosiderin. Bar=200μm

    Fig.8 Graft in hippocampus and dentate gyrus 150 days after implantation, H, host G,graft. D,stratum granulosum gyrus dentatus P,stratum pyramidale. Bar=40 μm
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    Fig.9 Graft(G) in CA3 stratum pyramidale (P) and stratum lacunosum moleculare(L) 180 days after implantation. NOS neurons shape well in graft, a lot of fibers. Some fiber had growthed into hippocampal stratum pyramidale.Bar=100 μm

    △ Department of Anatomy, Division of Brain Research, Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510089, China


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    收稿1998-07 修回1998-03, 百拇医药